"Green Slim" slimming tea: reviews of doctors, instruction

Extra kilos are delivered to their owners a lot of unpleasant moments. People are always looking for effective ways to combat obesity. In combination with diet and exercise figure can be put in order by means of special drinks. In many pharmacies sold "Green Slim" - slimming tea.

Tea Manufacturer "Green Slim"

According to reviews, slimming tea "Green Slim" (Fitera) was produced for the first time in 2003. The main activity of the company - the creation of high-quality products, which will be useful to consumers.

Russian firm Fitera engaged in the production of dietary supplements and herbal teas. It uses high quality raw materials and a balanced composition. Buyers of products attracts high quality and reasonable price.

Features tea "Green Slim"

"Green Slim" - slimming tea (photo shown below), which has earned mixed consumer comments.

Initially, when we started the sale of the product, on the packaging, it was stated that it contains all-natural raw materials. It had to combine green tea and mate tea. This mixture was allowed to increase alertness, and accelerate metabolism, thereby causing weight loss effect.

Later on the packages began to indicate that it is composed of components as fragrances, close to natural. The properties of green tea such qualities are seen: the ability to raise body temperature and metabolism. Therefore, in the use of the beverage body begins to consume their calories faster. Sometimes when taking tea starts to increase appetite. If one proceeds from review, it appeared in many slimming constant feeling of hunger.

The composition and operation of tea "Green Slim"

According to reviews, slimming "Green Slim" tea has a rich composition. It includes:

  • green tea, referring to the character of natural antioxidants, increases efficiency;
  • lotus leaves are used in dietetics and can increase lipolysis, accelerate metabolism and prevent weight gain;
  • mate extract was able to eliminate the feeling of hunger, and get rid of insomnia;
  • Coleus seeds help to break down fats;
  • senna removes toxins from the body.

Tea has fat burning properties. Its ingredients clean the intestines, speed up metabolism and suppress appetite. In this action the product ends.

Types of tea "Green Slim"

Gustatory qualities of the classic drink is designed for lovers. After all, we should bear in mind that you need to drink it without milk and sugar, so like tea can only units. Manufacturers take into account these nuances, and began to publish it with various additives. Existing varieties of tea:

  • with a peach;
  • with lemon;
  • with Melissa and mint;
  • with strawberries;
  • with jasmine;
  • with mango.

Very popular "Green Slim" (slimming tea) with pineapple.

In a separate group can be identified tea "Green Slim" with stevia, which serves as a low-calorie sweetener. It is able to give the drink the sweetness, but does not increase blood glucose levels.

Useful properties of

Tea "Green Slim" for weight loss, according to instructions, has many useful properties. He has the following positive features:

  • Accelerates metabolism in the body. After all, only a good metabolism is able to quickly assimilate food and do not accumulate toxins.
  • When the body of toxins, it is reflected on the face positively. A person becomes a cheerful and energetic.
  • Due to the diuretic tea ability, due to the withdrawal of excess water, you can lose up to 3-4 kg of excess weight.
  • Due to the presence in the tea senna may lose your appetite. Therefore, reducing the amount of food also leads to a decrease in body weight.

Therefore, despite mixed reviews, slimming tea "Green Slim" is considered a useful product. Review it consists of natural components and contains no harmful additives.

The secret of tea action is to cleanse your body of feces and excess fluid. No effect on adipose tissue beverage ingredients do not have.

The main effect of tea "Green Slim" for weight loss seen in the bowel cleaning that helps to reduce body weight.

How to make tea?

According to customer reviews, slimming tea "Green Slim" is necessary to prepare properly. Taking it is recommended as a bio-additives to food.

To do this, boil the water and allow it to cool for 3-5 minutes. According to experts, brew it with boiling water can not be avoided losing its beneficial qualities.

Recommendations for use:

  • teabag pour cup of boiling water (200 ml) and the cover lid;
  • stand for 15 minutes;
  • to improve the taste, you can add 1 spoonful of honey.

Some nutritionists do not recommend to use tea with any supplements, because the desired effect may disappear.

tea reception mode

According to reviews, slimming tea must be no more than 2 times a day. On the first day should drink only one glass of drink. If you do not have any side effects, then the 2nd day can be consumed for 2 cups of tea.

It is best to use it during a meal, so it is better absorbed. If an additive is present in tea, stevia, then drink a half hour before a meal.

More frequent use may adversely affect the work of the kidneys.

The manufacturer recommends taking tea at the weekend because of its laxative properties. The body of any person, there are different, so it can react in different ways. The pack contains 30 packs, which lasts for 2 weeks administration. After the course should take a break for at least 2-3 weeks. Then again, you can start a new tea intake for weight correction. Otherwise, any unwanted consequences.

By this you can apply tips nutritionists known to enhance the effect of receiving the product:

  • to drink plenty of water;
  • balanced feed;
  • to control the amount of calories;
  • to engage in sports;
  • maintain a positive mood;
  • to avoid stressful situations;
  • to sleep at least 8 hours per day;
  • when you feel unwell, you need to see a specialist.

As with the tea reception in compliance with all expert advice, the result will be noticeable in a short time.

The effect of the tea

According to the assertions made by the manufacturer, tea slimming "Green Slim" can affect the body as follows:

  • helps to reduce weight.
  • Eliminates the toxins.
  • has a diuretic and laxative properties.

Slimming Tea "Green Slim" helps:

  • to reduce weight, but only with the help of additional physical activity, and dietary restrictions;
  • 2 weeks, you can lose between 3 to 10 kilograms;
  • One category of instant slimming noted laxative effect throughout the course of treatment with tea;
  • the second - noticed this effect for 2-3 days, then digestion is normalized;
  • the third category did not feel any laxative or diuretic effect.

Green tea, which is part of the drink, has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. It helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels. People suffering from diabetes are also recommended green tea because it is tolerant to glucose.

Researchers have observed that people who constantly use this drink, hardier, and may carry a longer workout.

How will react to each slimming tea, will depend entirely on the individual.

tea Contraindications "Green Slim"

Before tea reception definitely need to consult a doctor. Only after the verdict of the expert should drink this beverage. If you do not receive appropriate recommendations, it can cause serious harm to your body.

The manufacturer indicates a minimum list of contraindications:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • diseases of the stomach and liver;
  • Allergy and idiosyncrasy of tea ingredients;
  • diarrhea.

Before using the tea for weight loss, "Green Slim" reviews advise necessarily consult a nutritionist. After all, long-term intake can cause negative effects on the body, or health problems.

Slimming Tea "Green Slim": reviews and side effects of

Despite the sale of tea in pharmacies, medical reference books it is not indicated as a means to lose weight. On the contrary, its use in certain types of diets can cause negative consequences.

In the opinion of nutritionists, slimming "Green Slim" tea has a serious impact on the body:

  • Green Tea. It is known that it is useful, but to drink for 14 days, two glasses - it may be too large a dose to the body. When a person has the disease of the nervous system, it can cause insomnia and other health problems. Contraindications green tea at a low pressure, so gipotoniki may feel bad. Any dizziness, and may fall even more pressure.
  • Senna. The effect of this component on the human body is not fully understood, however it is not necessary to use it for a long period. Despite assurances from manufacturers that tea is a mild laxative effect, senna is considered the strongest diuretic. It is useful, that it removes from the body of harmful substances, but along with them can be washed out and the useful microflora. In this in the case of the frequent bowel movements occur shortness of digestion, because then he will not be able to work independently.

When receiving tea need to monitor their state of health, should alert the following side effects:

  • Dehydration. Drinking this tea along with a low-salt diet can lead to severe dehydration, which is very dangerous for the body.
  • Long-term use of this drink can cause malfunction of many organs and systems, which is manifested convulsions and disturbance of the heart.
  • Dysbacteriosis. Against the background of constant diarrhea when the body washed away all the nutrients, it may be such a state. And the treatment of dysbiosis need not cheap drugs that need to be taken for a long time.

In any organism has its own characteristics, so not all slimming having similar adverse reactions.

Customer reviews about tea for weight loss "Grim Slim"

Most dieters shed excess kilos, but found it just standing on the scales. According to them, the price of tea available, so it can get any buyer.

The result from its use becomes visible after a few days. To use tea as a laxative is not necessary, because it can negatively affect health.

However, wait for the wonderful changes in your body you should not drink from it. After all, if you do not observe the principles of a balanced diet and do not give up the fatty or sugary foods, the result may not occur.

In the main tea "Green Slim" - this aid, which will help to improve the shape and return to harmony.

According to doctors about tea

According to the doctors, slimming "rin Slim" tea does not cause any adverse reactions if, before its use to obtain expert advice.

The drink is an additional agent that can be used to reduce body weight. Drink it the best course to the body does not have any serious problems. After all, having diuretic properties, tea can lead to kidney disease, which have to operate in enhanced mode.

Tea "Green Slim" will bring benefits to the body only if the competent approach to its use.

Slimming Tea - one of the types of special supplements for weight loss. However, the drink - an addition to a set of procedures to reduce body weight, so you should limit yourself to eating and exercise actively to achieve the desired effect.