Dance on the ceiling: the magical aerial silk

Air gymnastics on the paintings - elegant circus acrobatics performance on two canvases hung gradually migrated to the sports clubs. Learn to hover near the ceiling can now not only circus performer, but also anyone.

The history of air paintings

It is believed that tricks like modern elements of gymnastics on the paintings for the first time started to do contortionists in medieval China. But instead of fabric cloths they used leather straps. In Europe, the paintings have become popular not so long ago - only about 100 years ago. Why is today so widespread aerial silk? Cirque du Soleil (the world-famous circus show) has contributed to the popularization of air gymnastics. Every few years, du Soleil launches a new show of great beauty. And usually, each of them involving performers of tricks on the canvases.

Dance on the ceiling: the magical aerial silk

The secret of popularity

Cloths are becoming an increasingly popular alternative occupations other sports and dancing. This involves not only exercises your body. In order to cope with the tissue components and the windings at a height of 10 meters above the floor, you should also have a sober mind, a clear conscience and good coordination. If in the room something goes wrong, aerialist must be able to respond quickly and immediately decide how to proceed.

Classes on aerial silk complex, that is, allowing a good work out all the muscles of the body. Regular exercise provides overall body tone and give a prominent figure smartness. Working with the paintings, you are sure to lose weight - the body itself will strive to lose weight ballast, which prevents more accurately grouped and easier to climb up on the web. However, this will work only if you deal with constantly, and without interruption. Special impact these activities have on the hand muscles. Trapeze artists have to be strong to be able to stay on the canvases. Bonus achievements at regular trainings is also to strengthen the vestibular apparatus (from addiction to a buildup on the canvases ceases to rock in transport) and the loss of fear of heights - simply get used to it.

What do I need to practice

The first thing you will need to find a school, because aerial silk - this is not the shell, which you can easily keep the house. To work with the paintings need high ceilings - 4 m. Even if you want to hang paintings in his usual flat, simply will not be able to perform many complex elements of the fall - is not enough height.

Dance on the ceiling: the magical aerial silk

For training on the paintings of important safety advice. Paintings themselves must be quality made and secured. Necessarily need sports mats for hedging. It is better if the school will be a mirror - so you can hone the accuracy of the elements.

Also, when searching the school pay attention to the qualifications of trainers, study their bio, watch performances, to choose the most skilled and appropriate spirit. It is important that coaches are not chasing the number of people in training - if in a group of more than 6-7 people, then pay all attention will be very difficult.

Attire for training on the paintings - usually T-shirt and leggings. It may also be one-piece jumpsuit. Think of the dance-floor. Despite the similarity of elements, there is a significant difference. If employment on the pylon clothes should be minimal, so as not to interfere with the adherence to the pylon, there is the opposite - a form minimizes skin because sometimes webs can "burn", sharply unwound.

with the paintings of gymnastics elements

There are two categories of elements: static and dynamic. Static mean freezing in a certain position after the winding.

Dance on the ceiling: the magical aerial silk

Dynamic elements - a slip, coups, somersaults, breakages. These techniques require more skill and dexterity to work with canvases than static. For example, open - an art wrapped canvas, loose so that freeze hanging at a certain height.

Yoga hammocks

Individual variation of employment of air gymnastics on the canvases is yoga in the hammocks, or as it is called, antigravity yoga. You can call it a milder form of employment with the paintings, as if the latter involve performing acrobatic tricks with maximum entertainment, then yoga is intended solely to improve your body with the appropriate exercises - asanas. The use of the hammock creates additional support and helps to make many of the asanas is softer and safer, which distinguishes this type of yoga from others. Often yoga on the paintings selected for recovery after a long illness.

Dance on the ceiling: the magical aerial silk

Special sensations arise in the performance of meditation in a hammock. After all, if you close your eyes while sitting in a hammock to wiggle, then there is a feeling of weightlessness, which can be compared with the drifting on the waves. This practice brings a sense of harmony and peace.