Illumination of hair - a new hair coloring technology with a reducing effect

Recently it is becoming more fashionable and popular this latest hair dyeing technique as Illumination. What is the essence of this method? Illumination is a bit like a manicure in the style of "chameleon". In particular nail varnish is applied, which combines two or more colors. This palette in different lighting gives excellent play. Why not create a similar color? - Thought the hairdresser salon. So there was a dyeing method as Illumination. Hair shine and shimmer in different shades. This achieves the effect of volume hairstyle. Normal paints contain various alkali and peroxide compounds. And in the newest means for illumination of these harmful substances have hair structure. But is there any flaws in the latest technology? To check whether the method of coloring your hair? This will tell our article.

Illumination of hair - a new hair coloring technology with a reducing effect

Illumination hair - what is it?

The name of the cosmetic procedure speaks for itself. Illumination lighting means. As a result of the procedure the hair not only change color, but also shine. And this brilliance comes from within. Hair look well-groomed and healthy. But what is the illumination, and how it differs from a simple staining? In the latest means no acids or alkalis. This means that color pigment does not penetrate into the hair structure, and settles on its surface, similar to the varnish on the nails. Due to its special structure means a colorant evenly distributed strands. And the color is not only rich, but also iridescent. Paint, settling on the surface of curls, as if to seal the scales of each hair. It has a healing effect. If your locks are damaged prior staining, or other procedures, the posechennye tips and other negative phenomena will eliminate hair Illumination.

Illumination of hair - a new hair coloring technology with a reducing effect

Advantages of the procedure

Several advantages of such cosmetic manipulations we have already mentioned. Unlike conventional dyeing, the hair is not exposed to the aggressive action of acids, alkalis and ammonia. Moreover, they are cured from the negative effects. Plyonochku that when illumination covers every hair, not only seals the scales, but subsequently protects them from the harmful effects of the environment and thermal styling. Tresses dyed manner such newest become more compliant and resilient. The list should indicate Illumination advantages that hair after this procedure becomes bulkier. It is necessary to take into account the owners of rare and fine hair. illuminates means you do not need to be afraid of in the dyeing of hair that the resulting color you do not like. In the salons of beauty there is always a special solvent that completely eliminates the result of the procedure. Illumination - a coloring hair with a reducing effect. Therefore, the procedure can be repeated frequently. There is even a colorless Illumination when you are satisfied with the color of your hair, but you want to give them a shine. This procedure also has a cumulative effect. That is, every time your hair will shine with more force.

Illumination of hair - a new hair coloring technology with a reducing effect

Hair Illumination: shortcomings

We have already mentioned that new-fangled tool does not penetrate into the structure of strands and distributed evenly over the surface. It follows from this that the effect of Illumination procedure is stored not as long as usual staining. Means rests on the hair for a month or two. In order to prolong the effect, you need to use all sorts of caring means, preferably of the same line as the paint for Illumination. And they usually are expensive. Not less expensive, and the procedure is Illumination itself. Another small drawback of this hair coloring is that the strands become more stringent. This fact can be seen as a plus for the owners too soft and thin hair. But if you have a rigid and unruly hair, the procedure will only strengthen this quality.

Illumination of hair - a new hair coloring technology with a reducing effect


Can I hold Illumination at home?

In principle, nothing complicated in this process is not - would be on hand the necessary funds. Illumination hair salon is expensive, so in order to save money, you can spend at home procedure. Unlike conventional dyeing, which is carried on unwashed head, strands need to be thoroughly cleaned. This is important as a means lain on a fat basis, will not be held, and then wash off with water. Therefore it is necessary to wash the hair with shampoo for deep cleaning. The second important step - applying special lotion. Thanks to him, the color is not too bright and not lie spots and evenly distributed. After these preliminary manipulations can be applied to a hair Illumination. It is diluted with auxiliary components, like an ordinary paint. Further means is applied to the strands. It needs to stand on the hair for twenty minutes or half an hour - the time indicated in the instructions of use. This is followed by wash hair without shampoo until then, until the water runs clear. The kit includes means for Illumination balm, spray or mask. They should be put on a little dried by hair with a towel. It is not necessary to use other means. In the balm / mask contains fixing agents that do not allow color pigments to get off after the first shampooing.

How do I find the right podton

Illumination hair has the advantage that we are unlimited in the choice of shades overflow. It all depends solely on our imagination. Black hair will be beautiful, if give them a bluish-purple raven. Brown curls fit fiery red sparks. Blondes should choose platinum, ash or golden tones. A red-haired girls would be nice to give to its original hair color is dark red or purple glow. But do not restrain imagination. Try to give a black hair mermaid green iridescence and light - gentle rosy glow. It should be mentioned that similar colorless henna, there is a hair Illumination without coloring pigment. It is suitable for those who just want to give the curls shine or improve them.

Illumination of hair - a new hair coloring technology with a reducing effect

What you need to know before resorting to Illumination procedure

Fashionable hair color does not disappoint you, if you know about it as much as possible. Firstly, a color pigment in a vehicle unstable. Unlike the ink, it penetrates into the hair structure and its surrounds a thin gel film. Thus Illumination effect can be compared with the effect tinting shampoo. The result color is washed off and a half or two months. Secondly, by this means can not turn from brunette to blonde and vice versa. Sedin also illuminate poorly hides. Despite the gentle action of the components, the procedure anyway, is a chemical effect on the hair. Therefore, it is not necessary to resort during pregnancy and lactation. In any case, the procedure can be repeated no earlier than five weeks after the first. And dye your hair in the usual way, you can just two months after the Illumination.

Illumination of hair - a new hair coloring technology with a reducing effect

Suitable for procedure

Since this is a chemical effect on the scalp and scalp, allergic reactions may occur in some cases. Therefore required prior consultation with a dermatologist. Before you spend a fashionable hair coloring means "Elyumen", it would be nice to test it on a hidden area of ​​the skin. Apply the product to the elbow, and an hour later look what happened. If it does not cause burning or redness, you can start painting hair. Who else fits Illumination? Those who are very thin, lifeless and dull hair. Such people often resort to the procedure of extension strands Spanish, Italian or Japanese way. And they question whether it is possible in this case to hold Illumination. Yes, of course. Means of carefully color and radiance will give both your natural and increased locks. Illumination is suitable in the case when you go "to the south." Gel film protects hair from the effects of the sun and seawater.

Illumination of hair - a new hair coloring technology with a reducing effect

Who should refrain from Illumination

The procedure does not justify the hopes of those who want to radically change hair color. Sedin bit hidden, but after a few pomyvok head will appear again. Hair Illumination contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women. Allergies should take this procedure very carefully. It is not necessary to carry out Illumination when you have recently (within the past two months) dyed hair. Owning a rigid and unruly strands should think about whether they need this procedure. After all means, enveloping each hair, making it even more thick and solid. But if you put the light and charming overflow your curls, the obstacles to such a procedure, there is no paramount.

Hair Tools Illumination

Has developed and patented a paint illuminates the effect of the German company "Goldvell". Of course, you can carry out the procedure of giving curls shine and using toners. Some radiant effect will laminating strands. But only the original German means to do a perfect Illumination hair. Goldwell has developed a unique formula funds. Armed with the Japanese nanotechnology, the company has included in the special gel ink molecules that penetrate deep into the hair. The color lasts longer, shine and glitter at the curls added, and the revitalizing effect becomes evident from the first procedure.


What do women who have tried to imagine Illumination hair? Reviews say that at least the first procedure should take place in the cabin. It is worth the pleasure is not cheap - from two to six thousand rubles (depending on the length of hair, and the prestige of the hairdresser). But the manufacturer is very difficult to determine the colors and shades of funds. To understand and choose the right, you need professional help. If you are satisfied with the result of Illumination, the second procedure can already be done at home - it is no big deal.