Winter fishing on the ice first: Tips experienced

The beginning of winter fishing does not leave anyone indifferent. All the fishermen every year with trepidation waiting for the waters to become ice, and pre-prepare the necessary fishing gear: sharpening drills, buy new and jig fishing line, fishing rods are reviewing. Exit at the first ice - a real ritual.

The first ice is dangerous

Winter fishing on the ice first captures and draws fishermen, but at the same time conceals many dangers.

Winter fishing on the ice first: Tips experienced

Simple Tips experienced fishermen help you enjoy the process of fishing, get a lot of new experiences and stay alive and healthy:

  1. Make sure in the strength of the ice itself: to see whether there is a body of water near fishermen.
  2. Move need to slowly, not taking his foot ice.
  3. Stepping on the first ice, immediately check it for strength by using an ice pick. Ice thickness should be not less than 5 cm thin ice -. return!
  4. To leave fishing to be with friends. Stay close to each other.
  5. You should have spasalki that you can buy or make yourself. They should be on the neck, and fell through the ice will help to get out of the water.
  6. When the cod ice lie on your stomach and crawl back to where you came from.
  7. In case of accident is always trying to get out on their own, leaning on the edge of the ice, and call for help.
  8. Clothing should be warm and non-severe.
  9. From many troubles can save waterproof winter suit. He keeps a person in the water for about 1, 5 hours. Disadvantage: very high price.

Respect simple rules will help to ensure a secure environment during the first winter fishing.

Features catching

Nibble fish depends on several factors, which under favorable circumstances, provide a rich and big catch.

Weather. The main thing is that it is stable, because during the frequent changes of weather conditions, fish uncomfortable feeling. According to the experience of seasoned anglers, perch bite better at high pressure, low - roach. Negative impact on the biting rain. The choice of the pond. Fishing on the first ice will be successful if the fish in small ponds or forest lakes. Search for the next catch on a water easier due to the absence of irregularities in the bottom of the fish pond is distributed over almost evenly.

Winter fishing on the ice first: Tips experienced

Fishing Tactics. The more holes, the more fish - this is the golden rule of pervoledyu. When moving to the next well in the previous should throw the lure, and later check it for signs of fish.

Fishing equipment, technology. For angling big perch or walleye should be reserved balancers different sizes. The tackle should be the thinnest. Game jig, spinner or balance necessary to make a smooth and excellent catch on pervolede you are guaranteed.

Winter fishing. First ice

On reservoirs established ice cover. For fishermen is the beginning of a brief but fertile fishing period of the first ice.

Winter fishing on the ice first: Tips experienced

In the shallow waters fish actively biting just a few days. But in the rivers and reservoirs of the first ice fishing lasts much longer; avid fishermen can enjoy your favorite pastime, and go home with a rich catch.

Each species of fish are biting at certain times of day:

  • bass - in the early hours of the morning and afternoon;
  • burbot is activated when it gets dark;
  • ruff can fish all day and night.

According to the first ice first catchability places are in shallow water near the cattails, reeds, flooded bushes and snags, and later - in the mouths of rivers, around springs. Perch and pike can be caught trolling in front holes in cliffs; ide should be sought on even deeper stretches.

Each species of fish at catching the first ice prefers certain bait:

  • pear-shaped or in the form of lentils jig having hooks with 6-8, are considered the most number of catchability;
  • at a bass-fishing, trolling and jig attachment is the best fry;
  • 5-7 bloodworm on a hook jig are a good bait for perch, ide and bream;
  • two crank hooked, strung together a ring, like perch, roach and bream.

Fishing for perch on the first ice

Perch on pervolede actively moved across the pond in search of food, so actively biting. On such fish used are not heavy tackle with a sensitive nod. Fishing rod should be compact (20 cm in length) have a convenient handle and small coil. For fishing line is preferable to use monofilament 0, 12-0, 25 mm in diameter and 10 m long. In this time can catch a big fish, the fishing line take however thicker tear 2-3 kg.

Winter fishing on the ice first: Tips experienced

When fishing for perch is very important sensitivity nod, so experienced fishermen sometimes made it yourself or acquire in the fishing shop. The main thing that a nod to respond to any of the sly bite of fish.


Successful fishing on the first perch on the ice is impossible without accurate selection of lures. At this time, use mormyshkami, spinners and balance, although some fishermen believe that the perch during Jora pounces on anything that moves in the water.

For successful fishing is very important to choose the right color and size of the bait. Some believe that the best big fish caught on the rocker and trolling.

The balance or baubles - which is better?

When catching fish in a place where the depth is small and koryazhistoe bottom spoon used. She, like the jig, with the planting of young fish used for angling small and medium fish. In deep water more suitable balancer.

Winter fishing on the ice first: Tips experienced

Striped predator goes flocks and looking for young fish, and this lure its aggressive and wide game reminiscent of fishes, successfully attracts the hungry bass. Sometimes balancers caught a big fish.


Winter fishing on the ice for the first jig will be successful if applied effectively branded and homemade gear. Mormyshkas take small size, a variety of types and forms. Some anglers use a bare jig without a nozzle, and the other is pushed bloodworms. Experienced fishermen say that during pervoledya perch only reacts to movement and bright color, so head moth is not important. He is required when the period of active bite stops and perch will choose food.

Winter fishing on the ice first: Tips experienced

Fishing jig at the first without ice moth is successful when you use "Uralcom" and "ant" with beads, the fitted asymmetrically on the shank of the hook. Beads preferable to use green, purple or cream colored, but you can try others.


To increase the catch of fishermen often lure fish. Motyl is considered one of the best baits for perch on the ice first. It must be fresh and of small size. Acquire it in specialized stores. Small crank throw in the hole, there is immediately immersed jig, the hook which is a big joker. The bait is lowered at a rate of incidence of small moth. Fish will definitely notice the bait on the hook and the fisherman need to have time to react to the bite.

Bait, made the day before fishing, guarantees success. Live bloodworms buries in the ground, and for a long time entices fish to this place. Used for bait red worm, fish-eye, dragonfly larvae, fry pieces of fresh fish. Perch, for example, prefer the flesh of their neighbors. Catching his always successful on the larvae of dragonflies. The nozzle of the worm is also excellent bait fish can and its fragments.

Pike fishing on zherlitsy

Winter fishing on the ice for the first zherlitsy possible the formation of a strong ice cover. The intensity of bites depends on the weather. More active at short biting observed snowfalls and little wind, and in a dry and sunny day it is less active. Zherlitsy on a reservoir placed in different places: on the deep and shallow water areas. By the time of catching the process can take up to a day. When angling shallow pike bites or absence within two hours zherlitsy moved away, by a distance of 15-30 meters. It is possible to prepare in advance the wells.

Winter fishing on the ice first: Tips experienced

In the deepest parts of the reservoir zhivtsovye tackle better installed in areas with a significant drop in the depths, near snags. In such places will catch larger, and bites will be less.

During biting pike approaching the bait fish, rolls and grabs the bait. During this period, check the "signal" to the fisherman. Next comes a series of smooth speed and break. Pike fish swallows and goes to the side or at the reservoir depth. Coil very quickly starts to spin. If live bait captured the largest predator bait or small, the reel unwinding occurs gradually and at this point it is necessary to have time to hook in.

Using a variety of fishing techniques, rarely remains without a catch. Accounts for regret that the first ice fishing, as predator activity lasts about three weeks. After thorough coating ice reservoirs liveliness fish reduced. All hope that the rich catches will continue.