Effective exercise with rubber band for men and women: a description and reviews

Have a home sports simulator not everyone has the opportunity. They are expensive and have a fairly large size. For a student to rent an apartment or living in a hostel, this is absolutely not a suitable option. However, in this case, can help to exercise with a rubber band. Simple and easy tape-absorber allows you to exercise much more effectively than if they were carried out without it. In this case, after a few weeks you will feel significant changes in your body.

Effective exercise with rubber band for men and women: a description and reviews

Select the equipment

Here everything is very simple, you need a common band for Pilates and chair without arms. When choosing a trainer, you need to assess their strength. There are tapes with handles, they perfectly capture the hand and foot, and enjoy them much more convenient than the wiring. However, if you are performing exercises with a rubber band on balance, it will usually be more practical as it is long.

If you have a latex allergy, the first thing I check out what material is made expander. In principle, it can be used and allergies, but in this case it is recommended to take the model to handle.

Effective exercise with rubber band for men and women: a description and reviews

The degree of elasticity of the tape

Exercises with elastic band is very effective, since its use gives the maximum load on each muscle group. The degree of elasticity can be different. Alternatively, you can buy a few models that you will use as natrenirovannosti growth. Try several approaches. Usually people make 10-12 times more - only with effort. If you are too easy, then buy more stringent tape or use just two. Expanders vary in thickness and the applied load. The thicker the belt, the more difficult it will be to do the exercises. For example, green tape corresponds to a load of 34-45 kg. We give a full complex that includes exercises with a rubber band for each muscle group.

Effective exercise with rubber band for men and women: a description and reviews


Any complex to start with warm-up. Exercises with rubber band - a great way to engage with the home not less effective than in the modern gym. So, we start with stretching arms. A simple exercise enables to prepare the body to stress.

A set of exercises with a rubber band can be performed at a convenient time, for example, in the morning before work. Stand up straight, take the tape so that the distance between the arms was slightly more than shoulder width. Now move straight arms behind his head, and then back. Likewise, it was possible to perform this exercise, holding a stick or towel.

Continue to warm

It includes 5-6 exercises simple enough:

  • trapezius muscle - for their warm-up step on the middle of the gum and get both hands on the ends. Now vypryamtes, and gently pull the side.
  • The pectoral muscles. You will need to stand for which is possible to fix the tape. Now takes over with one hand and slightly deploy package.
  • The muscles of the back. Now hold on to the belt with both hands, pull back a little from the stand and bend the body parallel to the floor. A good stretch.
  • Hamstrings. To stretch them, sit on the floor, hook the rubber band over the foot drag on. Each time you need to bend down lower and lower. After a while you will notice that the slopes for you to become a lot easier to do, and his feet stopped hurting.
  • The adductors. Exercises with elastic band for women necessarily include elements of stretching. Lie on back, belt loops draped over the foot and passes back under the opposite arm. Leg stretched to the side.
  • Sit on the floor, legs apart. The tape passes behind the back and loop draped over the foot. Now, spread the legs as wide as possible. The tape will help in this.
Effective exercise with rubber band for men and women: a description and reviews

The basic training

The first block includes the work of strong abdominal muscles and legs. This is the most problematic areas that require the greatest loads. We start with quadriceps. For this Occupy plank position (starting position for push-ups), the focus is on the hand by which the ends of the tape are pressed. Thread the loop in one foot and pull the leg back. In this case, the loin should not sag. Make necessary strides 10-12 each leg.

Exercises with elastic band slimming fit is not worse than to strengthen the muscles. Then we start to work on the muscles of the buttocks and inner thighs. To do this, lie on your side with your lower leg at the knee and foot Thread the upper leg in the loop expander. Its ends are close at hand. Now start to perform a circular motion (10-12 times), and then anti-clockwise.

The abdominal muscles

In this development, we continue to work on their feet, but to connect additional press. It is already serious enough exercises to perform is not too easy for the first time. Lie down on your back, fold the tape in half, get a foot. Bend your knees and grab the ends of the ribbon. Now, at the exit lift the upper half of the torso, legs slightly apart, holding them in the air. Perform 10-12 repetitions. The second exercise - this is twisting, which are known for their use of the waist. To do this, sit in a chair with a back. Step on the center left foot tape ends in the hands, the elbows are bent and are at chest level. Now turn to the right. Perform 12 crunches and change leg.

The following exercise is also performed while sitting on a chair. To do this, place the tape on your thighs, cupped her hands and rest against them in the chair edge. Good stretch tape. Now as you exhale lift the hips and return to the starting position.

Effective exercise with rubber band for men and women: a description and reviews

Exercises with rubber band for the back

The tape must be connected to the ring and throw on the ankle. Now lift your legs into the air. Now slowly raise and lower the legs up and down with the maximum amplitude. It suffices to perform 10-15 repetitions. Continuing work on the back muscles, you need to sit on a chair. Thread the ribbon under the seat and grab hold of the ends of it. The tape must be held taut. Now you need to perform raising and lowering arms. You can start with ten repetitions, and a few days later to bring up to thirty. Exercise is not complicated, but quite effective in terms of fitness trainers.

Effective exercise with rubber band for men and women: a description and reviews

For women and men

It is believed that this exercise can not be effective for a strong half of mankind. Most of them say that this toy for girls, and they have to drag heavy iron, and the only way to maintain your muscles nice and elastic. Actually this is not true. Just all depends on the ultimate goal. If you want to pump up muscle mass, without extreme loads and fat-based diet is not enough. And for those who want to perform a workout every day, to have a slim and fit figure, and be in good physical shape, exercising with a rubber band for men can be a great option.

Instead of a conclusion

In fact, talking about the rubber bands, and the wonders that you can use it to achieve, can be a long time. This is a wonderful simulator that allows you to effectively deal with at home, in your spare time. Such classes have earned a lot of positive reviews of people who could use them to fix the shape and lose weight. Today we brought a workout unit, which may be performed before and after training, as well as the main part of it. Performing complex daily, positive results can be seen quickly. We should not forget that every day is necessary to increase the load. If you feel that you are no longer tired, so the load is not sufficient. According to the survey results can be seen that the effectiveness of training with a ribbon grows by about half. If earlier in order to lose a few kilos took several months, but now it is possible to keep within 20-30 days.