Periodic fasting for weight loss: the circuit, the pros and cons of the results of reviews

Periodic fasting is a natural biological process. They help not only lose weight, but also stimulates the protective functions. It helps the body to be cleansed of all unnecessary. Have certain advantages and disadvantages.

What is intermittent fasting?

Periodic fasting - is a style of food in which the food is a certain time is not used. At this time, we should add physical activity to achieve a better effect of the hunger strike. At the end of this period, you can eat foods that the body needs for normal functioning. This type of power is neither a diet nor starvation.

There are several kinds of periodic starvation, and the person can choose the most suitable one. Losing the extra kilos in this case takes place smoothly. To access this power system needs a little training and morale.

There is fasting. In this case, a person at a certain time refuses to eat and drink only water. This "unloading" is able to rid the body of many gastrointestinal pathologies, obesity. Fine effect on the skin. Prolonged fasting is carried out only under the supervision of a physician.

How to go to periodic starvation?

Periodic fasting for weight loss: the circuit, the pros and cons of the results of reviews

To go to the periodic fasting should be a little to prepare the body. First, you need to eat the right foods. Exclude from the diet of flour and bakery products, animal products, fat and high-calorie food.

In the preparatory period should not load up for the future. Since in this case of any break in eating the body will be taken as the stress that complicate the process of purification of toxins. On the first day of intermittent fasting in the morning, you should do an enema. For the procedure you need to take 1, 5 liters of warm water and add a tablespoon of salt.

The most important thing in such a power supply system - to observe the desired emotional state, to motivate yourself. At periodic fasting discipline required, since certain period is required to hunger.

The output of the power supply system

Periodic fasting for weight loss: the circuit, the pros and cons of the results of reviews

Periodic fasting certainly bring benefits to the body and get rid of excess kilograms. Such schemes can be followed for a long time. And another important point: if the fasting interval for some reason did not come to change to other power supply system must be correct.

First of all, it should be gradually introduced into the diet of all the usual products. At this point, it is important to be guided by the principles of a healthy diet. Do not overload the stomach fat and high-calorie meals. Portions should wash small. It would be the best split meals. We should not forget about water. It should be consumed in large quantities.

starvation Schemes

Periodic fasting for weight loss: the circuit, the pros and cons of the results of reviews

Intermittent Fasting gives a very impressive result. There are a few of its species, which differ from one another in their length, they are:

  • The daily fasting. Held once or twice a week. These days completely abandon food. Allowed to drink water, tea and coffee. The drinks can not add sugar, milk and cream. Juices as well as milk products and milk to drink during the fasting is impossible.
  • 16/8. For sixteen hours, drinking only water, and the remaining eight are eating. Eight hours is necessary to enter the body the required amount of calories. The food is divided into 3-4 receptions. The volume of food consumed at one time should not exceed the size of a fist.
  • 12/12. For twelve hours is abstinence from food. The following twelve o'clock feed fractional and small portions.

are periodic fasting is abstaining from food for a certain time. It is possible to select any arrangement convenient for the organism. In addition to the above embodiments may be used modes 36/12 where lasts 36 hours starvation, and 12 hours - "food box"; 20/4 or 19/5, where only 4 and 5 hours are devoted to food, and the rest of the time you need to starve. But the most gentle types are 16/8, 14/10, 12/12.

Every man for himself can choose individually intermittent fasting. The diet is not observed. Meals can be both familiar and dietary. Here the choice depends on the person and on the results that he is going to achieve.

We should not neglect physical activity. It will speed up the metabolism of cells that have a positive effect on the weight loss process. Workout preferably carried out in the hungry period, so the fat burning will take place more quickly.

If none of the regime did not fit, you can try twice a week to consume 500-600 calories a day. Fasting days are going after each other, and can be selected in a random order.

The positive side of

Use periodic starvation is evident. Due to the temporary restriction in eating the body receives fewer calories. The organism is freed from the digestion of food for a certain period, it is beginning to recover. The output will decrease to such vital organs as the liver, kidneys and heart. Gradually disappears bloating, flatulence, feeling of fullness in the stomach passes.

Intermittent fasting has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Gradually passes acne, become less visible spots and vascular spider veins on the face. Is cleansing the body, improve their health all the systems, organs and tissues. Improved perception of the world, exacerbated feelings, sensations. Less hair fall out, become more flexible, they have a natural shine. A similar type of food helps to strengthen the nails. It gives courage, energy, and good humor. Due to the fact that the weight loss in this case is gradually, the skin does not sag as using diet and remains taut and toned.


Intermittent fasting for women and men can have both its pluses and minuses. So, if the refusal to eat was made abruptly and wrongly, that the body can receive less necessary amount of nutrients that lead to their deficiency and cause harm to the body. During the fasting period, there may be adverse reactions, such as fatigue, headache, or dizziness.

Irregularities periodic starvation leads to reduced immunity, whereby it is possible to easily pick up any virus. Lack of vitamins, minerals and other substances negatively affects the skin, hair and nails. In some cases, it causes problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The main thing with intermittent fasting - comply with the measure, or uncontrolled abstinence can cause irreparable harm to the body.

The side effects of

Periodic fasting for weight loss: the circuit, the pros and cons of the results of reviews

People who practice intermittent fasting for weight loss, they say, that such a regime can cause some side effects. Very often they are shown at the beginning, during the transition to a power supply system. The organism begins to perceive constraints in food as a stress. So the first time, many are uncomfortable. In the famine period can not leave the thought of eating. Concerned about nausea, dizziness. There has bad breath, excessive fatigue and irritability. There are pains in the abdomen and in the head, heartburn, unpleasant burping. In such a period of disturbed sleep in some people, there is a general physical weakness, darkening of the eyes. If you experience such symptoms should rest more. Take advantage of auto-training or meditation. If the symptoms will be severe protracted, then fasting should stop and return to normal life.

to starvation Contraindications

Negative phenomena at periodic fasting, and so have a place, but they are especially concerned if there are contraindications to this regime. So, we can not resort to this system of power with exhaustion, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, diseases of the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract. It is forbidden to resort to fasting people with diabetes, people with tuberculosis, as well as persons with cancer and cirrhosis of the liver.

You should not starve in the presence of viral and infectious diseases. You can not limit yourself to food for pregnant and lactating women. It is not recommended to use this system for children and people in severe stress.

intermittent fasting for weight loss: results of

Periodic fasting for weight loss: the circuit, the pros and cons of the results of reviews

Comments about this type of fasting say that after the restrictions in the food people feel a surge of strength and energy. Weight decreases gradually, without abrupt jumps.

Why do people resort to such a regime, like intermittent fasting? For weight loss. The results are visible will, of course, not immediately. If the weight is too high, a month out of approximately 10 kg. For the body is losing weight is not stress. The skin does not sag and does not become flabby. The best results to help make physical activity and avoiding harmful calorie products.

Intermittent Fasting: reviews

And now in more detail about the opinion of the people about the power circuit. Periodic fasting gathered mixed reviews. Some people are completely satisfied with the result. It is said that the weight loss is slow and gradual. I feel better, sleep. There was a lightness in the body, energy. Those who hunger supplemented exercise and proper nutrition, achieved great success. For a week these people took 2-3 kg.

Periodic fasting for weight loss: the circuit, the pros and cons of the results of reviews

Many people say that the already "food box", the more active is the metabolism. Most people prefer the system 16/8, for it eats mostly in the afternoon and evening. They argue that such a system for their rhythm of life is more suitable than not to eat after 18.00 or starve all day. For this kind of periodic starvation resorted those who engage in bodybuilding. They called it "drying".

Many people sitting once a week on the water. It is said that the first dizzy, there is nausea, weakness. At regular one-day fasting condition improves significantly. A sense of lightness, there is energy, and the body itself is waiting for the hunger strike period.

Some people do not come intermittent fasting. Reviews of people say that they are in a period of abstinence were thinking only about the food and more on what they could not concentrate. They have a weakness, irritability. They worked badly and was forced to abandon this system and return to normal life.

What do the doctors say?

Periodic fasting for weight loss: the circuit, the pros and cons of the results of reviews

The doctors call a powerful tool for improvement of intermittent fasting. Slimming (doctors reviews show that this power system really gets rid of obesity) is the most it. The body heals. Cleansed of toxins. Almost all patients who doctors advised to refrain from eating time, have achieved excellent results. We began to feel much better. Reduced weight and volume. Get rid of health problems and were completely satisfied with the result.

A bit of advice

Before you go to starvation, you need to decide on what scheme it will be held. Daily denial of food should be practiced 1 or 2 times a week. 16/8 starvation under the scheme and other similar should be followed consistently. The first time can be confusing for the negative phenomena, hunger, anger. This is due to the restructuring of the body. Do not worry about it, as soon as the body gets used to the new regime, everything goes.

The diet should be as many fruits and vegetables. It is necessary to completely eliminate the flour and confectionery products, all fat, fried, spicy and salty. It is not necessary to eat potato chips, fast food, sodas, sausage.

During fasting should drink plenty of pure non-carbonated water. Of course, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the body and if you feel unwell stop fasting.