How to catch a fox? Features of fox hunting. Trap for foxes

Fox fur is very much appreciated, so many are willing to catch this animal. The fox can live almost everywhere, except in the Arctic tundra. The most valuable fur foxes has a dark brown color. Interestingly, the animals hunted, not only because of their beautiful expensive fur. Some fans foxes bred in captivity or are trained them. In any case, the fox or its fur is very appreciated in the market. The most interesting is that in order to get what you want, sometimes not even have to travel to remote areas. Foxes are found below the main cities. Some animals even live in freedom, in public parks or squares. They are not afraid of people and do not hide from them. However, hunts animals that you trust, cruel.

Maybe someone will think that it is unbelievable, but foxes can live in small flocks, even in the center of large cities. However, the use of them there is little: the animals spread the mud, while they themselves often suffer from rabies.

How to catch a fox? Features of fox hunting. Trap for foxes


If you are a novice hunter, it is very important not to oboznalsya for hunting animals. Fox has a very beautiful golden fur and a bushy tail. Not everyone knows that the animal belongs to the family dog. Average of dimensions fox torso has a length of about 60 cm and height - 40 cm. The average adult weight is 7.4 kg. With regard to hunting, it is important to choose the right time, if your goal - a chic fur. Once a year, the fox sheds, so it is advisable not to fall for this period, for a decent fur to be seen. The best time to hunt for the fox - it is autumn, because then animal fur thickens, becomes more beautiful and fluffy. Summer is better to postpone the hunt, as you find a small animal with a rare fur, only from a distance resembles a lush fox fur.

How to catch a fox? Features of fox hunting. Trap for foxes

Food, hunting

In order to understand how to catch a fox, you must know everything about it. This will help you to understand the logic of the animal, and it is easier to influence his behavior in a responsible moment. Each hunter must remember that in skill and cunning fox can compete with him! This animal is extremely tricky, so we need to be absolutely sure that the trap for foxes will work, otherwise the animal you will not see. Fox fairly quickly, she deftly cover their tracks to hunters or other predators not found her. If someone can compare with the hunter, only the fox. The animal is very observant and careful, and also has excellent hearing and sense of smell. Fox sees approximately 50 meters around itself. Notice a slight movement she can and at a greater distance, but see the detail or just to see something more of 50 m can not.

Fox eats small animals (rabbits, hedgehogs, rabbits, fish). In this case, it can eat apples, some fruit and vegetables. In the villages fox often steal chickens from poultry houses, which proves their skill and cunning. For convenience, they are building their burrows even closer to human dwellings. Time to hunt - early dawn or dusk dark. Winter fox eats carrion, which gathers itself in advance.

How to catch a fox? Features of fox hunting. Trap for foxes

fox hunting

Most often, a fox hunt using trap - this is the main and most effective way. Of course, there are other ways, more versatile, affordable and simple, but they can not be used legally. It is understood that the fox is very careful and twice on the same trick does not lead. The hunter must have a certain amount of experience and skill to find the right spot and the bait itself, and it is well hidden. In order to surely catch the predator should be a very detailed study of its habits, to take advantage of it at the right time. In general hunting of this animal is divided into two types: active (with the help of guns and dogs) and passive (using conventional samolovov). The choice of hunting method depends on whether the need fox alive. If you want to catch a live animal, you should use the passive mode of hunting.

How to catch a fox? Features of fox hunting. Trap for foxes



Trap a fox is made only after careful preparation. You must start with the unfolding of various goodies for the animal where it is often the case. It is best to use fresh blood, the meat of small animals, small pieces of recently killed animal, its fur, as well as internal or rotten eggs. All of these smells are very attracted to the fox, so she will not be able to pass. Another interesting bait method is to spray the trees, bushes and other plants fox urine.

After that should go to the preparation of the traps themselves. If they are not new, they are required to be properly cleaned. Remove rust can be with sand or large sheets of paper. Even if new traps, then do not just use them. First we need to remove excess oil and check the operation of all components of the trap. Only after you are sure that it works smoothly and accurately, we can talk about the successful hunt.

How to catch a fox? Features of fox hunting. Trap for foxes

Setting the trap

Trap a fox is important to properly install. This should be done where it is most of all - in the hunting field. If you rely on luck and set a trap anywhere, no production is not. If you do not have time for a long time to watch the animals, it would be useful to know that foxes are mostly near ponds and meadows. A favorite place for foxes - is different fords waterborne small passages, tunnels, etc. Trap need abundantly sprinkle ash or ash so that it could not be seen... Odorous bait make fox wander through the area in search of food, and in doing so, she landed in a trap. Sometimes a more efficient hunting trap podsazhivayut living animal, such as rabbit. For hunting fox use cymbal type traps (№ 2, № 3). Hunting fox bait is most effective when used snares.


How to catch a fox with cunning traps? hunters often use pit. Some believe that this is one of the simplest and most legitimate ways to catch the golden beast. In order to catch the animal in such a way, should dig a hole near the average depth of the tree or stump. On one side of the tree it is necessary to place the bait (preferably very strong to tempt the beast), and on the other to make a steep slope. Getting to the bait, the fox will fall into a pit. To the fox did not notice the trick, a little pit cover leaves and plants. It is important to make it a loose cover to fox it could easily fail. You should also pay attention to the steepness of the slope, it should be sufficient that the animal was not retained. Trap for foxes must be very well planned, so as not to scare her. It will have a more detailed insight into the manners and habits of these animals.

How to catch a fox? Features of fox hunting. Trap for foxes


How to catch a fox in the winter? You can use the traps, but they are very spoiled by snow. Yama - not the best option, as it can become a refuge for some animal or a branch too freeze it. In this case, it is best to use a small box with a hatch. The hatch should be placed bait. When the fox sniff out the smell and comes in search of food, she accidentally stepped on the pedal hidden behind branches and slam the door.


Do you know how to catch a fox on the loop? This method of fishing is not very popular among modern hunters who use more advanced methods. Yet it deserves attention. Make yourself loops of wire or fishing line (the material must be strong enough). The special thing here is the correct placement of samolova, because the animal must be grasped precisely for paw. The simplest types of loops are fixed at the time the animal trying to free herself. More complex loop pick up a fox. Summing up, it should be said that never need to torture animals. Regulations prohibit hunting it. If a fox injured, you need to shoot her shot to the front of the trunk or side. If you release the wounded beast, it will return to its burrow and will be a few more days to bleed and suffer.