Golden Ring "Save and Protect": how to wear, value

It is now rare to find a person without any gold jewelry. Rings, pendants, bracelets - it's not only beautiful things, but also symbols of expression. Recently, more and more people began to wear a ring that says "Save and Protect". What kind of jewelery, what are his, and who can be put on it? This was the topic of today's article.


Every believer is personal pectoral cross. It is creed may be made of any, even a non-precious metal. Cross - no decoration, and the custom are not open, and try to clean under clothing from prying eyes.

Golden Ring "Save and Protect", as well as a cross, considered a talisman and a symbol of human faith. It is worn by both men and women, it can be made out of silver and gold, but more often prefer the second option. These rings have long been sold in the churches, and since the nineteenth century, they began to produce and jewelers, put up for sale in their shops. Products initially made of precious metals, sometimes inserted stones at them, trying to ward decorate as it is worn on the hand, and is constantly in front of other people.

Golden Ring

On which hand and how to wear a ring

Golden Ring "Save and Protect" - is not a simple decoration, and to wear it properly should. If you buy this, you try on any of the three fingers of his right hand, which the Orthodox cross, is the thumb, index and middle. It was on one of them and you have to wear a ring, of course, if you are a believer. If there is no faith, that can be worn on either hand and fingers, because the ring will be just jewelry, not endowed with any protective force.

Who is allowed to wear such a ring

Golden Ring "Save and Protect" can buy and wear any person, regardless of gender, race, age. The main thing - to be orthodox and faithful.

Ring "Save and Protect" golden man sometimes does not differ from women's. These rings may be completely identical, but may vary. Women have become increasingly produce more elegant products.

The ring can give to relatives, friends and just good people, to give them protection. "Save and Protect" with his hands, too, are allowed to give, as long as the gift was made from the heart, and without any regret.

Children of any age can wear a ring, the only thing might be a problem with the size on the little finger.

Golden Ring "Save and Protect" will be the thing for anyone looking at that it becomes easier to overcome life's adversities, any difficulties. It works intuitively, because when reading the inscription "Save and Protect" in the soul of even the unbeliever there is a spark of hope for help from above, and he begins to adjust itself to a more positive way.

Golden Ring

for wedding rings

Gold ring church "Save and Protect", and used for the wedding. The father spends with them a special rite, when the ring is not entirely worn on the ring finger, and donadevaetsya at the end of the sacraments. Crowning the people are allowed to wear the ring with the symbols on the ring finger, as it starts to work on the strengthening and preservation of marriage, the couple protection. It is the ring finger should be decorated with a wedding ring, as has long been believed that he is the symbol of infinity. If people are not in status, the wear on the ring finger a gold ring "Save and Protect" is impossible, as this would be considered a sin.

Golden Ring

Where can I buy a ring "Save and Protect"

Initially, these rings were only sold in the church benches, and they could be bought only there. Now there are many jewelry stores that sell rings engraved with "Save and Protect".

Buying a ring at the church, you'll know for sure that it's real, because it is already sanctified. In the jewelry store, in most cases sold just decorations that will need to be sanctified at the priest. But there are also jewelry factories, which seriously relate to products with the symbols of the church, and already in the manufacture of a priest is invited to the production for the consecration of religious paraphernalia. Such decorations hung birochka called a temple or church, where they were sanctified.

Golden Ring

With or without stones

Previously, these rings were made only of metal without any additional ornaments. Fashion industry is not standing still, it concerns and religious ornaments. Crosses began to produce in a diverse performance, the most elegant forms, but it is, they say, makes the cross from the usual jewelry, not carrying power. Pectoral cross must be the correct form, and the father may refuse to sanctify it, if there are any discrepancies. The crosses can only be pasting from different stones.

All this does not touch the ring with the symbols. The ring may be of any shape, with additional elements. Golden Ring "Save and Protect" with stones recently become important for both women and men. They are decorated with phianites, diamonds, emerald, chrysolite, rubies and other beautiful jewelry, semi-precious and ordinary stones. What to choose - a private matter of each person. Ring "Save and Protect" golden, male or female, it is now do not distinguish. These rings are considered "asexual", and people of different sexes may wear one ring width, with the same decorations of stones or corrugations.

Golden Ring

The golden ring carved "Save and Protect"

Now on the shelves not only jewelry stores, but the church there was a large variety of versions of the Rings "Save and Protect". They are made in a classic style and smooth with thread.

Fully knurled ring may be marked on the reverse side, and it does not distinguish it from that on which the engraving is applied from the outside. This ring is perfect for those who do not want to flaunt their affiliation to the religious segment of the population.

Also, the thread may be partially deposited between words. Such ring looks very beautiful, and will shine light at any - sunlight or artificial.

Rings "Save and Protect" and made double: the upper part can be carved, and the lower part - smooth with the inscription. Also, such a ring may be made of two types of gold, for example, red and white.

Rings with thread do not differ in their strength from smooth rings, as well as decorated with stones - from the ordinary, so you can safely choose this option and performance.

Golden Ring

How much does a gold ring "Save and Protect"

Prices for these rings range from two thousand and above. It all depends on where they are purchased as executed from a sample made of gold.

Average ring "Rescue and keep" golden 585 will cost less than the ring higher sample or a mixture of metals. Also the price is influenced by the available inserts: a ring with cubic zirconia or diamonds. Everyone knows that diamonds are graded much more!

The price ringlet "Save and Protect" affects the complexity of the work: usually smooth ring with the inscription will be cheaper than corrugated ring made of different metals, or with a complex pattern.

Churches gold rings "Save and Protect" are cheaper than in the store, but there is a wide variety.

Again, on a ring with a thread can be saved. Basically, it looks much bigger in size than smooth, and will weigh less. It all depends on the price per gram of gold and on the evaluation of the wizard.

Golden Ring

Superstitions and omens associated with a ring "Save and Protect"

When a person believes, what he believes in omens associated with the rings. Consider the most common cases with rings that can cause its host into confusion and get nervous.

  1. lost ring "Save and Protect". This much can push on the idea that a higher power had left him, taking the amulet. The priests would have us believe otherwise. They say that the loss of the ring is not associated with any bad omen, should just buy a new one.
  2. have burst engagement ring "Save and Protect". Now that's scary. Broken wedding ring can talk about the infidelity of a spouse. There is a second option: Wedding rings sacrament includes the incredible power that protects marriage from the evil eye. The bursting of the ring may indicate that family jinxed, and it has taken over the entire stroke, without endangering the spouses.
  3. have burst the usual ring "Save and Protect". The bursting of the ring-Ward also said that his host or hostess was napuschena damage or threatened him trouble. Ring again failed to protect its wearer from misfortune, exposing himself.

All of these signs are relevant only if the ring is broken for no reason, that is, it can not accidentally break, caught about anything. If this happens, it is necessary to buy a new, and spoiled the sacrifice of the Church, and do not store it at home, and certainly not as a refiner for the manufacture of other products.