Who wears the nose ring, and why?

Those who like to decorate the body, long ago chose piercings as a way to do it. The word is passed to us from the English pierce - puncture, puncture. Today mods subjected to this procedure, any parts of the body, the most common are the nose and ears. Young people stress the piercing its commitment to a subculture or, on the contrary, protests against the norms of a particular environment.

The nose ring? For what?

Technician piercing nose a lot, but the most popular are two of them: a small incision in the nostril, which is inserted into a miniature ornament or ring stuck in the nasal septum. Most often, this method of decoration itself resorted girl. Today, it is their prerogative of a nose piercing. Ring, horseshoe, bar, small heart - which just will not see on the faces of the young.

Who wears the nose ring, and why?

Nose Piercing, like any other, adds a sexy girl and eye-catching. Men think these ladies yoke and often flirt with them. Small delicate earrings or a gold ring in the nose can always change to a different decoration. Update image is guaranteed. Piercing is not welcome in schools and banned in some professional teams, which set a dress code. But this problem is easily solved. Shackle is removed, leaving a barely visible hole, and the possessor of piercing any claims. The nose ring can be worn at any other time of day.

Where better to do the puncture

The right choice for this procedure will be a visit to a specialized salon. The desire to save money on professional services and to make a puncture on their own can "backfire". It is necessary to ensure sufficient sterility of the environment and tools to choose the right place where you insert the earring. In general, nuanced enough.

Who wears the nose ring, and why?

In the cabin you will be given a full guarantee of safety, carry out the procedure is quick and painless, using professional tools. Master will give you the directory that you choose exactly what you want to have in the nose: ring pinks post. In the process, he will advise you what distinguishes one from the other type of piercing, and talk about the manipulation of care.

Types nose piercing

If you think that only two options, then you are wrong.

  • You can make a puncture nostrils (one or both). In this case, the wings of a nose pierced and inserted into the ring, or NOSTROY carnations.
  • Septum - puncture of the central septum. Decoration will peek out from both nostrils in the nose. Ring or a bar - what is right in this case.
  • You can do the piercing tip of the nose, without affecting the nasal cartilage. Such a puncture may be both horizontal and vertical.
  • Doing Septra, you pierce the underside of the tip of the nose.
  • Austin bar - horizontal puncture tip of the nose, without affecting the cartilage.
  • Nassalang refers to one of the most sophisticated techniques in which punched right wings of the nose and the septum. Wherein the ornament is a piercing rod.
  • Bridge - a simple soft tissue puncture in the nose. It can be produced in different directions: horizontal and vertical.

Does it hurt and how much time is healing?

The pain threshold is different for all people. If you already know that the fear of pain, and it is strong enough, ask the master of the anesthetic - he will not refuse. As analgesic use various ointments and gels. A few minutes after their application can proceed to the main routine.

Who wears the nose ring, and why?

Despite the small size, these piercings heal for a long time. The easiest puncture wings of the nose heals up to six months, and complex - more than two. All this time, the puncture site should be handled disinfectant. Compositions containing alcohol are not suitable for open wounds. It is best to use chlorhexidine.

What decorations to use?

Material for the decoration should be hypoallergenic, otherwise you will not wear it. Fit earrings made of precious metals: gold, silver, platinum and others. The most frequently used, making piercing nose ring or stud in the form of an amusing figurine, a heart. This may be a precious stone, metal framed expensive. In some types of body piercing is perfect bar or horseshoe.

Who wears the nose ring, and why?

Whether it is a small earring in the nose, ring or rod - do not forget about aesthetics. Some, having once piercing procedure, can not stop and pierce themselves more sophisticated. Appalling record in this area demonstrates the Guinness book, but authentic decoration is already irrelevant.