Bernard Hopkins: biography and personal life

Bernard Hopkins - boxer in light heavyweight, who was born in Philadelphia in 1965 on 15 January. Sportsman boasts two outstanding achievements - the title of world champion and the title of the first champion of average weight in Philadelphia.

Bernard Hopkins: biography and personal life

Childhood and adolescence

It is known that Bernard Hopkins grew up in a fairly poor family did not receive proper education. All the childhood of the great fighters of the past on the street, where he was constantly involved in fights with boys. Wrong education, or rather his complete lack of influence of the street and freedom - the factors that adversely affect the formation of the personality of the future athlete. One of the street fights ended badly for the guy, he was stabbed in his 13 years.

Adolescence boxer went wrong, like most teenagers. In 1983, held a hearing at which the verdict was voiced several teenagers, among them was Bernard Hopkins.

Biography Boxer pretty colorful, but only on the negative side. He was imprisoned for nearly 5 years, was released from custody in 1988, he became a Muslim and gave an oath not to return to the criminal past. As a means of correcting his own life, he chose boxing.

The first failure

Bernard Hopkins: biography and personal life

boxer career began 29 years ago - in 1988. The first battle took place on October 11 and became a contender Hopkins Clint Mitchell. The battle was lost. Hopkins did not become upset because of his defeat, and only insisted that the two closed gates alone will still be open. This statement can be called true in this case. Mitchell defeat was the impetus for the athlete who has signed a contract with the coach Inglish Fights Fischer. Joint tandem brought positive results. 22 victories, 16 of which were won by knockout, 3 years of hard work for getting the first champion belt - the initial contribution, which can boast of Bernard Hopkins. Biography boxer, from the sporting point of view, it was then started.

Triumph boxer

Many have argued that Bernard - New Star Boxing's light heavyweight category. The athlete has every chance to fulfill his dream of becoming a world champion. In addition, while the great and invincible Jones renounced his title to move to a different weight.

In 1995, the fate of Hopkins presented a gift: a fight with Segundo Mercado, who was the second highest boxing ratings. The bout between boxers took place in the town of Maryland.

Bernard Hopkins: biography and personal life

Bernard Hopkins, biography, career and personal life which is full of interesting facts, realized his dream. He became the absolute champion of the IBF. All these fights to validate the title was won by Hopkins.

The path to glory

The following years were successful for a boxer. In 1998 he hosted a fight between Bernard Hopkins and Allen, during which the athlete is seriously injured. During the fight, Hopkins injured his ankle when falling through a cable fence ring.

A year later rematch, which had to be interrupted due to a technical knockout. It is worth noting that a rematch ended in victory for Bernard, because, fortunately, he was able to quickly recover from the injury.

Last Bow

Bernard Hopkins is engaged in professional boxing for 29 years. Then at the beginning of his boxing career, he vowed that he will not return to the old life and not end their existence in a senseless street fights.

He kept his promise boxer. His opponents argued that to win over Hopkins is not strong enough and quick work with your hands. You must learn not to "let" him in his own head, not to give him to read minds - it is just strong side, which boasts Hopkins. Photos boxer prove he had a sharp and accurate stinging eyes, from which it is difficult to escape.

Bernard Hopkins: biography and personal life

The last fight Bernard Hopkins spent with Joe Smith, Jun. The first two rounds of the young boxer was difficult to resist the professional. Hopkins fought zealously enough, than to prove that the old skills have not been lost. But it is worth noting that Smith took up a youth, he was able to increase turnover, but Hopkins because of their age is not.

The eighth round was decisive. Joe gathered all his strength and fell on Bernard, knocking him out of the ring. Most likely, Bernard knew that all would not end the way you want it to, and stopped resisting, waiting for the verdict of the Referee.

At the end of the fight, Bernard Hopkins accused Smith of violating the rules. He claimed that the young boxer push sent him out of the ring, which can not be done. Then he talked about the sick ankle, he supposedly rested in the fall is on it. But the records showed that the athlete fell upside down, but not foot. Perhaps Bernard did not want to admit himself that his film came to an end, and in front of him waiting for a calm and peaceful old age.

Life outside the ring

Bernard Hopkins: biography and personal life

All his adult professional life Bernard paid great attention to children whose childhood can not be called a colorful and right. He visited dysfunctional families, spending a lot of time with children, and it seemed to many that such actions reflect badly on the boxer's career. Bernard tried his best to instruct young people in the true and right path, he told the children about the positive influence of sport. A prime example is his own life. Until now, he has been actively promoting a healthy and sporty lifestyle among adolescents.

In addition, Bernard Hopkins is for teenagers words that make you think even the adults wealthy. For example, he says, he was not born in a shirt and in an environment where everything goes easy. He claims that every one is able to construct the correct life, anyone can fulfill the dream, the main thing - to do things on mind. Athlete himself cites the example with the phrase: "I'm just a homeless street urchin, who had himself achieved unimaginable success." And it is true.

As for his personal life boxer, then he has a beautiful wife, whom he had met many years ago, after his release from prison. All friends, fans and surrounding know that his wife Bernard worshiping publicly. Hopkins says that without his wife, he could not have achieved even half of what has now.