From climbing down jacket fluff - what to do? Clothing repair

Whatever may be the quality of the thing and no matter how much it may cost, there is always a risk that it something will happen or that it will deteriorate, be it summer or winter outerwear. If the down jackets climbs down, what to do with him, he knows not everyone. You can find lots of tips and advice on this matter, but you have to figure out which ones are effective and which ones just spoil the product even more.

From climbing down jacket fluff - what to do? Clothing repair

Why and how to take care of things

always necessary quality care for their belongings:

  • to pay attention to their condition;
  • at the first sign of problems to solve them all at once;
  • to give them professional cleaning;
  • to spare finances to special funds for the care of things.

All of these procedures should be performed to wear as much as possible longer retain their original appearance. If things just hang in the closet, not paying attention to their condition and appearance, then very soon they will come into a state of disrepair.

wardrobe items, like people, can "wear out" prematurely. And the next shopping will cost much more expensive than regular care of already purchased clothing.

How do I choose the right jacket

Before giving any advice, it is worth noting the fact that no one is immune from the purchase of defective products. Still, the risk is minimal if the down jacket to purchase in the company shop. It is best to give preference to brands that specialize in clothing for hiking and ski equipment.

If from the new down jacket climbs down, as the statutory period for a refund, not expired, and the receipt on the purchased product is not lost, the item can be returned or exchanged for another. If you buy clothes on the market, then return it unlikely.

From climbing down jacket fluff - what to do? Clothing repair

When choosing a high-quality down jacket, it is best to opt for a large manufacturer specializing in the production of winter goods. They have a lot of experience, advanced technology and internal quality control - all of these factors reduce the risks of acquiring low-quality clothing to a minimum.

It must be remembered that in addition to the many advantages of a down there is a drawback - the heater is very capricious. Therefore, we can think of a decent alternative, such as the quality synthetic insulation.

Can I call it a marriage

If you notice that climbs fluff of down jackets, this is a marriage, which is a major sign that the product is of poor quality. Most often, this phenomenon can be observed on expensive, imported from China. Such clothes are sold in the markets. Deciding to change in such a down jacket lining, you must first think about it, because the studio facilities and the purchase of high-quality fabrics for the replacement may cost more than the thing itself.

Climbs fuzz on the outside of the down jackets: how to fix

One can say with a high probability that in this case, the shelf life of things coming to an end. Of course, you can try to solve this problem, but there are no guarantees.

To start using sticky roller, clean the front side got out fluff. After that, give clothes for a while "to rest in bed." There are people who are advised to soak the jacket in a solution of water and glue, their ratio should be 1:30.

This option is very risky. In theory, such a solution may seal the contents of the jacket and fluff matted in clumps or slow down the process of hair loss, but the convenience of socks should forget. Not the fact that the jacket will be after such a procedure to warm and look at it will remain the same. If, down jacket seams climb down, then, of course, we can try to handle them some glue solution, but often such a procedure does not bring as much benefit as harm.

From climbing down jacket fluff - what to do? Clothing repair

What if climbing fluff of down jackets inside

Often of a jacket begins to climb down, if:

  • , mistakes were made when washing products;
  • thing visited the dry cleaning;

If it was a short period of time after purchase, the product will need to try to return or exchange for another (better quality), because such a marriage - the result of using poor quality pads or filler.

Also worth their grievances, if the thing was spoiled during the chemical treatment. There is a strong likelihood that the compensation will be paid.

Almost any jacket eventually upset the owner of such a problem. The easiest way - is to include the item in the clothing repair to replace the lining.

How do I change the lining of

Yourself trying to replace the lining can only be achieved if there is a clear understanding of what you are doing, and self-confidence. Do it yourself is difficult but possible:

  • you should first podporot threads that hold the fabric lining;
  • liner must be removed and all the fluff contained within, stacked (you need to do it very carefully, because the fluff is very light and fly away at the slightest breath of wind); From climbing down jacket fluff - what to do? Clothing repair
  • All the thrust pad into separate parts;
  • each item must be in the circle of fabric, stepping seam allowances to 1 cm;
  • a new need to sew the lining back, starting with the arms, gradually filling the jacket down.

In addition, you can add feathers of old pillows, they are suitable for this use, so the jacket will be even warmer. In this case, the main thing - do not overdo it.

In words, all, of course, looks simple, but in reality it is hard work. So if you have never done anything like this, it is better to entrust the case of professional seamstress.

How to handle clothes to fluff not climb

"If the down jackets climbs down, what to do and how to use the tool?" - a question that interests many. Professional tools for such purposes does not exist. There are only traditional methods which do not guarantee the achievement of the desired result, and the consequences of their exposure are not perfect. The most suitable of them - this surface treatment products and seams varnish:

  • this way you can strengthen the seam without mechanical intervention;
  • paint can be sprayed, and can be applied in a thin layer;
  • minus method - adhesive surface;
  • If you overdo it with varnish, down jacket will "stand".
From climbing down jacket fluff - what to do? Clothing repair

There is another, less popular option. The recipe is simple: in 6 liters of water diluted with 200 grams of PVA in the resulting mixture jacket soaked for an hour, then the product rinse 3-4 times. In prinipe with fluff should have no problems, but he will bring down in clumps, and will not be evenly distributed throughout the product. Therefore, it is unknown whether the product warm in cold weather.

Such effects do not make things more attractive, so she decides on such measures should only in extreme cases.

How to beat the fluff

From climbing down jacket fluff. What do you know? There is a standard scheme to combat this problem:

  1. The first thing you need to get rid of the fluff on the surface of the garment using an adhesive surface.
  2. Then you can reinforce the joints with varnish.
  3. If you need additional measures, then the jacket must be attributed to mending for professional diagnosis and major repairs.
  4. If the jacket was purchased recently, it can try to exchange or return

The owners spoiled things can only hope that over time the problem will be solved by itself, and the jacket is better to postpone for a while and see what happens next. However it is better to prepare for a hike in the shop or purchase a new thing - these two options are the most likely.

When climbing down jackets of fluff that does exactly knows only a professional master. Do not look for the old ways, using glue or varnish solution, because such procedures may harm your favorite clothes.

From climbing down jacket fluff - what to do? Clothing repair

Correct laundry

Down clothing has many advantages, but there are disadvantages along with them. Washing, drying and repair these things need to comply with strict rules. If after washing climb fluff of down jackets, so procedures have been performed incorrectly. To continue this did not happen, you need to read the rules and always adhere to them.

The most important rule is that the jackets filled with down, do not wash in the usual powder. From it can remain stubborn stains, moreover, a similar effect degrades the quality of the insulation.

To properly wash down jacket, you first need to buy liquid detergent for washing things with climate membranes. They can be found in the sports apparel stores. The price of such assets in the order of higher than normal, but the lack of a few years. If we want to save, you can use regular shampoo designed for dry hair. It is necessary to take into account one thing: this option is only suitable for hand washing. In this case, the product hanging on a hanger over the bath, and treated his foam sponge with a special detergent. At the end of the foam is rinsed using the shower jet.

From climbing down jacket fluff - what to do? Clothing repair

When washing in the machine in the drum is lowered buttoned jacket with three tennis balls - they whisk down and do not give him a matted. At the same time need two cup of detergent. Wash, delicate cycle setting and minimal spin.

How to fluff down jacket after washing

And although they say that the quality is not fluff rolls, the state of the product depends on the conditions under which the washing and drying. If these procedures were carried out correctly, problems should arise. If there are small lumps, whip their hands will not be difficult.

If efforts have not brought the desired effect, the filler will need to fluff up manually. The main rule is to wait for the complete drying of the product. Next, it is necessary to shake and beat hands like feather pillows. Large lumps have to break his fingers, and small disperse themselves during wear.

When the down jackets climbs down, what to do with it, we have reviewed. Long live your things!