Harm and benefits of dry fasting. Scheme dry fasting and reviews

In medical practice already about twenty-five years used techniques of dry fasting. Recently, this type of improvement was beyond medicine and dietetics and gaining their fans among the broad masses of the people looking after their health. Let's look more, which represents a dry starvation and what effect it has on the human body.

Why starvation "dry"?

In medicine it is used several kinds of fasting are used for various purposes and allows to achieve completely nesootnosimyh results. One of the most difficult and at the same time effective ways of healing is the application of dry fasting. This embodiment assumes complete abstinence from eating and liquid for a certain time. Also, it is divided into two subspecies - soft and rigid form.

Harm and benefits of dry fasting. Scheme dry fasting and reviews

During the procedure of dry fasting in his rigid form is prohibited not only the use of a liquid (as well as food), but also prohibited any contact with water - showering, brushing teeth, washing - all should be excluded from everyday activities. Mild form is not so critical to making contact with liquids, and excludes only welcome them inside.

There are various methods of fasting procedures, which differ not only the timing, motivation, input and output of fasting, but also the objectives which it is possible to use them to achieve.

A variety of techniques

The safest option for the independent conduct are techniques that involve fasting for up to 3 days. Longer periods without the use of liquid require the participation of specialists and medical supervision. This is due to the possibility of dehydration, which is very dangerous for his life.

Less than a day to spend sessions of dry fasting does not make sense, since the latent possibilities of the body by harnessing the reserve forces begin to appear only after twenty hours of abstinence from food and water. That is, there comes a positive effect of the procedure is only after this time. Basic techniques involve the following periods of fasting:

  • one day (24 hours);
  • 36-hour (night-day-night);
  • 3 days;
  • to 5 days;
  • 7 days;
  • 9 or 11 days.

With a view to the general improvement of the body, as well as to reduce body weight, is generally used courses lasting from one to three days, which are repeated on a regular basis - weekly, every other week, or monthly.

Harm and benefits of dry fasting. Scheme dry fasting and reviews

It happens that conduct courses combined fasting: select three-day dry fasting, the diet after water is introduced. This subspecies is less dangerous on the effects and tolerability of the body it is much better, since it allows you to avoid dehydration.

What term is better to choose, I am going to start dry fasting? Feedback from those who practice these regular sessions, indicate that short term psychological better tolerated and easier to endure physically, but a three-day period of fasting has the largest therapeutic effect.

The organism is easier to tolerate the dry fasting, as there is a strong sense of hunger, and psychologically easier to bear such a short time. However, to dry fasting really benefited, it should go up to him deliberately, thoroughly prepare and place it gently.

The useful dry running fast?

Before deciding to conduct "hungry shake" your body, it would be nice to define the purpose of the procedure, as well as to know all the advantages and benefits.

The use of dry fasting:

  • During the course of the procedure of starvation the body is forced to search for energy reserves for life support. And he finds them already inside - fat cells are actively split, with their complete combustion occurs, which leads to a more prolonged effect reducing and maintaining weight.
  • In addition to fat, incineration and recycling into energy and subject tissues diseased portions, the accumulated slag and even cells having pathological changes (e.g., tumors).
  • Restores proper metabolism.
  • There is blood cleansing - for the period of fasting the body does not receive food any harmful substances, and blood passes multiple filtration during natural purification. As a result - improved performance of the biochemical composition of blood.
  • There is the effect of skin rejuvenation, and cleansing them from different eruptions - passes acne, restores elasticity and velvety. In addition to skin regeneration exposed and the remaining tissue.
  • Regular fasting creates a great sense of moderation in food intake and fluid. It is the loss or blunting of this ability of our body leads to the immense consumption of food, and as a consequence - the set weight and health problems.

Result therapeutic use

In addition to fortifying and cleansing effect on the human body, dry fasting can be a great help in the treatment of certain diseases:

  • Fasting dry running can reduce the manifestation of diseases such as ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and some other diseases affecting joint tissue.
  • In the female reproductive system organs marked absorbable effects - ovarian cysts and other growths in this area are completely or significantly slowing down their growth.
  • In the case of fractures, contusions and suppuration in complementing traditional treatment methods starvation bone and muscle tissue recovered significantly faster.
  • A special place is dry fasting is worthy to take the treatment of various injuries of the skull - concussions and bruises. In this manner remarkably extends prevention of brain edema.
  • In the case of viral or bacterial infection-day dry fasting in most cases helps to prevent development of the disease.

The action of starvation on the body as a whole

In addition to the weight loss effect of rejuvenation and treatment of diseases, people who practice dry fasting, the results point out the following.

For example, human skin is an excellent excretory organ through which, together with the sweat out toxins and other substances that are not necessary for life. During the practice of hunger, this ability becomes the opposite effect - the body through the skin absorbs a lack of fluids. And getting her skin may be even from the air, so during fasting should be thorough in choosing the place of his passing, and keep track of their contacts with the environment. An interesting result of the suction of the skin manifestations of the properties shown after touching the products - their taste can be felt in the mouth. A regular exercise allow you to check cooked food "to salt" hands only.

Harm and benefits of dry fasting. Scheme dry fasting and reviews

Another feature of the effect of starvation dry running - training of willpower. With regular person passing this procedure evolves strong commitment started bringing cases to the end, and it is transferred to all areas of life. Acute intuition, but in some people after the passage of long courses of famine appear even telepathic abilities.

Opinion Medicine

Despite the fact that the dry fasting is an aid in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases, the view of conventional medicine on the need for the meeting is not clear.

Opponents theory starvation treatment as arguments lead include dry starvation not only destructive effect on body tissue, but also because of the prolonged absence of the fluid intake of the blood concentration occurs. Refusal of food intake leads to acute vitamin deficiency, possibly dehydration, their dangerous consequences for the activity of consciousness. In any case, if you plan to practice dry fasting, you must first discuss it with your doctor the possibility. Only an individual approach will help you choose the most appropriate technique and eliminate the dire consequences. But be that as it may, the short-term dry fasting (36 hours) to bring the body to a minimum of adverse effects.

Despite mixed opinions about this medicine, many believe that the "dry" fasting days bring the body only benefit and satisfaction. Of course, after which other treatments can boast a score of minus ten kilos in three days?

What you should know?

But, in order not to get a result is completely the opposite from his plans and not cause substantial harm to their health, all the nuances of the procedure should be considered in advance. There are three basic stages - preparation, fasting and directly out of it.

For each of these stages there are strict rules that need to comply with a mandatory, otherwise hunger will cause more harm than good will. And we must remember that if suddenly, for whatever reason, you feel bad, it is necessary to immediately stop fasting.

The preparatory phase of

The quality of the preparatory phase of half determines the success of any undertaking. And therapeutic dry fasting requires thorough preparation. Necessarily need to study the literature on the subject, and it is desirable that it was written by men, the regular practice of dry fasting. This will help to determine the maximum possible dangers. Ideally, it is at the preparatory stage, it is necessary to talk to people who already have experience of fasting.

Harm and benefits of dry fasting. Scheme dry fasting and reviews

to prepare the necessary products to power up and after a period of famine, as well as clean drinking water. Decide to walk places. Set for itself from starvation entry and exit time and choose a method - hard or soft. If you select a long starvation - 3 days or more - go to the pre-sparing diet without flour and sweet. And for two or three days - for fruits and vegetables.

Features fasting period of

During the period of hunger it is particularly important to devote time to walk in the fresh air, preferably near the open natural waters, far from the bustle of the city. If you can not leave the city - will suit a large park.

The room should be clean and well ventilated, wear cotton, to skin it easier to breathe. Special attention should be given to pastime in the house - do not sit in front of TV, as the abundance of television programs about food will influence the determination to continue the dry fasting, the results of which will not keep you waiting.

During the second period can not only make sudden movements. They should be smooth and measured. Lying in bed is also undesirable - the thought of saving power in this way is very deceptive. In fact, the best way to save energy - walking without action. At night may develop insomnia, and this is an ideal time to spend reading books.

Harm and benefits of dry fasting. Scheme dry fasting and reviews

The right way out of the dry fasting

An important feature of this period is that it is impossible to renew fasting longer than the scheduled time, even if everything is going well and it seems that forces many more. In the hour of the scheduled release of water to drink, take a shower or bath.

After a short amount of time over a drink of water - and you can start a meal with fresh vegetables. The pancreas is not working in a period of famine, and loading it should be gradual. In the first two days, it is desirable to introduce gradually protein foods and not eat carbohydrates.

And, of course, to reconsider their way of life, because without it, even the most remarkable results quickly come to naught.

of the plan for the beginner

If you first want to test yourself on the practice of fasting, you can choose a one-day dry fasting, but it is best to choose the option that provides dry fasting 36 hours. This period is quite suitable for the regular weekly use. He also allows to know the reaction of your body is on the procedure itself, and the first to feel the effect. Consider the process of the first example in dry fasting scheme "night-day-night."

So, what do we do in advance:

  • Learning from the literature on the subject, as well as the ability to communicate with the practice of regular fasting.
  • Stored clean drinking water (can be boiled), and fresh fruit and vegetables for food before and after fasting. They are better with running clean water, dry and put into the refrigerator, in the area for storage of vegetables. Choosing a favorite to use them with pleasure, but it is better to refrain from bananas and grapes.
  • Among the purchased fruit must be present lemons.
  • For rigid version of the hunger need to alter the eve of the works related to water - wash clothes, clean the apartment, prepare food for the household. It is advisable to take a shower, brush your teeth - as the Friday and Saturday to do that will be impossible.
  • In preparation determined specific hours of entry and exit from starvation.

to determine the period of fasting at the weekend, in which case the last meal, as well as water, must be done on Friday night. The mandatory compliance with any diet before entering the hunger is not necessary, but it's better to restrict or completely abandon the starchy foods and sweets the day before. On Friday, it is desirable to use only fresh vegetables and fruits, and drink - juice from them. This will allow to stock up in the body of essential vitamins and minerals. These substances are required in large quantities during the day of famine to break down toxins and fat. Let's say you go into starvation decided at 21 o'clock, then:

  • have supper no later than six o'clock in fruits and vegetables.
  • to finish the business related to water.
  • Up to nine in the evening drink water as it takes the body, but the acidic lemon.
  • go to bed early.

Saturday will be held without food or liquid, and spend it better in the open air, but not engaging in recreational activities, and easy walking in the park or in the woods, at a reservoir. The skin during dry fasting absorbs moisture from the air, so it is very important to be in nature, as far away from civilization. Hunger will complicate the process of watching TV, as the program and commercials present an abundance of food. It is better to replace it with reading light literature magazine view (of course, not cooking).

In Saturday night may begin insomnia caused by hunger. We must be ready for this and provide the ability to read or listen to your favorite music, and you can sleep on Sunday after the release of hunger.

Sunday morning, at the hour when the scheduled exit from the dry fasting (in this example, nine in the morning), take a shower, brush your teeth, drink a glass of treated water. Half an hour later breakfast salad of raw vegetables. For lunch, a light suit chicken soup, dinner - vegetables again. We try not to eat salt and sugar in the day.

Prolonged fasting

Dry fasting 3 days or more is called a time-consuming and requires the body much more energy. It poses serious health risks, so it will take much more time be given to the preparatory phase. Be sure to hold it at least one session of short-term hunger, then it will be easier to carry out dry fasting 3 days, the results will be much higher. It also allows to understand the reaction of the body and prepare it for heavy loads long session.

Harm and benefits of dry fasting. Scheme dry fasting and reviews

In addition to the basic procedures described above, in the preparatory phase need to see a doctor, to cure teeth and to exclude other current diseases. During the period of famine in advance to paint almost to the minute, to set clear long-term objectives (for which you decide to dry fasting), reviews of people practicing it regularly, to explore and take home the important points.

For two weeks before the scheduled entry to refuse the use of animal products - meat, fish, milk and eggs. Ideally, go on a raw food diet, but it is possible to confine and vegetarian cuisine.

Practicing dry fasting 7 days, you may encounter some difficulties. For example, it may happen exacerbation of chronic diseases. But there is no need to be afraid of - because the body begins to self-medication. In the case of symptoms of severe pain, specific to your chronic disease, you can not take medicine. This is what we must be prepared psychologically. If you can not stand the pain - should terminate the conversation, naturally, observing all the rules of his release.

When severe slagging of the body or with a large excess weight you have to be alert to the emergence of nausea, vomiting and headaches. This is a natural reaction of the body in this case. The positive effect will at this point walking outdoors or pouring cool water.

During the execution of any sudden movements dizziness, so all the movements required to carry out as slowly as possible.

Exiting an extended period of hunger should be carried out more thoroughly and carefully load the body.

Techniques Shchennikova and bay

One of the major long-term methods described Leonid Shennikov. Dry fasting by his method is the prevention of any pathology, resulting in the complete rejection of the medicines and the immune system is restored. The basis of his technique - two days before the entrance to the hungry should eat only raw vegetables.

Harm and benefits of dry fasting. Scheme dry fasting and reviews

After this training begins fasting session, which takes place on different terms - from five to seven days to a record eleven days. At this stage, there is a distinctive feature - wake in the night-time period in combination with the cold baths. Otherwise, everything is as usual - flowing movements combined with peace of mind - the key to success. Hiring the right way out of the session.

Cascade dry starvation represented procedure Lavorovna Valentina Pavlova. The course duration varies. Cascade fasting is based on the period of "dry hunger" and "food". In the period of "food" to maintain a certain diet. There are different versions of the cascades -.. "Gentle", "short", "according to Lavrov," "cautious", etc. This diversity is based on a different initial preparation of the body, and even a beginner can choose a suitable "cascade".

One common rule for all cases - during the dry hunger does not last longer than five days. It is believed that this period can reveal incredible possibilities of the human body. By the five-day fasting man comes gradually, starting with one day of dry hunger and with different term breaks for "food", the body prepares for the main session of 5 days.

The contraindications for fasting sessions

There are several categories of people who are most likely to manifest detriment of dry fasting. Moreover, carrying out these experiments with their own body simply contraindicated. This category includes:

  • Children under 14 years old.
  • Older people (after 70 years).
  • to women during pregnancy and lactation.
  • People with severe underweight.
  • People with established circulatory insufficiency (2-3-th degree), heart rhythm disorders.
  • People with abnormalities of the endocrine system.

There are a number of diseases in which absolutely contraindicated dry fasting, therefore, resolved to take this step, be sure to consult with experts.