How to swim in the pool right? Rules of conduct in the pool

Swimming - one of the most useful sports. He has virtually no contraindications. In all muscle groups, it stimulates the circulatory system of work at sea. Swimming pool - a great opportunity to maintain a healthy lifestyle at any time of the year. But we must not forget about safety. Everyone should know how to swim in the pool properly.

What you need to take with me?

Those who are planning to visit the pool, should go to the nearest clinic to get permission. Necessarily have to visit a dermatologist. People can not go to a swimming pool skin rash unclear etiology. A medical certificate is valid for six months and presented it once, before the first visit to the institution. Many pools and health clubs are staffed by their own doctor. The specialist will be able to view the customer and write a corresponding certificate for an additional fee.

How to swim in the pool right? Rules of conduct in the pool

A visit to the swimming pool impossible without a swimming costume (swimming trunks for men and bathing suit for women). Be sure to also have to take a change of footwear, rubber cap, towel and glasses. In many sports clubs all these things can be purchased on the spot. But it is worth considering that the prices here are a little higher than in a specialized store.

The nuances that should be taken into account

To exercise in the pool turned out successful, you need a good snack for 2:00. In this case, you should avoid foods that cause hunger. Refuse desirably from onion and garlic. You have to swim surrounded by people. Be sure to think about the smell from the mouth, if the classes are taught by an instructor of the swimming pool.

How to swim in the pool right? Rules of conduct in the pool

How to swim in the pool right? Before we dive into the water, you need to take a shower. Be sure to wash off the remnants of the cream body lotion or other cosmetic products with a high fat content. The girls also have to wash off the mascara, eyeliner and lipstick. If there is a patch on the body, it also must be removed.

We must not forget that the voyage - a serious sport that requires training. Conduct in the basin provide little physical workout before water immersion. Those who decided to work out the first time, you should use the help of an instructor.

What to do in the pool can not be?

It is strictly forbidden to run around the pool. The floor in the room humid, so you can slip and be seriously injured. The sudden fall in the water also can not be considered safe. Unfortunately, even professional swimmers drown. It is forbidden to jump into the water from the sides of cabinets and the swimming pool. Usually there are corresponding signs. First, the jump can happen is not entirely successful. As a result, the impact on the water can be seriously injured. Secondly, it is possible that at the time of the jump float under water will be someone else. It is worth remembering that the swimming pool - a public place.

How to swim in the pool right? Rules of conduct in the pool

In no case can not go swimming while intoxicated. Liquor help to reduce the concentration of attention. The probability of drowning after drinking will only increase. In addition, we must not forget that all the smells worse, fighting off the water. The smell of alcohol will not please the other pool visitors. For the same reason, it is to abandon the use of perfumes. Everyone has different tastes.

How to swim in the pool right?

Choose a place to swim is necessary in accordance with their capabilities. As a rule, there is a deep and a shallow pool in every sports club. Education is usually not carried out at depth. Even if sailing skills are available, to be chosen the right path in the basin. Separation of the strip is no coincidence. The last track designed for beginners who are still not feel confident in the water. The central strip allow float at a high speed.

How to swim in the pool right? Rules of conduct in the pool

It should be understood that the track separators is for information only, as the markings on the roadway. Sit on them or hang strictly prohibited. Firstly, the separation element can not withstand. Second, such actions can prevent other people who have come to do in the pool.

Be sure to follow the rules of water traffic. The principle here is the same as on the road. Rules of conduct in the pool provide for right-hand traffic. In the central part of the track you can fish out only if it will not interfere with the rest. We need to adhere to the rules and also overtaking. Outpace front coming only from the left side.

Recreation counts

Precise recommendations about how much to swim in the pool does not exist. As in other sports, where everyone has to focus on your body. Rest is necessary as fatigue, and to do so must also be right. Often one can observe a situation where the swimmers are accumulated at the end of the track, holding on to the side and just talk. While other swimmers are unable even to fully unfold. On the rim of the pool, you can rest for a few minutes and continue his studies. If you are planning a long break, it's better to get out of the water.

How to swim in the pool right? Rules of conduct in the pool

Typically, around the pool there are comfortable lounges, where you can recuperate or just read a book while waiting for a friend. Those who want to be reunited with the element of water without swimming, to visit a shallow pool.

Maneuvers in the pool

Monotonous voyage does not always cause interest. Many aspire to learn how to jump from a height or perform cool tricks in the water. How to swim in the pool properly, without disturbing others? Before you perform any trick, you must make sure that it is safe for visitors. So, if you plan to jump from stone, we need to make sure that within a few meters there are no people.

How to swim in the pool right? Rules of conduct in the pool

If you need to cross across the pool, you must also adhere to the rules. You can also think about car traffic. Crossing across the pool, you need to make sure that it will not cause difficulties for swimmers who are moving on the lanes. Especially to fear people who are floating on their backs, and may simply not notice the man who moves against the motion.

Cross across the pool can only be ducking under separators. It is worth remembering that hang on the elements identifying band is prohibited.

Learning to breathe properly

Those who do not know how to learn to swim in the pool, you should definitely take advantage of professional services. Any coach will tell you that one of the key aspects of a successful voyage is proper breathing. It is desirable to breathe nose, otherwise you swallowed water. The more air gets into the lungs, the better able to hold water swimmer.

There is a great exercise that is suitable for beginners. It is necessary to perform in a shallow pool. Standing waist-deep in water, you need to take a deep breath, and then sit in the water with his head, get up after a few seconds. This warm-up for easy carry and professional swimmers. Exercise can be performed not only in the pool, but also in any body of water during the summer holidays. The pool is proper breathing helps to stay longer in the water to swim without rest breaks.

How to float?

Fear go under water prevents us from obtaining swimmer skills. In fact, people without any effort can be kept on the surface, if you totally relax. Babies who only came into the world, know how to swim very well. This skill is lost within a few months if there is no training since the early days. The thing is that the kids are also beginning to be afraid of the water. If we learn to swim in the pool, it is important psychologically tune.

How to swim in the pool right? Rules of conduct in the pool

The human body is kept in the water due to air in the lungs. All you have to do is take a deep breath, and then lie down on his back, his arms and legs (perform the "star" element). It will be able to notice that the water keeps the human. Breathing should be smooth. It fails to realize that to keep the water there is no need to move his arms and legs. The main thing that the lungs were filled with air. Any movement only need to move in one direction or another.

Safety First

Often you can hear the stories that after a swim in the pool deteriorating health. It can be connected with bleach or other disinfectants that are added to purified water. If after swimming nausea, rash on the body, it is necessary to change the pool or opt out of this sport. It is possible that in this way manifests an allergic reaction to the water in a closed room.

The problem of poor health after the pool or during the voyage is often experienced by people with vascular dystonia. Before visiting the sports institutions and the doctor can not identify contraindications. In this voyage will affect the blood pressure, which directly affect the well-being. If the water was bad, you should immediately call for help, as far as possible to swim to the side of the pool. While swimming in any case can not swallow the pool water. Bleach poisoning can be quite dangerous. Especially bad body reacts children with fragile immune systems. Parents or teachers who are responsible for children should be extremely careful.

To summarize,

Pool - a place where you can get a charge of vivacity and energy, improve health and tighten up the figure. But it is also the area with the highest level of danger. Before you learn how to swim in the pool, you must learn the rules of behavior in it.