Ass like a nut: exercise, effective methods and recommendations

Have a perfect figure every woman wants. Thin waist, butt, like a nut - all these things true pride of any lady and envy of her friends. And what if nature has not endowed you excellent shape and age, and the birth of children only compounded the problem? Of course, do not give up. Your body will be what you want, need only make an effort.

Ass like a nut: exercise, effective methods and recommendations

Anatomy and Physiology

In this article we are going to talk about what to do, so you have an ass like a nut. How to build a large gluteal muscle, so that it looked most impressive, it was not flat, and, of course, how to get rid of the annoying fat deposits and cellulite, which at best only hide thick tights and a good wardrobe.

And first of all let's see what we are actually going to swing. Gluteal muscle consists of three pairs of muscles. They require you to considerable diligence and consistency in training. Each of these pairs have their physiological functions. The largest of them (indeed, in the whole body, too) - it is a big femoral. It begins in the pelvic bone. Its main function - extension of the hip.

Gluteus medius muscle starts on the gluteal surface of the ilium, goes into a short tendon attached to the thigh. A small arm is located under the middle. The functions of all of them is the hip abduction, ensuring its motor activity. As you can see, the gluteal muscles are not designed to please the eye sweeping curves. These are real hard workers, that of sitting on the couch become flabby and unattractive.

Ass like a nut: exercise, effective methods and recommendations

Why do you ass like a nut

The answer is obvious: the man with the owners of such forms do not take his eyes. However, the idea is not only to please the opposite sex. Let's list the main bonus that gives you pumped fifth point. Believe me, it is much more than just the envious glances of passers-by. Ass like a nut, - the development of muscle that straightens and fixes the body. Therefore, keep your posture becomes easier, and this is delaying the development of various diseases of the spine. In this case, significantly reduces the risk of back pain and lower back. But that's not all. Developed gluteus makes it easier classes almost any kind of sport, which means that you will stand out against the background of his comrades, whether professional or beach volleyball lessons.

In general, well-developed gluteus maximus, which we usually mean by the definition of "ass like a nut," - this is the main engine of our body. It is used in almost any physical activity. You'd be surprised, but strong gluteal muscles protect joints and tendons. Pumped priest directs the hip and holds the bone in the tendon just in physiologic position. It is these muscles allow the right to regroup while running, jumping and landing. This means that you have every chance to avoid injury.

At home or at the gym?

In fact, not much difference. The most important thing - it is your determination and spirit to achieve the objective. All the rest will follow, and soon you will have a priest as a nut. How to pump up the ass, we will look at in detail. And this information you will be quite enough to start training. A nice bonus: you do not need to buy expensive exercise machines that promise to make your body perfect for a few weeks. Muscles of the buttocks and the press is very strong, and to bring them into a form that takes months, so that a rapid effect do not count.

If you are seriously thinking about how to pump up the ass tight as a nut, just out of my mind the thought of "absenteeism". Only regular workouts can make your body as you dream. Therefore, if you do not have enough willpower, just buy a subscription for 6 months in the gym. This is an external stimulus that would not allow the matter to quit half way. Breaks are permissible only if you are sick.

Ass like a nut: exercise, effective methods and recommendations

Normal weight

To make the ass like a nut, a little to start the exercises. First complete a simple calculation of body mass index. If it exceeds the norm, be sure to pre-lose, and only then taken for training. If there is extra padding all the extra calories that enter the body, will be deposited in adipose tissue, and not go on the formation of muscles. Therefore, develop for itself a low-calorie menu, a balanced diet, which can be combined with jogging or swimming. And only when the weight returns to normal, it will be possible to consider how to tighten the buttocks and give them an attractive shape.


Of course, there are women who accept such recommendations radically. I will not eat anything, exercise three times a week - this is nonsense, it seems every day. And I write in the pool and start to do the wrapping. In fact, this extreme approach only leads to the same result. A few days later you rolls fatigue and depression, which is treated cakes. In addition to stress, your body does not get absolutely nothing. Please observe the following rules:

  • In order to exercise to be effective, you need to drink a lot of juice and pure water. But about coffee and alcohol is better to forget.
  • Your enemies - it's candy, soda and flour. "Bad" carbs do not help to reduce weight and improve health, so feel free to change them to the fruit.
  • The fats may be helpful and harmful. Our goal - to remove the "bad" animal fats. It smoked and sausage, fatty meats, butter and margarine.
  • salt - it is useful for our body trace element, but the diet is often found in abundance.
  • The best diet should be based on the regular consumption of lean meat and fish, cereals and legumes, eggs, vegetables and fruits. Most useful if all the dishes will be prepared by steaming, stew or boiled.
  • After each training needed portion of "useful" carbohydrates to restore muscle and form new tissue. This porridge, whole wheat bread and vegetables.
Ass like a nut: exercise, effective methods and recommendations

Features workout

In fact it is not so difficult. Regular exercise, and you too will pop like a nut. How to build glutes at home, let's consider in more detail. All exercises can be divided into aerobic and strength. The first should be given twice a week for an hour. This running and swimming, ice skating and buckle rope.

Strength training will take away you 8-15 minutes. They need to perform 3 times a week. Pre necessarily change into a tracksuit, and then take a contrast shower. The number of repetitions can be increased again and again. If you've never played sports, it will be sufficient to 15-20. With each workout, add another 5 reps, and a month later will be able to safely carry out 100 times each exercise.

Catching up on a regular basis, and you will not notice as you be making pop, like a nut. Learning how to swing the ass, not to harm your body and achieve excellent results.

Ass like a nut: exercise, effective methods and recommendations

Basic exercise

You'd be surprised, but most of the exercises will be familiar to you. They do not seem complex, but regular repetition gives a stunning effect. It will be held just a few months, and you will have a priest as a nut. Exercises you can do at home. And not necessarily have beautiful dumbbell or barbell. If the exercises are very easy, you can use bottles filled with water or sand and books, by the way, you will be able to help even a small child. Exercises for buttocks is very simple, is a few basic exercises. It swings and squats, lunges and lifting the pelvis thrust from worsening. Below we present a simple complex, which allows to upgrade your body. This will pop like a nut. How to build (exercise and especially their performance), let's consider separately.

Correct sit-ups

This exercise can be different, but then the effect will be very different. It is therefore important to know how to implement it, that there was a priest as a nut. How to build muscles with sit-ups?

It is necessary to reach the maximum voltage of the gluteal muscles. To do this, you need to place the feet wider than shoulders, lean forward and crouch as low as possible. Perform each exercise slowly and gradually as you need to climb. It is important to ensure that the angle which the knees was exactly 90 degrees. The first time it is possible to use a low bench. Trying to reach its fifth point, you will control the execution quality.

Squats are performed easier, but climbing, you will feel the muscle tension. That it creates an effect that we call "the priest as a nut." How to pump up the ass by a squat? You want to perform initial 3 sets, 10-15 times. Gradually, a new level of quality and performance, use weighting.

Ass like a nut: exercise, effective methods and recommendations

Favorite attacks

This is the most effective exercise and the first answer to the question of how to pump up the ass tight as a nut. Lunges train coordination of movement, perfectly strengthens muscular system and form the perfect buttocks.

For the first time, you will need a steady chair to stick him with one hand, and then you will already be able to perform the movement of their own. Lift the knee and step forward (make sure that the knee makes an angle of 90 degrees), not to overwhelm the forward toe. Now we go back to starting position and change legs. To make the ass like a nut, to do enough for 2-3 sets of 15 times. Gradually increase the number of possible repetitions and speed.

Mahi feet

Simple and very simple exercises will help you achieve your dreams. Enough to pay the training 15 minutes a day, and the priest as a nut. How to build glutes? It's very simple: get up on all fours, relying on his knees and elbows. After that allot leg bent at the knee back. The main trick is the need to strain your muscles. Run need three sets of 25 repetitions.

If you regularly perform this exercise, then after a few months you will have a priest as a nut. Learning how to swing the ass every day. Mastering the exercises, you start to make them better and more accurately. This means that the efficiency will only grow.

Ass like a nut: exercise, effective methods and recommendations

Raise the pelvis

another wonderful exercise, simple and very effective. As a result, you will have a priest as a nut. It can be done out of order, and repeat between workouts. pelvis ups help build muscle fast enough, and to strengthen the legs and back. To do this, lie on your back, slightly bend your knees and begin to rapidly raise and lower the hips while clutching his buttock muscles.

Link a weighting

Begin to deal with today, and in the spring you will have long, like a nut. How to build (the exercises can be adjusted depending on the individual characteristics and health status) buttocks so that they form an elegant, smooth transition to the thigh and did not look square? To do this, you need to turn to the experience of strokes.

Surely you've seen at the gym, they crouch with the heavy barbell on the shoulders. You are not required heroism, so just select the optimum weight for themselves. Technique is relatively simple. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Now squat, placing the buttocks back as if sitting on an invisible chair. Upon reaching the angle of 90 degrees, stand still for a second and return to starting position.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, to pump myself beautiful, "ass" is relatively easy. Enough to appreciate this idea, to make for themselves the class schedule and did not deviate from it a single step. Deciding to give yourself a weakness for just one day, you are risking to throw training for several months, and bring to naught all the efforts that have already invested. And most important: exercise for the buttocks is not time-consuming, it is simple and everyone can do it yourself at home.