The bait for carp by hand. Recipes for summer fishing at the feeder

Carp - dignified and coveted trophy for many fishing enthusiasts. But just like the bait, without any additional effort to catch him hard enough. What tricks do not go to the fishermen to get this cautious and powerful fish (carp and some reach a truly gigantic size)! The bait for carp, with his hands and lovingly made, - one of those secrets. Some fans karpinga downright proud of their recipes for cooking fish, keep them in great secrecy, and not on your nelly not acquire the mixture in a store, even the most advertised! What you: it is a matter of national pride fisherman!

The bait for carp by hand. Recipes for summer fishing at the feeder

The basic idea of ​​

The bait for carp with his hands in the carp fishing is of paramount importance. Roughly speaking, without it anywhere, especially if you are going to catch on a fashionable and effective tackle as a feeder. But also for the tying of the fish to the place chosen for the future of fishing, bait for carp with their own hands - a very necessary thing. After the carp - fish quite voracious, and used to a certain "table" and routine supply, so it is so important to pre-tame. And to make it most effective bait for carp, with their hands and made time in an abandoned pond. Then and fishing in general is catching capacity.

The bait for carp by hand. Recipes for summer fishing at the feeder

Criteria and installation

What sort of criteria should have the best bait for carp, with their own hands to do? Well, maybe not the most-most, but good enough?

  1. If you get to the bottom as a result of a fisherman casting it must, so to speak, "explode" - that is, to create a slurry in the district that will attract the fish to your taste and aroma.
  2. It has to be stretched and blurred, like a small cloud created from the smallest and larger food particles to carp, to be eaten by the inhabitants of the water element. Moreover, the taste and odor as possible they should be interested in not very hungry cold-blooded. Incidentally, in this aspect, with such fish as carp, there are fewer constraints and conventions, as it is very voracious and consumes daily food mass, growing to such gigantic proportions is due to the abolition of appetite.


The best bait for carp, with his own hands made, shall consist of a number of global components. It can be subdivided into three groups - by appointment:

  1. First, is the foundation of attracting fish and creating dust and suspended in an aqueous medium smallest components.
  2. Secondly, it supplements - fillers, moderately crisp and nutritious, looking to the future of the catch as the more appetizing as possible.
  3. And, thirdly, one must have fragrances that enhance the smell and attract carp from afar.

To bait for carp with his hands (for the feeder, for example, or simply - to accustom the fish to the place) to get the most delicious, be sure to use all three components of the mixture, cleverly varying ingredients. Let's take a more detailed look at each component of the drunk by.

The bait for carp by hand. Recipes for summer fishing at the feeder


  • The most popular ingredients in the nation, especially in recent years, has been and remains to this day, dry cereals and grains, most uncomplicated. Firstly, they are the natural food, not even specifically falling into the ponds from the surrounding fields. And it's natural food carp, which he used to consume. Second, the grain for any rural (and urban) residents - the most accessible and affordable product that does not require the special search.
  • The crushed too finely damp, but dried seeds. The course can go all that is at hand. Sunflower seeds, flax, pumpkin, coriander. All this is surely to be found in almost any home. And therefore in demand. Especially, that the seeds of all possible plants surrounding the body of water where the carp are bred (or for wild counterpart), is also a natural dressing, falling into the water during the plant propagation.
  • But the form the foundations - a dry bait for carp with your hands - is not of natural origin. But can the same person, and anything to bring her in cooking and ingredients? So, your attention is the diverse milled dry pastries: biscuits, muffins, white crackers, cakes and pastries, slightly lost its freshness, stale. Well, who would have thought that the carp too, "cookies" like? By the way, this explains the fact that some anglers prefer to add to the lure, made by his own hand, a certain amount of sugar.
The bait for carp by hand. Recipes for summer fishing at the feeder

Additives as an engine of progress

As bait for carp is made with their own hands? Recipes may contain various additives. Here are some - the most popular ones.

  • millet porridge, cooked until half.
  • Pearl barley (refined wheat), steamed in a thermos as a semi-finished product.
  • pea porridge, not too razvaristaya.
  • Canned corn in banks, sweet. Corn or cereal from whole grains.
  • It is said that in the East, in the tradition of use for feeding carp rice porridge, the more so because it is easy to "catch on" quickly and does not fall apart when placed in water.
  • Sometimes a mixture of the above additives.
The bait for carp by hand. Recipes for summer fishing at the feeder

The flavored?

As a rule, spice flavors bait for carp is necessary. Verified that the very soul of barbel fall vanilla, anise drops of garlic. Some fishermen successfully use cocoa powder. "Sweet" kinds of oriental spices, such as cinnamon and ginger can also go to the course. There are more creative ways to lure flavor: shrimp, canned fish, sunflower or sesame oil, halva, honey and marmalade - one of the fish cooks in that much! The basic idea of ​​eating in a mixture - the presence of a strong odor, which would attract carp from afar. However, it has its own culinary rules. For example, it is prohibited to mix different incongruous with each other flavors.

The bait for carp by hand. Recipes

As already mentioned, there is a great variety of dishes recipe. Let's start with the most unpretentious. Typically, the main ingredients are mixed in the home, and in packaged form composite gear is brought into place where it has to immediately before casting into the pond water is added and kneaded to such thickness that it was possible to roll the balls that fit in the palm.

  • Cook semolina water (or milk) per kg of cereals. Let cool and add a pound of sunflower meal and a bit refined and slightly depressed raw sunflower seeds. The flavoring mixture is added in the most simple jar canned fish oil. All knead thoroughly and pack before arrival fishing (can be kept in the bottom of the refrigerator for several days).
  • In equal parts take SFM, dried, ground, flour corn. Pomace need steamed and then mixed with other ingredients for flavor tucking unrefined vegetable oil.
  • Peas cook and grind in a meat grinder. The ratio of 2: 1, add the semolina, cooked cool. Mix and pour half a cup of vegetable oil.
  • Cook wheat or barley porridge (1, 5 kilos), add a pound cakes, three or four boiled potatoes, a bunch of chopped fresh dill, a few cloves of garlic crushed. All this is thoroughly mixed to form a homogeneous bait for carp by hand.

The recipes in the summer, as you see, are distinguished by their availability and low cost. Therefore there is no need to spend money on expensive offers fishing shops, buying imported food.

The bait for carp by hand. Recipes for summer fishing at the feeder

But in the spring and in the autumn, when the water for carp is a little cooler, you can add animals to the bait: bloodworms, chopped worm and maggots. And do not forget about the main goal of a carp bait: a dream lure fish to clean the corners of the pond that you have designated for the fishing of hiding places, and get away from fishing with a trophy!

What is better for the feeder?

Feeder for carp bait with your hands is not very different in its essence from simple zakormochnoy. But as it should be placed in a manger, this factor imposes on the creation of a mixture of some additional conditions. Of course, the bait must have attraction for the fish (aroma and taste), gradually dissipate, creating a cloud of suspended matter around them, but to do it too quickly, and prolonged.

The bait for carp by hand. Recipes for summer fishing at the feeder

The bait for carp own hands

Recipes in the summer and autumn may include all of the available ingredients. Here is an example of a multi-component lures that you can prepare yourself:

  1. In order to create a framework take several components. Half of the volume - biscuits or pastries, 10% - or bran feed, for the same amount - dispenser, cereal grits and corn flour, oat or corn.
  2. In order to use additives fried and raw sunflower seeds, pre-cut, Hercules flakes, sesame seeds, peanuts and milk powder (can be taken in equal parts).
  3. From fragrances choose something one, for example, vanilla.
  4. All thoroughly mixed and packed in bags.
  5. On the fishery connect with porridge-additive and send in a manger. Tamp too not worth it, because the food is badly washed out. Ideally, the entire bait should disperse suspension near the bottom in 10-15 minutes!

And finally, remember an important rule: all existing bait - not final and immutable version. Play with the additives and the main components, use new flavors, and maybe it is your invention, the mixture will catch on among the produced fish.