Non-invasive face lift: methods, reviews

In modern society, the increasing popularity begin to get rejuvenation techniques that are considered to be not only effective, but also the most gentle and safe. For those who want to get great results, an excellent alternative to surgery has become a non-surgical face lift and neck.

Features methods

Non-invasive face lift: methods, reviews

The modern discovery, and technology development in cosmetology can offer a large number of options to combat fading of the skin and the first small wrinkles. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. So before you go for such procedures, they definitely need to explore and choose the best. As a rule, any non-surgical face lift comes in two possible ways:

- subcutaneously administered various chemical compositions (vitamins, acid site concentrated plasma);

- impact on problem areas or special infrared ray laser.

Regardless of the chosen method, begin to use all internal reserves - namely activated intercellular exchange, collagen production, actively updated its own cells.

Naturally, this is not the only way to face-lift, in addition to cosmetic options, the skin can be improved and at home with the help of gymnastics and masks. Each client chooses for himself one or another method that will show the best results for him.


These are the basic options of braces, which can be divided into three key types:

- Chemical. They involve the use of special solutions for peeling acids.

- Mechanical. In this way the upper layer of skin is removed by means of abrasion and peeling.

- Laser. This device is used to smooth and improve the skin.


Non-invasive face lift: methods, reviews

In spite of all the positive qualities that repeat Estheticians, non-surgical face lift still has shortcomings, which are better taken into account so as not to hurt yourself. Not allowed to use techniques to those who have:

- Skin problems (infectious lesions, acne) in the active period;

- chronic and common diseases in the acute stage;

- swelling in the places of rejuvenation;

- metal implants or pacemakers in the affected area;

- during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


All women want to look beautiful and young, but the clock is ticking, and the skin does not become fit and healthy. Not each of the ladies will want to take advantage of surgery, because there are many risks and contraindications. In this case, the perfect solution would be non-invasive face lift. Reviews of satisfied clients allocate a number of major advantages, which are described below.

1. There is no need for anesthesia. This technique does not cause virtually no discomfort to patients.

2. No surgery. rejuvenation procedure does not break the skin and does not injure the epidermis. This eliminates the loss of blood, the appearance of scars, infection customers, as well as minimizes all sorts of complications.

3. No period of rehabilitation. Non-invasive face lift allows ordinary life both during and after all procedures.

4. There is no contra-seasonal. These methods can be used throughout the year due to the fact that it is not affected by the top layer of skin, which is more exposed to sunlight or high temperatures.

5. Efficiency. These procedures help to make the cover is smooth and elastic for a period of 1 to 1, 5 years. See positive results can already after the first session, and it will increase over time, even after the passage of a full course.


Non-invasive face lift: methods, reviews

Non-surgical facelift techniques are currently considered very popular. According to reviews of satisfied customers, such procedures are used to rejuvenate the body and face and struggle with such basic signs of aging, like laxity, wrinkles, pigmentation, as well as other cosmetic defects. Professionals say that these sessions are indicated in patients with scars, post-acne, cellulite and stretch marks. Well enhance the effect of fatoomolozheniya procedures, vacuum massage.

These plastics can do yourself a people under the age of 20 years. The most pronounced effect of the intervention will be swept up by customers from 40 to 60.

Mesotherapy or mesolifting

This method is considered to be one of the most popular methods of non-surgical intervention, which activates the internal processes. This non-surgical face lift is shown to women of 40 years. Mesotherapy essence lies in the fact that by means of a needle introduced into the skin cosmetic mixtures, comprising vitamins, hyaluronic acid, and trace elements. All full course consists of 3-5 procedures.

The peculiarity of the method consists in introducing those drugs which reach the inner layers of the dermis. The procedure increases blood circulation, stimulates cell renewal and activates the metabolism. Due mesolifting perfectly smoothed the loose skin at the cellular level, which reduces deep wrinkles. The main contraindications to this method are: pregnancy, lactation, impaired blood clotting, and immune suppression personal intolerant drugs. The main drawbacks of these treatments are painful, the relatively high price and bruising and swelling for 2-4 days.

thread facelift

Non-invasive face lift: methods, reviews

Such a procedure (for reviews of Women) excellent smooths signs of aging with the help of tissue fixation. As a result, well-tightened and fixed facial muscles and neck. Partially removes excess fat and loose skin. After applying the cover becomes more healthy and young. A non-surgical facelift yarns is best suited to patients between the ages of 40-60 years.

During the procedure, the skin threaded through thin strands of a special material, which are beginning to hold the tissue lost its elasticity. With their help the muscles are lifted into position, then firmly fixed. Holding such a session takes just 30 minutes. The rehabilitation period after the lift is very fast and does not cause discomfort. The next day, the patients have returned to my old life.

Cosmetologists observed the following results:

- special yarn improve and tighten sagging and loose skin;

- correct drooping corners of her lips, nasolabial folds become less visible;

- clean and atrophic scars inverted.

Customers who have seen bleeding disorders, infectious diseases and inflammation, non-surgical tightening of the threads is contraindicated face. Reviews of satisfied users claim that this procedure is fairly rapid and effective results. After the end of the session there are no scars, and the final result remains the same about 2 years. But just as in any of the methods, there are also disadvantages, which primarily include the high cost and limited range of action - that is, there is only a lift.

Deep chemical peels

Non-invasive face lift: methods, reviews

Such non-surgical facelift is the most popular. Thanks to this procedure can affect the deeper layers of the dermis, erase age spots, wrinkles, scars and adjust to eliminate the other changes on the skin. It is recommended to customers who have reached the age of 50. Despite the fact that the procedure does not require surgery, it is only stationary, because after her skin needs special care. The method consists in the fact that under anesthesia administered to the patient pre-prepared compositions relieving deep, middle and upper layers of the dermis. We need to restore from 7 to 10 days, after which the skin will be completely revived.

As the reviews, peeling improves the color and smoothness of the skin, increases cell renewal, removes pigmentation and hyperkeratosis, tightens pores, improves blood circulation and activates the production of collagen. A non-surgical facelift circular visibly reduces wrinkles and rejuvenates the face.

The main contraindications in which it is not necessary to choose such a procedure are considered lactation, pregnancy, worsening of chronic diseases, skin oncology and psychiatric disorders. The advantages include the fact that only one session for demonstration effect also exists the possibility of combining with surgery. But there are also disadvantages, which include a high risk of allergic reactions and the appearance of scars.


Non-invasive face lift: methods, reviews

A non-surgical face lift at home - a variety of exercises that can restore skin tone and strengthen muscles. To get results, you must perform all systematically. For the procedure will need just 15 minutes of time. These exercises can be done both standing and sitting, but it is best to sit on the edge of a chair, well squared his shoulders and straighten your back. The most popular and effective are the following manipulations:

- The hand pressed to his forehead, then his eyebrows and forehead muscles go upstairs underneath. One approach takes 8-10 seconds, the exercise requires four repetitions. - The index finger hold the muscles above the eyebrows - at this point you need to greatly narrow eyes, and then relax, repeat 10 times.

- raises an eyebrow hands of a few millimeters and recorded. At this point, my eyes are closed for 5 seconds after the start of rest, running multiple repetitions. This procedure leads to the upper eyelids elastic and rid them of wrinkles.

- is pressed against the bottom of the eye muscles of the fingers and strongly zazhmurivaemsya for 10 seconds was repeated 6 times.

- In the mouth typed air, and it is distilled from one cheek to the other, as is done 30 times without stopping. Through this exercise it is very easy to remove the nasolabial fold.

- make a circular motion with his lips to two sides. At this point, you need to feel the relaxation of muscles. Then they add a straw and led away to the maximum. It kept that way for a few seconds, and then repeated in the opposite direction, to carry out 6 times.

- For the prevention of circular wrinkles need to do stretching mouth. To do this well open his mouth as if to say the sound "O", to stay on for 8 seconds, then relax, run 5 times.

- There are also exercises and lip. In the mouth the air is typed, then it is pushed, the water in all directions. Next, you will need to open your mouth, stretch lips, and then his hands slowly to hold the sides of the face. Performed until the burning sensation in the muscles after the need to relax and get some rest.

- In order to tighten the muscles of the neck, they are straining, as if mentally pronouncing the sound "sh". In this position you must hold 8 seconds, and then relax, do 8 times.

For a good result it is necessary to regularly perform these exercises for the face. A non-surgical facelift in the form of exercises, according to reviews, is considered the most safe and accessible to all.


This technique is the use of autologous plasma. Developed and tested by domestic scientists. It is based on the effect of restoring skin surfaces platelet rich plasma cells. Injections are administered to the patient in the problem space, thereby starting to activate fibroblast function and improving collagen synthesis. As a result, non-surgical face lift activates the biological mechanisms of recovery and rejuvenation covers.

Fractional laser rejuvenation

It is absolutely safe and innovative method, which aims to stimulate regeneration processes in the deep layers of the dermis. It can be used both for the young and for older customers. This system allows for an unrivaled result of lifting and rejuvenation. Non-invasive face lift is suitable for all skin types and can be used even in the summer. The effect is achieved instantly and lasts up to four months.


Non-invasive face lift: methods, reviews

The technique of the procedure is the impact on the covers of high-performance light sources. Actively stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin. After applying the rate face, neck area and the neck of the patient become healthy, soft and smooth skin. The method also makes it possible to deal with excessive hair growth, vascular mesh, pigmentation and fine wrinkles.

The Chinese cosmetics

These tools include the placenta creams and masks. Unlike traditional means of surface working, these components are cleaned very cause of aging. They contribute to the awakening of the body's hidden reserves and make cells work actively, as in the period of youth. All the ingredients are recommended to apply only the massage lines. Chinese cosmetics for non-surgical facelift is used to:

- replenish elastin and collagen;

- rejuvenate, restore and brighten the skin;

- wrinkles and prevent their occurrence;

- relieve fatigue and stress, give a person the freshness;

- eliminate pigmentation.

It is recommended to use such a series is already 25 years since the components satisfy all the needs of even the young skin, thereby improving its environmental resistance. Such cosmetics cosmetics regenerates new cells, replenishing their supply of elastin and collagen, improves the function of the skin, making wrinkles less noticeable and helps to slow down the aging process.

Such means can be successfully used even men, especially those who have sensitive skin. Creams perfectly soften cover after daily shaving and restore areas that have been damaged. But, of course, we are talking about product quality, marked by the corresponding certificate. For example, a number of indisputable advantages possesses cosmetics "Tiandi".