How to build rear delts? Exercises for the back and shoulders

Development and strengthening of the shoulders is a popular means of making stronger the athlete's body, as well as visually expand the shoulder girdle. But the question of how to pump up the rear delts, facing mostly already experienced athletes.

Non-professional athletes do not need a separate elaboration of the rear portion of shoulder muscles. After all, when we swing back, it receives indirect load, it is sufficient to maintain the tone.

Why rear beams shoulder muscles pump only pro?

Delta each arm consists of three beams: the front, the side (middle) and adjustable. Most often, novice bodybuilders pay attention to the first two types.

The front beams are responsible for the force with which a person can lift an object above his head, and the side - for the visual width of the shoulders. A rear delts are usually underdeveloped, as a special role in the life of not playing, and people are not faced with such a load, which forced him to swing it their.

How to build rear delts? Exercises for the back and shoulders

But when a bodybuilder pose goes, it should be perfect. At the time of the demonstration back muscles developed no rear shoulder beams have a negative impact on the decision of the judges.

This explains the popularity of the issue among professional athletes, how to pump up the rear of the delta.

So, we move on to the exercises, which will help you to make the powerful rear shoulder beams.

represents an indirect part in the exercises at the back

When we swing back, the rear beams muscles tense at the moment the various drafts. This is due to the fact that they are involved in the process of breeding in the hands of the parties, if the elbows pointing behind her.

How to build rear delts? Exercises for the back and shoulders

But when entering the competition level similar to the load is small enough to develop a beautiful shape and make powerful the delts.

The layout in the slope

One of the most popular and simple exercise to the back beam deltas is breeding dumbbells in hand. There are several embodiments.

Let us consider the most effective of them.

The starting position at a dilution of

Stand up exactly with dumbbells in your hands, slightly bend your knees for better balance, tilt your body forward almost parallel to the floor, making sure your back is flat. Hands with dumbbells relax, lower down, but do not touch them to the floor, elbows expand so that they looked to the side.

If you feel pain, you can use a weight belt to reduce the load on the spine.

The wiring technique

On the exhale, begin to reduce the blade, raising his hands up. In this case, the elbows should move in the same plane and to be always higher than the brush. Try to do the exercise so that the work of the maximum delta includes a rear shoulder.

How to build rear delts? Exercises for the back and shoulders

After lifted the dumbbells up as much as possible at the expense of the shoulders, begin to slowly lower the arms back to the starting position.

Common mistakes when carrying out the wiring in the slope of

Involuntarily all athletes elbows trying to take the usual position and pull over to the body. Should be avoided, deploy them outside, otherwise defeats the purpose of the exercise, and rear beams are no longer included as desired.

Loss of control over the back face not only injuries, but also the movement of the load on the trapezius muscles. The smoother you stand, the greater the load will take the middle delts and your trapeze.

Thrust rod to the chin

This exercise can be called a classic, and the base for the elaboration of deltas. Before its use, be sure to learn the techniques.

Correctly performing this exercise, you will be able to work not only back, but average (side) delts.

How to build rear delts? Exercises for the back and shoulders

Prepare neck. It can be either curved or straight. It all depends on how you will be comfortable working with a particular shell. Set the bar to the racks.

The starting position at rod

Take the usual post direct grip, palms facing you. Pick up width grip, realizing the following relationship: the wider it is, the greater the load rests on the shoulders than he already is, the more weight is taken over the trapezius muscles.

If you feel that the grip is weak, it can be strengthened through athletic straps. Pick up a shell from the racks and step back half a step back. Keep your back straight. Shoulders straighten as much as possible, extend the chest forward.

Technique thrust chin

Try to take a wider grip - only in this way will be given to the real traction on the delta.

Unfolding elbows out, start to lift the barbell up, trying to stretch the muscles of the shoulders only. The elbows should move in the same plane. When you have finished the bar to the level of the chest, hold it for a moment and start slowly lowered it to its original position, to pull on the back of the delta was felt.

Guidance on the Implementation of traction

Try to raise the bar as high as possible, but watch out for the elbows, which must always look to the side.

Some athletes perform movements slightly relaxed forearms. In this there is no error, as the brush is pretty in an awkward position. To avoid pain, strengthen your grip athletic straps.

Common errors

Novice athletes try to do the exercise with the maximum weights, distorting techniques. This leads to the fact that they begin to help themselves at the expense of leg muscles jerk and wiggle.

How to build rear delts? Exercises for the back and shoulders

So do not be engaged effectively. Try to include at least the movement of the muscles do not steal from the delta load.

Contact "Butterfly"

If you are accustomed to using the "butterfly" download only the pectoral muscles, try to train and shoulders. This way you can give a load aiming only at the rear of the delta.

This exercise should be used at the end of the workout. Making it necessary to at least 12-15 times.

Preparing to

Take not your back and chest to the back of the simulator. The first step is to choose the correct height of the handles and the chair. The chest should rest against the backrest. In this case, the handle should be at a height so that your upper limbs parallel to the floor.

Weight set small - typically 2-3 tile, depending on fitness.

Technique feedback "butterfly"

Grasp the handles on the simulator, back straight, lean your chest on the back, slightly bend your elbows. Begin to take his hands back, bringing the blades.

Try to take the limb as far as possible, by making the maximum amplitude. Then slowly return to starting position and start to make a new approach.

The layout in blocks for the crossover

Exercises related to the cultivation of the hands, are a great way to pump up the rear delts.

Go to the blocks, which usually do crossovers. Handles must be attached to the upper wire. Left hand on the opposite holder. Similarly, did the same with the right hand.

How do I perform this exercise properly?

After you took the handles, you had to interbreed upper limbs. Begin to breed them in hand, trying to make blades. It should be done slowly, as his shoulders - it is very fragile and valuable joint that is treated not only long, but also expensive.

How to build rear delts? Exercises for the back and shoulders

As soon felt the hands on divorce can not, should go back to the starting position, but to cross the limb is not worth it.

What are the errors in the rear of the delta in the block?

Since the technology is not very complicated, the error occurs a little. The most common of them - is an attempt to increase the amount raised by the kilogram.

Because of this exercise it is meaningless, because you can not carry it out with full amplitude. If you do so, the rear delts already just will not work at full capacity. Therefore, not chase the mass, and developing smoothly increasing working weight.

combination with the training of the back

As already mentioned, working through the back, we indirectly swing rear delts. Therefore, it would be logical to combine in their training program of exercises that focus on the rear beam shoulder muscles and back.

For example, such a program might look like this:

  • Thrust vertical block.
  • wide grip pullups.
  • Thrust rod to the stomach.
  • Link to the chin.
  • Steps barbell classic grip.

As can be seen, with the help of these exercises on his shoulders and back can properly combine deltas training, widest and trapezius muscles. The number of sets and repetitions each must determine for himself.

How often should you perform?

It all depends on how often you exercise, and load the shoulders. Another important point is the comparison of the level of development of each of the delta beams.

If there is a thorough backwardness of the back of the shoulders, it is possible to remove or reduce the number of approaches to the front beams. Given the fact that the front part is involved in many of the exercises are not even related to the fact that pump shoulders (eg, bench press), it can be concluded that such an approach should not greatly stall their development.

How to build rear delts? Exercises for the back and shoulders

Therefore, you can safely donate some time for pumping back deltas. They train with good returns, the main thing is not to forget them and to train regularly to perform appropriate exercises.


Above we have shown excellent exercises to help develop the rear delts. Do not forget to include them in their training program. Follow these recommendations, pay enough attention to the rear beams shoulder muscles, and speech, you will not be equal!