How to make a cucumber lotion at home for a person?

That such an ordinary vegetables, like cucumber, has a mass of useful properties, it has been known for a very long time. Long before our time Russian beauty used it to renew its youth. This article is about how to make cucumber lotion at home.

The composition of the cucumber

Ninety-five percent of this vegetable is water. At the same time it contains a lot of nutrients, micronutrients, including vitamins E, B, C, PP, potassium, iron, phosphorus, manganese and many others. Thanks to this rich composition, it cleans the skin, keeps it in good shape, whitens, removes all inflammation and eliminates dryness.

How to make a cucumber lotion at home for a person?

Face Benefits

Cucumber is actively used in cosmetology. Here's how to apply some of the substances in its composition:

  • Vitamin C evens out skin tone, eliminating it from pigmentation;
  • Vitamin E supports youth;
  • ascorbic acid, and iodine kill harmful microbes;
  • potassium allows absorbs excess fat, thus stabilizing the sebaceous glands.

How do I need to properly apply the lotion

This product is, in general, is harmless. However, its use should still be careful. For example, if the skin is prone to dryness, in lotion should not include alcohol, so that the skin can become even more dry. In this case, the composition must be prepared in water or broth from herbs.

In order to cleanse the skin, he is unlikely to fit, since more has nutritional properties. Therefore, before how to use the tool, the skin must be cleaned. Her lotion is applied gently with a cotton pad. After to apply a moisturizing cream.

How to make a cucumber lotion at home for a person?

Those who wondered how to make cucumber lotion at home, you must first use a good main component thereof. Vegetables should be fresh, and of course, it is best if it is grown on their own plot, and not brought from nowhere and you sold on the market.

Lotion for removing make-up

To carefully take care of your face, be sure to have the necessary means. How to make a cucumber lotion at home make-up remover? For its preparation require the following components: 300 g of cucumber, lemon 1, a glass of vodka and spoon honey. Both vegetable ingredient peeled and passed through a meat grinder. In a glass jar filled they vodka. In this case, if the skin is oily, then this component will take longer, but if dry - less. In the latter case it would be better if diluted with water.

The tool should be insisted in a dry and dark place. But after two or three weeks, you can use it. Just before that you need to add the honey and lotion ready. It is stored in the refrigerator and use it within six months for an evening make-up remover.

How to make a cucumber lotion at home for a person?

Lotion acne

How to make a cucumber lotion at home so as to get rid of acne? This problem is most of all for those who have oily skin type. Large pores are often present at this lotion will make it practically invisible.

To make it takes a large cucumber juice, spoon benzoic tincture and one hundred milliliters of rose water. All mixed and infused for one day in the refrigerator. Used tool on the face without make-up from two to five times a day.

How to make a cucumber lotion at home for a person?

anti-aging lotion

How to prepare cucumber lotion at home to face was always in perfect order? Taken a few vegetables, cut into cubes, put in a glass bowl and poured vodka. In a dark place means brewed for ten days, and then filtered. The lotion is ready for use and can be used within six months.

Lotion for the perfect tan

How to prepare cucumber lotion at home for a beautiful tan that will not contain any harmful chemicals that lead to skin aging? For such agents need the following: 100 ml of glycerol, 100 ml of juice and cucumber two spoons rosewater. All components are mixed, and the means applied to the skin. Such lotion desirably applied daily, once. Stored it in the refrigerator for a short time, only ten days, and then its healing properties are weakened, and then lost all.

How to make a cucumber lotion at home for a person?

Lotion for skin whitening

How to make a cucumber facial lotion at home to whiten the skin and get rid of the annoying age spots? This is the simple recipe: you need only to mix cucumber juice with the same amount of sour milk. Means stored in the refrigerator, but not for long, only five days. On his face is applied to ten minutes. To this recipe you can add a little lemon juice, especially if you have oily skin type.

For dry skin,

As already mentioned, you can not use alcohol as a part of the means for dry skin. How to prepare cucumber lotion for the face at home for this type of skin? You can use a recipe from our major component and the milk. Cucumber cut into cubes, milk and put on fire. Mix the ingredients, their boiled for a few minutes. After cooling lotion is considered ready.

For oily skin

To make lotion for this skin type, you need to take minced cucumber and lemon. Moreover take four portions of the first and one second part. The mixture was added two tablespoons of lemon juice and pour the vodka. In a tightly closed jar lotion infused for three weeks, after which it adds a bit of mineral water, egg white and honey.

For all skin types

How to make a cucumber lotion at home on the water, which will have universal effect? It takes the ordinary vegetables and rub on a grater. After that it just poured green tea. The mixture insisting and then used as necessary.

Also outstanding action will have an ordinary frozen in molds cucumber juice. In the morning wipe the face such a cube instead of washing. This "ice lotion" will relieve the skin from excessive fat and giving it a hearty healthy glow.