Modern and effective types of hair removal

There are different forms and types of hair removal in the world today. And sometimes you can get lost in them. Girls of all ages are thinking, what kind of approach is the most effective. To be honest, this issue is very complex. And his decision will have to examine the types of hair removal, taking into account the characteristics and disadvantages of each. Fortunately, most women are now aware of the possible processes of treatments to rid of unwanted body hair. Let us and we'll find out about them.

Modern and effective types of hair removal

What is the procedure of

To begin, find out how to process, in principle, we have to deal with. After all, there are two concepts - epilation and depilation. To be honest, in terms of these modern women do not see the difference. And so under the depilation means any deliverance from "vegetation" on the body.

But in reality, depilation - is the process of removing the hair without affecting the roots and without their destruction. In other words, the disposal of the upper, visible hairline.

But hair removal - is more complicated. He refers to procedures that involve impact on the root of the hair to its destruction. So you will be able to rid yourself of the "vegetation" for long periods of time. But once taken under epilation understand any process of removing body hair, it is about them, and we will be with you to have a conversation. Let us start as soon as possible.


The first thing you should pay attention - this is the true methods of hair removal. For example, in the photo-epilation. This approach to the removal of body hair is used in modern beauty salons. it is not suitable for home use. Nevertheless epilation gets very good reviews and is quite a popular procedure.

Modern and effective types of hair removal

The action of the variety of hair removal is based on the destruction of the hair follicles with the help of heat and light. Probably, it is - the most "harmless" and painless procedure, which only can be found in salons. Types of hair removal bikini zone and elsewhere are diverse. And photoepilation for particularly sensitive areas - the best tool. It is perfect for women with sensitive skin, as well as having a low threshold of pain. The main advantage of this procedure - is a long-term disposal of body hair in unwanted places. You do not have to suffer with hairs about 4-5 years. Pretty tempting offer.

But all kinds of hair removal forever not rid us of unwanted hair. As soon as that was said, after some time the procedure should be repeated. It is only in salons. And this method is not so cheap. In addition, sometimes the skin may appear redness and pigmentation disorders occur. Not very scary, but it is unpleasant.


It is believed that the most effective form of hair removal - laser. It was he who in a short time has gained popularity with the public. Procedure is conducted in approximately the same as the photo-epilation. Only with the use of a special laser, which acts directly on the hair root, destroying it completely. As used in the procedure instrument aims to melanin.

Application of epilation laser - the process is painless. It saves women from unnecessary hairs about 5-6 years. That is considered to be more effective than epilation. Plus, the processing of a large area of ​​the skin require very little time. And the best kind of hair removal is safe - you almost do not risk damaging their body during the procedure.

Modern and effective types of hair removal

The truth is, we should not rejoice too soon. Disadvantages to this approach too. For example, older lasers may cause minor burns. Not really dangerous if you decide to get laser hair removal on the legs, but in the intimate places such phenomenon will bring a lot of inconvenience. Plus, this hair removal is expensive. There are some contraindications. For example, it is not necessary to carry out laser hair removal on light or red hair. You just spend their time and money, and not having achieved normal results.


As you can see, there are different types of hair removal bikini area and other places on the body. But the most tried and tested is electrolysis. This process is based on the effects of electric charge on each hair. As a consequence of the phenomenon of hair follicle is destroyed for a long time. But electrolysis is not particularly popular among women.

The undoubted advantages of this process is. For example, after the procedure, it will be possible to forget for a few years on the hair in the treated areas of the body. As the client said virtually forever. After the electrical charges are destroying the hair follicle for about 10 years, maybe more. Plus, it does not matter what color your hair. And the procedure costs cheaper.

But there have eletroepilyatsii significant drawbacks. For example, a client experiencing a lot of pain during the procedure. Therefore, in the bikini area is better not to use this approach. Also worth noting is that this process is very long. After all, you have to miss an electrical charge through each hair. There are some contraindications. For example, you can not do electrolysis in diabetes or during pregnancy. And choose salon where electricity makes hair removal have long. Many places or refuse from the process, or equipment operating with poor (or obsolete). And it is very dangerous for the health of clients.

Elos hair removal

As it became evident among the process of getting rid of unwanted hair there are different types. Laser hair removal, for example, as well as many other approaches that do not compete with the modern procedure called Elos-epilation. She appeared not so long ago, but has already started to gain a lot of attention on the part of women.

Action procedure it based on the simultaneous effect of an electric charge (more precisely, the high-voltage current) and the light pulse. Such an approach carefully protects the skin from the negative effects of burns and overheating. With all this we can say that Elos hair removal promises to relieve customers from unwanted hair permanently. And thus eliminates ingrown hairs. Just what you need modern women! All the same, what color your skin and hair. This method will cope with any task at best.

Modern and effective types of hair removal

However, modern forms of hair removal is not as ideal as we would like. They have their own drawbacks. For example, the high cost. Elos hair removal may require several treatments to achieve maximum results. Usually it is necessary when the customer blonde hair. In an extreme case, the session will last.


Types of hair removal bikini, and other places on the body (armpits, feet, face) may be such that they allow to carry out the procedure at home. As a rule, the majority of approaches are best called depilation. However, we have said, that the modern woman, the term "treatment" means any process of ridding itself of the "vegetation" on the body. So now, we will meet you with home remedies for procedures now.

Types leg hair removal (and not only) can be different. But as a rule, have identified a number of basic categories in this process:

  • shaving;
  • plucking;
  • chemical exposure;
  • bioepilyatsiyu.

Now we have to deal with you in all this. Do not be afraid that it will be extremely difficult. Pets types of hair removal are subject to even the youngest girls. Some of them have been successfully used with very young children. Now you're ready.


Different types of hair removal forever does not eliminate the hair. They still have to clean up after a while. Therefore, in order not to throw good money after bad, many girls choose the most old and proven method of home - shave. Here you will help a special foam and most ordinary razor.

Advantages to this approach is. For example, low cost. All you need to - it's just a neat shave any area. Just be careful not to injure yourself! Also, this type of hair removal is usually known for its painless, fast and easy to use. But there are significant drawbacks. Firstly, you can get hurt or injury. Especially frustrating when it happens in the most sensitive areas. Also, this process requires special care and skill. Yes, and the hair on the body eliminates it for a short time. After approximately 2 weeks (or even earlier), it is necessary to repeat the procedure again. However, shaving is still relevant and familiar approach to the issue of body hair removal.

Modern and effective types of hair removal


It is very important for any girl now epilation. Types of the process are varied. And so each can choose the right procedure. If you do not like to use a razor, and walk around the cabin - rather expensive, it is possible to do plucking. There are two versions of events.

The first thing that you can offer - is the use of a special thread for hair removal. This process is not particularly pleasant, but effective. Yes, and it is held in the salons, and at home. Incidentally, this service is not so expensive. Popularity is still not particularly enjoy. Is that correct the shape of eyebrows.

The second approach - is the use of special machines. It's called - epilator. It is popular, but not the best choice. Yes, use the epilator really comfortable at home. But it's such agony! After all, such an approach is not only that brings a lot of pain, so also causes a lot of negative consequences. For example, the eerie redness and inflammation of the skin. It is for this reason that epilator have little use in the bikini area. The hair, of course, is plucking saves for a long time (about a month). But sometimes it is better to find a different approach, a more gentle.

to help Chemistry

Types of hair removal at home are varied. To be honest, shaving and plucking - this is already outdated approaches. Therefore, many of the girls pay attention to chemical hair removal. Do not be afraid of the term, it is not dangerous. Under chemical hair removal involve the use of a special depilatory cream. This is - the cheapest, most popular and painless approach. He is considered among the best home hair removal. Modern shops offer a wide range of different creams. They all vary in scope and certain properties (universal, for sensitive skin, moisturizing, for the bikini area, and so on). Also creams different duration. Usually distinguish "three-minute", "five-minute", "ten minute". You just need to clean and dry the skin, and then apply a thin layer of cream on uchatok. After a certain time (depending on the time of action) all warm water rinse. It can even be used for pregnant girls.

Modern and effective types of hair removal

However, in this technique, there are some drawbacks. For example, there may be an allergic reaction. They are rare, but can happen. Also, some creams are very expensive. Most women try to buy Velvet and Tanita. As the buyers, it makes no sense to shell out for Veet or any other similar means.


Next on the list - bioepilyatsiya. It identified a number of very interesting approaches, which are implemented both at home and in salons. We start with the most widespread acceptance - vaksinga.

What it is? The use of wax for the purpose of hair removal. In the salons (possible also at home) to parts of the body is applied to the heated wax and then it is pasted a special strip of paper, which is then opened with the original "material" against the hair growth. As a consequence of this process, "vegetation" on the body is literally pulled out by the roots. The house is better to use a ready-made wax strips, which are used in a similar way.

To be honest, waxing is very popular. Yes, sometimes this process can bring a bit of pain. But compared with the same hair removal is a trifle. In addition, such bioepilyatsiya does not cause allergies, as well as being extremely effective technique. You will have to repeat the procedure about once every 2-3 months. If done in a salon, you will please a small cost of the process, as well as the short duration of the procedure. The same applies to ready-made wax strips - simply, quickly, and inexpensively available.


Another type bioepilyatsii - it shugaring. It is based on the same "pulling out" of hair as waxing. Only this approach is considered to be more modern and less painful. But what does he mean?

Modern and effective types of hair removal

A special adhesive paste prepared from sugar and lemon juice. She rolled into balls, which then just need to drive through the body to remove the hairs. And the pasta should be slightly warm - this will allow the removal without unnecessary pain. This procedure is not very expensive in salons. In addition, it is perfect for home use. Only one problem - buying pasta shugaring.

However, if you have time, you can cook it with sugar and citric acid (juice). The recipes are different - they are all very simple, but requires constant monitoring. Once you make the balls shugaring, the reason they have on any area of ​​skin where you have to get rid of the "vegetation" - the result will appear immediately.

The advantages of this technique include low cost, efficiency and ease of use. And since it bioepilyatsiya, it is also safe for health. That is, no allergies, you will not. And the negative effects of too excluded. From hair shugaring eliminates wonderful. A second procedure will take about a few months. The finished pasta shugaring safely stored in a freezer or refrigerator, and before use - thawed at room temperature. However, some women refuse from this technique because of the difficulties with the preparation of material for the procedure.

As you can see, there are different types of hair removal. But which approach is better - to choose you. Many doctors do not recommend to apply to the salons for body hair removal. Is that for bioepilyatsiey. Thus, it is better to get rid of body hair at home. Different types of hair removal reviews are too different. And everyone chooses for itself the best and most effective approach to the issue of hair removal.