How to remove stretch marks on his chest?

Unfortunately, stretch marks on his chest - a very common problem. From the appearance of reddish or purple stripes on the skin are not insured by anyone, regardless of age. According to statistics, stretch marks often appear on the chest in pregnant women, however, it is possible and in young teenage girls. Get rid of this problem is not so easy, especially if you do not start a fight with stretch marks at an early stage. And today, many women who wish to return and maintain the beauty of the chest, are interested in information on effective means of removing stretch marks.

How to remove stretch marks on his chest?

Stretch marks on breasts: photo and mechanism of occurrence of

Stretch marks - a problem that many women are familiar, and men, by the way, too. They represent a defect which has the form of long, sometimes wavy stripes on reddish skin and sometimes even purple. These stretch marks are of different sizes and color, and can appear almost anywhere on the body. Women may often notice stretch marks on his chest. Picture shows how look like formations.

The appearance of stretch marks due to the strong skin stretching. Thus collagen and elastin fibers, not withstanding pressure, simply torn, which leads to structural damage to the upper layers. The intervals between them are quickly filled by connective tissue - that it provides them with color. Depending on the depth of damage and the individual characteristics of the body, stretch marks fade with time, acquiring the same color as the surrounding skin tissue. However, by themselves they do not disappear, causing aesthetic discomfort to the woman.

How to remove stretch marks on his chest?

Why Breast stretch marks appear? Risk Factors

Of course, not all of the fair sex appear stretch marks on his chest. So what are the reasons for their occurrence? Are there any risk factors?

It's no secret that most often appear on the chest stretching during pregnancy. Nevertheless, from stretch marks often suffer even girls who have not yet managed to become mothers. The probability of occurrence of extensions increases during hormonal disruptions. Fluctuations in the level of certain hormones affect the synthesis of collagen and elastin - substances that provide elasticity of the skin.

There is also a certain genetic factor, in particular, hereditary deficiency of the same collagen and elastin. Stretch marks on breasts may be the result of weight fluctuations, and not only its sharp set, but rapid weight loss. Also, the risk factors are too active sports without the use of special sports bras.

How to remove stretch marks on his chest?

Stretch marks on breasts during pregnancy

Stretch marks - the problem is very widespread. And it is no secret that most often appear stretch marks on the breasts during pregnancy. Indeed, in this period, the body goes through thorough hormonal changes. In addition, the mammary glands are constantly increasing in size, which stretches the skin, causing fractures of the upper layers. That is why it is so important to start prevention is still at the early stages of pregnancy - it helps to make the skin more elastic.

Stretch marks on breasts after childbirth sometimes arise because of the awkward position of the breast while feeding the baby. If you hold the baby too low, it is during the meal will stretch the skin, which can also cause damage. With that help manage special nursing bra that supports the bust from below.

How to remove stretch marks on his chest?


Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks? Creams and other means of

Of course, the fight against stretch marks is possible with the help of special tools, which in today's cosmetology market a huge amount. It is advisable to buy drugs in pharmacies or retail stores - it will reduce the risk of buying a fake.

Cream of stretch marks on the chest must contain agents that soften and moisturize the skin, including aloe vera, jojoba oil, olive oil, wheat germ oil and the like. D. Typically, these means comprise, and collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamins and minerals. All of these substances help to make the skin more elastic and smooth, as well as provide nutrition of tissues. Complete with a cream you can buy special creams for cleaning the epidermis, as well as oil for massage and deep moisturizing.

How to remove stretch marks on his chest?

Home remedies for stretch marks: compresses and wraps

Of course, stretch marks on the chest, you can try to remove using traditional medicine. But it is necessary to understand that this treatment should be regular. And remember that it takes quite a long time, so do not count on a quick effect. In addition, not all stretch marks can be removed by various masks and compresses.

It is considered to be a pretty good mask with aloe and honey. For its preparation you need to mix three tablespoons of crushed leaves of the plants (you can skip through the meat grinder) and five tablespoons of honey. The resulting mixture was applied to the chest and left on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

You can make a warm compress. To do this, two tablespoons of dried chamomile pour a glass of hot milk. After the infusion has cooled slightly, it is necessary to moisten the gauze or cloth, which then wrap the chest, covering it with plastic wrap. After 15 minutes remove the poultice, wash the breast with warm water and processed fat nutritious cream.

The essential oils to combat stretch marks

If you are interested in questions about how to remove stretch marks on his chest, then you should know about the healing properties of essential oils. Properly using these gifts of nature, we can achieve good results. For example, orange oil softens and tones the skin, while the essential oil of rose gradually restores its elasticity and firmness.

Use these tools are very easy - they can cook excellent body lotion. As a basis we can take an olive, almond or sesame oil, adding a few drops of the chosen essential oil. For example, 30 mg base necessary to dilute 4-6 drops of essential oil. The mixture was stored in the refrigerator and treat the skin every day.

Other home remedies for stretch marks removal

Naturally, traditional medicine offers thousands of different recipes. If you do not always have time for compresses and wraps, you can enter in the course of therapy and more effective means of stretch marks on his chest, and it was a decoction of camomile.

Dried flowers of the plant you can buy in any pharmacy. Five tablespoons of this raw material to pour liter of water and bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for a further 10-15 minutes. Next saucepan with broth need to wrap a towel and leave for a few hours. After the "medicine" will insist it should strain and pour into molds for ice. You need to keep in the freezer. Experts recommend rubbing the chest of chamomile ice cube every morning. This will not only make stretch marks less visible, but will also provide the elasticity of the breast, which is important.

What can offer aesthetic medicine and cosmetology?

Of course, modern cosmetology and medicine offer different procedures to get rid of the marks on the skin. Some of them give really great results, while others do stretching only less visible. So how to remove stretch marks on his chest?

For example, quite often patients with this problem recommend a chemical peel. The essence of it is quite simple: by using chemically aggressive substances (e.g., acids) is carried out removal of the upper layers of the skin, as well as the activation of regenerative processes and collagen synthesis.

Some experts recommend the radio frequency and ultrasound therapy. Quite good results can give a treatment with ozone. Stretching can be removed with the help of plastic surgery. However, the most popular today are the techniques such as laser resurfacing, and mesotherapy.

In any case, do not self-recorded for a particular procedure. First, be sure to consult with your doctor, who will tell you how to remove stretch marks on the chest is in your case. In any case, it is necessary to understand that the process of removing stretch marks tend to be lengthy and requires a whole range of different activities.

Mesotherapy in the struggle for a beautiful skin

Quite popular method today is mesotherapy. The procedure is problematic in point of the skin piercing portion to the introduction of special vitamin cocktail. Apart from the fact that the skin gets its required vitamins and nutrients, puncture damaged areas become centers of active regeneration.

How to remove stretch marks on his chest?

In addition, mesotherapy even at home can be carried out using a special mezorollera. This tool is a round cushion, covered with small sharp needles. After treating them skin can absorb much more of the special nutrient creams, gels, serums.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

The most safe and effective laser skin resurfacing is considered. During this procedure the doctor with a laser removes the upper layers of the skin, which stimulates regeneration processes. According to reviews, fresh stretch marks can be removed already for 2-4 sessions, but to remove the older stretch marks may require 10 to 15 repeat procedures.

This technique is safe because there is no direct contact with the patient's blood, - any damaged vessel immediately cauterize the laser beam, which minimizes the chance of infection. This therapy does not require a long period of rehabilitation. The only drawback is its relatively high cost.

How to remove stretch marks on his chest?

Is it possible to prevent stretch marks? Basic preventive measures

We have already considered the question of why the stretch marks on the breasts appear and whether it is possible somehow to deal with it. But it is no secret that much easier to prevent a problem than to try to fix it. Proper care for decollete and some simple procedures will help to reduce the probability of occurrence of stretch marks on the skin to a minimum.

  • First of all, it is very important to choose the most comfortable bra - this applies to both pregnant women whose breasts are constantly increasing in size, and the girls involved in sports or trying to lose weight. The bra should be made of natural, "breathable" fabrics have wide straps that will provide support to the breast. In addition, it must be suitable in size and shape.
  • A good prevention is considered to be a douche, which, however, have a positive impact not only on the chest area, but in the whole organism. Douches should begin with warm water, and then move to the cold and warm finish again. Just a few minutes a day will help to improve blood circulation and restore skin elasticity and tighten breasts.
  • Improve blood circulation and nutrition of tissues and gentle massage will help.
  • If you belong to a risk group (pregnant, exercise, lose weight, have a genetic predisposition), after a shower or bath necessarily rub the skin special oils or creams for stretch marks.
  • follow the diet - diet should contain adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates.
  • Sports has a positive effect on health, but in order to avoid stretch marks and sagging breasts, it is essential to use special sports bras that provide maximum support.

Following these simple rules will help prevent unsightly purple stretch marks on the skin, but also make existing stretch marks less noticeable.