Does running help lose weight? Running for weight loss: reviews

The benefits, which carries a simple run, it was said a lot of words. This kind of stress to help maintain a beautiful figure. Quite often the question is asked as to whether the race will help to lose weight. This is what will be discussed in this review.

What processes affect jogging?

Does running help lose weight? Running for weight loss: reviews

When jogging is accelerated metabolism. The output comes a huge amount of energy. Due to this there is the burning of calories. Everything else, while jogging circulatory system will be enriched with oxygen, while promoting the most good work is absolutely all organs and tissues. So the answer to the question of whether jogging will help to lose weight, will be positive. However, it is understood that this should be done regularly. Just so you can pull up your figure, to strengthen the muscle fibers to improve their health.

Of course, jogging is not a quick miracle diet, in which you can lose several kilograms per day. We must prepare for the fact that the result will only be achieved through regular exercise, and see it will be possible only after a month. But it should be noted immediately that it's worth it.

How to start running? The main recommendations of

Does running help lose weight? Running for weight loss: reviews

So, answering the question of whether jogging will help to lose weight, you should immediately find out how to do it. For any physical activity it is necessary to accustom the body. And running in this situation is no exception. Try to listen to your feelings. For the first time, we can run through force. Also, classes should be stopped immediately after the appearance of any pain. For some people, the adaptation period will not last too long, but there are those who need more time to prepare. You may need to start not with jogging and with simple walks. Gradually, it will be necessary to increase the distance and pace of walking. Much depends on the level of fitness. By asking the question of whether jogging will help to lose weight, you need to know. Everything else before you start to run, you should consult with your doctor.

Place for jogging must be removed from the highways and crowded. You must choose the park, a stadium or a path in the woods. The surface need not be smooth. The presence of ascents and descents will only accelerate the process of losing weight. In addition, it is better to abandon the places with such coatings, as asphalt. It increases the risk of injury. It should be to know if there was a question about whether the running helps lose weight.

Reviews of jogging. What to do for beginners?

Does running help lose weight? Running for weight loss: reviews

If you have just started a class, then the first time the duration of jogging should not exceed 15 minutes. The pace necessary to take the average, neizmatyvayuschim. Such intensity jogging is beneficial effect on the body, burn calories and speed up metabolism. In addition, the athlete will be no longer tired. As shown by numerous testimonials from athletes, if you are a beginner, then it is best to run no more than 3 times a week. Accustom themselves to daily jogging should be gradual.

If you are thinking about how to lose weight helps if run in the legs, hips or stomach, you should prepare yourself to the fact that the muscles will ache after the first run, which had been involved. But it is necessary to endure all this. When the pain in aching muscles cease to bother you begin to enjoy daily activities. This is due to the fact that during the runs in the blood begins to be disposed of serotonin, which is known as the hormone of happiness, so regular exercise will improve your mood.

It is necessary to monitor the health of

If there was a question about whether the running helps lose weight in the abdomen, legs or hips, it should be understood that there is a risk to health. Therefore, you must control your heart rate by measuring it before and after running. The most effective activities will be considered in that case, if the pulse rate exceeds 130 beats per minute. In general, it quickens not more than 70% of the initial state. In addition, the rate of heart rate should return to an optimal state in half an hour after school.

Does running help lose weight? Running for weight loss: reviews

Do jogging in the morning will help to lose weight? Please be aware that the highest effect can be achieved if the alternate fast sprint for short distances with long marathon. If jogging for half an hour helps to lose up to 300 g weight, interval training will help get rid of almost 500 grams

What should not be forgotten?

It is necessary to remember some basic recommendations. They are as follows:

  1. During the runs required to monitor their breathing, especially if run at a fast pace. If you are breathing properly, the result will be very bad.
  2. Do not rush to pick up the pace. Quickness is not yet talking about efficiency. Take into account to a greater degree the extent to which it is convenient. It is necessary to select the optimum rate at which the quality of the run continues.
  3. Try different types of runs:.. In the long and short distances, with the presence of obstacles on the track, jogging, etc. It is important to understand what is best suited for you.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to sportswear and footwear. Give preference to those trade marks, which are known, as it primarily affects your health.

When the run?

It is also necessary to determine the running time of the morning, afternoon or evening get different effects. With jogging can strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular system. If you run in the afternoon, the more muscle fibers are utilized. Evening jogging can burn calories and fats.

So if you are thinking about whether to run helps to lose weight, it is best to move their classes to the evening. However, it should be understood that, and jogging are beneficial to the body. They are strengthening the muscles, allow to burn fat.

Are Able to solve the problem with overweight running in place?

Does running help lose weight? Running for weight loss: reviews

Maybe you are interested in the question of whether jogging helps in place to lose weight? The answer is yes. Also, more elastic skin can be done with it. If you are not prepared for such an exercise, you should start with a few minutes, gradually increasing the time.

The maximum effect of jogging on the spot will be received in the case, if you do it in a few hours after ingestion. After the class should not be eating about 1 hour. Lesson desirable if a good mood.

In which situations run forbidden?

Not for all useful running in the morning. You can not make runs if:

Does running help lose weight? Running for weight loss: reviews
  1. There are diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. There are any diseases which are in the acute stage.
  3. There is inflammation of any origin.
  4. There is a gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer.
  5. There are a pain in the spine associated with its deformation.
  6. were transferred to trauma. You can not run and after surgery.
  7. There is varicose veins.
  8. There is a strong myopia, bronchial asthma, flat feet or malfunction of the endocrine system.


Thus, on the basis of the above we can conclude that jogging helps to lose weight, but it requires regular jogging. No need to give yourself the indulgence, and then a month later you will see the first results.