Why the need for creatine bodybuilding?

Many novice athletes have often heard about sports nutrition called creatine. Complex schemes download and reception of sports supplements before workouts attracted attention of curious newcomers. This article will help you understand for everyone, for what is necessary creatine, how to take it, and what results you can expect from it.

Why the need for creatine bodybuilding?

Sweeping stereotypes

To get rid of the stupid statements of uneducated people about the dangers of chemical origin and sports nutrition for the human body, have to immerse themselves in biology and figure out what needs creatine. Not prevent novice athletes and knowledge of history.

The fact that creatine is vital organic compound for the human body - it is a fact that is not disputed. Back in 1832 scientists and Heinz Shovrelem was discovered compound involved in muscle-building, which was later named creatine (from the Greek "meat").

The organic compound Creatine is synthesized in small quantities in the human body of the three amino acids (glycine, arginine and methionine). It may also be ingested in pure form with food (fish and meat). An adult human contains approximately 100 grams of creatine, which is stored in skeletal muscle tissues. The energy needed for muscle contraction, produced from molecules of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) to form a new molecule of ADP (adenosine diphosphite). Due to the presence of creatine in the synthesis reaction may be reversible.

Why the need for creatine bodybuilding?

Proven effectiveness of creatine

Recovering energy balance in the muscles for effective reduction is the primary and sole vindicated advantage possessed by creatine. For what it is more, can be found by reference to the scientific work of some research institutes. However, it is worth remembering that many of the conclusion of these studies were not confirmed by well-known scientists in the field of physiology and biochemistry. But have not been refuted!

  1. increase in muscle volume. Creatine tend to retain water in muscle cells, so many athletes aiming to increase the amount of muscle tissue in the organism charged large portions of creatine. Many experiences with creatine loading confirm the short-term increase in body weight of up to 5% of the nominal weight.
  2. Lock lactic acid secretion. As a result of experiments fact produce lactic acid blocking creatine confirmed independently two scientists known Michael Prevost (USA) and Eric Hultman (Sweden). In a group of a hundred people efficacy was achieved in 75% and 82%, respectively.
Why the need for creatine bodybuilding?

According to the manufacturer

Many manufacturers indicate on the package that creatine protects the central nervous system from lack of oxygen. Speaking on the role of transport, creatine molecule through the blood vessels entering the muscle, bring to an oxygen molecule. Naturally, this is a serious argument that explains why there is a creatine in sports. In fact, creatine or without oxygen will still be delivered to the cells of the body, and sports nutrition here at all to do with it. Suppression of tumor growth and anticancer activity are also myths that try to connect with creatine many sellers. If it were a fact, people have long ceased to die of cancer in the world, because the production of creatine - is one of the cheapest among such power.

The anti-inflammatory action, reduced arrhythmias, treatment of muscular atrophy, and similar statements are a marketing ploy unscrupulous manufacturers who are trying to attract the attention of potential buyers. If all what they said was true, that in all the world drugstores creatine would be standing on the podium with the caption: "Manna from heaven".

Why the need for creatine bodybuilding?

The basic use of

If we return to the question of why there is a creatine bodybuilding, the answer is not long in coming. The basic property of an organism for water retention in the muscles allowing the athlete to get the ball rolling, in which they got after a long and grueling workouts. The critical state of the organism exposed to all athletes - growth stops because of the low load, and to make a large leap simply can not.

It's simple enough: you have just one week to tightly load the body with creatine. Do not forget about the use of a large volume of water. Retained fluid in the muscle tissue to increase their weight and volume, allowing the athlete to take more weight and have a heavy workout. Then, as usual - rupture of the muscle fibers is compensated by a dense plexus, the progress of muscle growth is evident.

Exhaust the body creatine is constantly discouraged. After all, the internal system of the human body easily adapts to any changes. Creatine intervention will be solved very quickly, and it will be disposed of on the approach to the circulatory system, going permanently to the bladder.

Why the need for creatine bodybuilding?

Strange tandem

Many people wonder why there is a gainer and Creatine, because they are sold is often mixed with each other. Ideally, such a tandem in a single package clearly indicates that a mixture designed to maximize recruitment of muscle mass. Gainer in the form of carbohydrates and protein provide the body with energy and building material, and creatine is given the function of increasing the volume of muscle fibers themselves.

However, many athletes, such mixtures are not satisfied for many reasons. Firstly, you need to use weight gainer after a workout and creatine need to boot to it. Secondly, there is no certainty that the manufacturer has supplied a portion of the required amount of creatine, not replacing it is not known what, stir with carbohydrate.

The controversial base

In the media, a lot of debate on whether creatine on drying is needed. After all, in fact, the process of losing weight is based on the decrease in muscle volume due to the elimination of fatty deposits. Any doctor can be noted that the muscle definition is achieved not only by the lack of fat, but also an ordinary liquid, ie water. But as you know, the basic property of creatine - is water retention in the muscle fibers.

Another contradiction, to which few athletes pay attention. According to statements sports food manufacturers, creatine increases the metabolic rate, thereby allowing a large amount of burned fat cells. In fact, creatine molecule capable of restoring ATP directly in the muscle. A dilemma arises: why we need creatine when ATP molecule can be extracted from fat reserves? If restoring using Creatine ATP molecules, the fat reserves remain untouched.

Why the need for creatine bodybuilding?

Admission Methods

There are many ways to creatine use, but none of them are still not the standard, legally vindicated. After all, as it turned out as a result of investigations, the organisms of different people react to the arrival of creatine in the blood in different ways. Budding athletes it is recommended to use only two ways that the results of studies were able to score more than 50% of positive results. Naturally and effective for beginners they will be with a probability of about 50% (good business started a sports nutrition manufacturers, running a lottery in mass). Perhaps because of this, and it was invented more stories, why we need creatine.

Weekly load phase involves intake of 5 grams of creatine four times a day. The daily dosage involves the intake of 20 grams of sports nutrition. Accordingly, in the last 7 days must be received 140 grams. In the following days the consumption of creatine should be limited to five grams daily. The second scheme initially involves the use of creatine dose of no more than 5 grams daily for 2-3 months.

Without transport no progress

Many beginners, studying information on sports nutrition, forget about the one feature which has creatine. For what it's for, and how to boot - this minor problem. But directly the reception and delivery of Creatine to the bloodstream very few people generally specified. For transport of sports nutrition is insulin, which is responsible for the production of the pancreas. To ensure that during the intake of creatine occurred the release of insulin, it is necessary to use a product with sugar. For example, juice, fruit compote, candy or sugar spoon. During loading creatine prohibited from receiving products containing caffeine. The fact that it destroys the structure of creatine phosphate.

Why the need for creatine bodybuilding?


Do I need creatine athlete uniquely difficult to say, because unlike other sports nutrition, it has a very weak evidence. From year to year in the media, many athletes, coaches and scientists have raised the question of the effectiveness of creatine, but, finding no serious arguments, leaving uncovered the issue. In any case, nothing prevents the athlete to feel the effects of creatine, because its market price relative to other sports nutrition is available, and what attracts potential buyers.