Velokreslo baby. Mount. How to choose? Price

Every year, the popularity of this mode of transport, like a bicycle, is growing rapidly. This contributes to a number of obvious advantages of this method of movement:

  • deprives the need to stand in traffic jams;
  • improves health;
  • reduces the likelihood of damage from inactivity;
  • improves the figure;
  • can reduce the number of extra kilos.

A huge number of different bike models to select optimal convenient option.

When there is a child in the home, many parents take away the bike away, sighing about the lost opportunities of movement and extended cycling.

But do not give up your favorite pastime. From the moment when the child has learned to sit, it can be transported using velokreslo baby.


Velokreslo baby. Mount. How to choose? Price

This acquisition has a number of advantages:

- Firstly, the parents do not need to deprive yourself of the pleasure to ride a bike.

- Second, the child is in the open air, which is very good for health, it is constantly in sight of their parents.

- Third, such a walk is favorable impact on family relationships, they reinforce a sense of solidarity.

- Fourth, the baby from childhood accustomed to the sport.

Why you need velokreslo?

Some parents wonder about why you need to buy velokreslo baby. After all, they remember very well that in their childhood well managed without it. Parents or elders rolled kids on the trunk or on the frame. In fact, this method also has a place to be, but you must first think about which option would be most pleasing to the child. An important aspect is also safe.

Velokreslo baby. Mount. How to choose? Price

Modern velokreslo baby is thought to provide the child with maximum comfort and at the same time to prevent the possibility of a fall during movement.

The conditions causing safety

As a car seat for children, this type of product has to undergo certain types of testing. It is advisable to buy only products of companies that you are familiar with and trust.

This product is required to have a belt. In this case, the child is fixed, and there is no likelihood that the baby thrusts his foot in a wheel with spokes.

You need to buy a model, in which the child is the most closed. Much attention should be paid to the sides of the product. The best is a variant in which the maximum closed legs.

Velokreslo baby. Mount. How to choose? Price

Species velokresel

Today, there are many models for children. They differ in the place of attachment, design, price. In the context of serious competition from every manufacturer tries to impress the buyer.

All kinds of products are divided into two groups at the place of attachment:

  • seat, which is mounted on the front frame;
  • seat that is attached to the trunk.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Armchair with frame attachment

Baby velokreslo the frame most suitable parents whose baby is still very small. Its height is low enough not to interfere with the management of the bike. Such velokreslo children suitable for children up to 3 years.

Velokreslo baby. Mount. How to choose? Price

Its main advantage is that the baby is always in sight, and parents to easily control it. I have this type of attachment and disadvantages:

  • through a short period of time have to buy another version, as this is only suitable for small children;
  • This setting makes the bike less convenient management;
  • if the child is tall and is wearing a helmet, then the parent can it impacts with an chin;
  • the seat back can cause discomfort to the driver.

In addition, baby velokreslo front is not suitable for all kinds of bicycles.

Armchair with fastening on the trunk

Velokreslo baby. Mount. How to choose? Price

Children velokreslo on the trunk fastened behind. It features a high back. Such a product is intended for children weighing from 9 to 25 kg. The instructions are usually written, that this product is designed for children whose age is not more than 6 years.

The advantage is considered that the height of the velokresla can be adjusted depending on the age and growth of the child.

It velokreslo baby is back with adjustable tilt. This characteristic is very important, because thanks to this baby can sleep while walking.

How to choose a chair?

Velokreslo baby. Mount. How to choose? Price

Choosing velokreslo baby, you must first take into account the age, weight and individual characteristics of the child. However, it is generally accepted that very young children acquire the product with front mount.

Baby velokreslo the frame allows parents to constantly monitor their baby. In addition, in such a situation it is better visible road.

For long trips better to choose baby velokreslo in the trunk, so that the child can relax during a walk if necessary. If the price factor plays a decisive role, it is necessary to know that the product is a fixture on the trunk will last longer, as it covers a greater age range.

Children velokreslo Bellelli

The main feature of this manufacturer is the high quality and wide range of goods. You can even meet velokreslo for children whose parents love extreme conditions. This product is equipped with a cape, which will help protect the baby from the gusts of wind, mud dripping from under the wheels and rain.

Children velokreslo Hamax

Products of this company is a leader in the quality of goods in the world. Chairs of this manufacturer combines the safety and comfort. The only drawback is the high price.

Useful tips when buying a

It is best to make a purchase, having at hand bike, which will be attached velokreslo. This is necessary, as there are a number of bicycles that do not fit this mount:

  • for women (different special frame geometry);
  • for extreme riders;
  • bikes with small frames Rostovka.

For long walks required option, which leans back.

If velokreslo baby installed in the store, at home before the trip is necessary to examine carefully the tightness of connections. It is desirable that this procedure was performed before each ride. Thus manifested concern for the safety of the child.

Products, in the case where the holes have done, promote better ventilation in the hot season. Seat belts must be three-point or five-point. It is important that the clasp that their records have been out of reach for the baby.

For young children, better to pick a model in which there is a handrail for the hands. Usually children like him to stay, but to them it was not boring to drive, you can hang on the railing small toys.

An excellent embodiment is a chair which is adjustable in height footrests. This allows you to change the position of the child's legs.

By making a purchase, you should also ask about the child's opinion. This is, firstly, help him choose the most pleasing option. Secondly, what with him tips and provide an opportunity to choose to increase his interest in cycling.

Going for a walk, you must not forget the helmet, as well as clothing that protects from rain and wind.