Shellac diverse colors - choose your own!

Female beauty, above all, is a well maintained body. Even the bright pretty girl would look bad if her dirt under his fingernails, and hair matted and greasy. Modern means and methods can always look stunning, the main thing - to have the desire and not be lazy. Hands of a person is always in sight, so the nail condition is always evident. Even a very short and weak nails can be put in order by a manicure and shellac. This is a wonderful means of captured the hearts of many girls. Color shellac diverse and everyone can find something to their liking.

Easy maintenance

The beauty industry is growing rapidly. Rare to find a girl who had never decorated their nails. Covering the usual nail polish - it is familiar, but the tedious task for everyone. He quickly climbs down and lubricated, if you do not let them dry properly. People live at a frantic pace, and focus NAIL hour every day can not each. Fortunately, we invented Shellac! This wonderful tool is applied to the treated nail and sent his hand under UV lamp. There are various colors of shellac, from the flea to stridently-bright. This coating can be enjoyed from two to four weeks without tinting or podpilivaya nothing. it is just a godsend for today's busy women!

Shellac diverse colors - choose your own!

Make a choice

Manufacturers this means to nail a great variety. As with any product, Shellac quality is different. Coated better have a good, proven masters. After getting frustrated by the fact that the nails lose their shine and attractive appearance in two days, I do not want anyone. Masters are trying to buy quality shellac. Colors and shades are a huge range, but the fight has not been canceled for the customer. Read reviews on forums and sites that discuss this topic with friends and friends, and you are sure to find this pro. The shellac fall for the first time. After all, he not only did not spoil your nails, but also to strengthen them. The whole procedure takes an hour, and sometimes a little more. It all depends on the skill and dexterity of the master.

Shellac diverse colors - choose your own!

A world of color

Every man to his own taste. How can the rights of this saying! shellacs palette is so diverse that it is very difficult to make a choice. But there could be a matter of taste. For workers with office dress code there is a special palette: all shades of beige and peach colors. To lovers of bright and creative there shellacs Glitter, microparticles bright rich hues. There are medium-sized, mild colors for ladies older, deep and intense for romantic natures. handsome pink stands in various shades - attractive colors shellac, too, have to adolescent girls. Coral shades, dull in appearance, cast in gold in the sun. It looks very attractive.

Enormous popularity of matte red color - it's a classic. Manufacturers of various countries produce shellac, the color palette is therefore not repeated. There is in it the basic color, but new items appear regularly.

Shellac diverse colors - choose your own!


The process of working with shellac is very simple, even a child will cope with it. Therefore, many girls buy the necessary equipment and tools and applied it to their own nails. First rasp claw, shaped, then degreased and applied special basis. Once the first layer has dried, shellac applied a second thin layer, dried, and so repeatedly. The final layer - fixative that keeps the glossy coating from damage and shine. The hardest thing in this process - to choose the color of shellac. Eyes run, I want to apply multiple colors, that some successful practices.


Even if the change shellac once a week, the colors will not be repeated for several years, so it is rich palette. Therefore, the ladies went to the trick: they combine several colors at once. Two fingers - one color, three - different. Combination of different, unusual, bright, or vice versa, matte pastel. Manicure will always be beautiful, if you have a sense of taste. After all, to combine colors is not so simple: there are some combinations that just spoil the whole look, manicured rough.

Summer with a bang are all shades of yellow, green, magenta. But in the autumn leaves in the light of the heavy artillery: burgundy, red, brick, purple, gray and blue hues. Small flaw can have a low-quality shellac - the colors on the nails and in the palette is not quite the same. Unscrewing the lid, you can see a bright saturated color, and when applied to the nail - pale and dull. But these troubles are rare.

Shellac diverse colors - choose your own!

The most surprising and pleasant that the colors can be mixed. Receive new shades, conduct experiments! Mixing colors - a very exciting experience! Professionals seeking an incredibly beautiful shades and correctly combine them together. For lovers of the classics available and a French manicure. It looks very natural and gentle. Selecting shellac, you will always have a well-groomed nails.


You want yourself to try to transform their nails at home? You need to select the UV lamp, nail file, all the necessary means, shellac, color. Picture a beautiful manicure will help to determine the color combination.

Shellac diverse colors - choose your own!

If you are a lover to visit beauty salons, it will facilitate the task of the VM. There you will be offered a novelty, because palette replenished very quickly. Hybrid polish and gel nail polish - it is shellac. He's completely harmless, does not contain toxins, so pregnant women too can easily create nail designs. Care for your hands, be perfect to toe!