Pulling reverse grip. types of grips

Do not think that reverse grip pull-up is a basic exercise for beginners who are not able to catch up on the bar. This exercise is quite popular among professionals. In the article the reader is acquainted with this kind of pull-ups, as well as find out which muscles work during exercise. It is useful information and types of grip, thanks to which it is possible to focus the load on different muscle groups at the request of the athlete.

Pulling reverse grip. types of grips

Where any training begins?

Any workout begins with a warm-up. This is the first rule of any gym regardless of sport, whether it be bodybuilding, dancing or fighting. Obligatory warm hand to the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints. Do not interfere perform mahi hand in hand to stretch the pectoral muscles. The slopes of the body down and twisting will warm the back muscles and the abdominal belt and squats will raise blood pressure in the cardiovascular system and make the body to produce more testosterone.

When pulling up on the bar reverse grip tops the list in the training sector, professionals recommend to perform a couple of sets of 20-25 repetitions with small weights for biceps. The fact is that all people in the elbow and the wrist are very weak ligaments that without a good warm-up is easy to stretch.

Pulling reverse grip. types of grips

Motivation - the key to success!

According to statistics, 99% of beginners are shy learn to catch up in the gym, so you have to address the problem associated with the nonsense of auto-suggestion and motivation. The fact is that all people in the world at some point are not able to catch up, but in a different period of maturity how to perform the most difficult exercise in your life. There are several possible solutions, all of which depend only on the willingness of the novice athlete.

  1. Buy horizontal bar in the store and install it at home. It would not be prying eyes perform reverse grip pull-up and nothing to worry about. However improper implementation technique is very easily lead to injury.
  2. Classes at the public sports venues. In fact it is the most difficult path to the beginner, because sometimes bar is too high, and the bottom is laid concrete or asphalt - injuries can not be avoided.
  3. the gym under the supervision of a trainer. If you use the correct performance of the technique, just a couple of weeks, no one in the audience will not have doubt that the newcomer does not know how to catch up.
Pulling reverse grip. types of grips

Technique of the pull-up reverse grip

The best and most effective exercise - it is something that is done on the technique correctly. This is true for any athlete, regardless of seniority. No matter how fulfilled pull - reverse grip narrow or direct wide grip, the main thing - to observe the performance of the technique.

  1. Grasp the horizontal bar of the desired grip and hang on the crossbar. The hands and feet perfectly aligned. Thumb should be held under the crossbar.
  2. Trying to keep your elbows as close as possible to the body, you need to catch up to the bar-feeding as closely as possible. In this position, the maximum take your head back, to try to bring the shoulder blades together.
  3. After a two-second pause, slowly drop down, returning to the starting position.

What not to do Never

Trying to do the exercises in technique, many new athletes try to facilitate the work of the muscles. The logic is simple - once in the recommendations to the correct implementation of this assistance is not a word, it means that you can manually adjust the performance of the technique. For people looking for light solutions, and is the following list of restrictions:

  1. During the pull-legs should be straight. No need to bend them or make jerking movements like frog legs.
  2. At the lowest point of the arms should be straightened completely. Yes, it's in the early stages of training causes discomfort and even pain, but on the other hand, the relaxation of the muscles involved in moving up will allow admission to the tissue of oxygen.
  3. Chin narrow reverse grip performed most easily, so at this stage of training is necessary to control the touch crossbar feeding.
Pulling reverse grip. types of grips

is not without progress Pumping

Pumping - is when a large volume of blood is catching up in the muscle, increasing its size by half, and under the influence of a large load of muscle fibers do not stand up and rush. Naturally, the reduction of the fiber body "remembers" about Pumping and increasing the torn fibers increases their diameter - so muscles and grow throughout the body.

All newcomers with no exceptions to work on Pumping. This will not only help quickly in the early stages to build muscle, but also exposed to heavy loads will not cause damage to the ligaments and joints. Reverse grip pull-up is no exception. To do this, you need to perform at least 12-15 repetitions in each set.

The negative repetitions

Known among athletes exercise "negative repetitions" very well developed not only endurance under repeated. Quite often this exercise, "prescribed" all beginners are overweight. Challenge negative repetitions is hard Pumping biceps muscle. Pullups reverse grip on the biceps as follows:

  1. is set near the horizontal bar stool so that it was 20-30 cm behind the bar.
  2. athlete climbs onto a chair and taken hold of the bar with his hands to himself, hands shoulder-width apart.
  3. The maximum possible pressed against the breast the bar, you need to gently get out of his chair, hanging in the air, either, holding socks for a chair, drop the knees down.
  4. slowly relaxing your biceps, start straightening arms at the elbow. Stop and return to its original position is necessary when the angle between the forearm and the biceps more than 150 degrees.
Pulling reverse grip. types of grips

Types grips

Professionals recommend that during the initial stages of training to use the narrow formulation of the hands, performing pulling up reverse grip. Poorly developed muscles of the back tire quickly, and the whole load on the biceps, which is required to work effectively. Narrow grip implies a location palms within five centimeters apart.

In addition to the narrow grip, there is a middle - brush positioned shoulder-width apart. He called more classic, perhaps because that is used in the school institutions for several decades as an alternative to pulling overweight children.

Wide grip with the opposite hand arrangement is used very often, because of its advantage is that it is in direct contrast to the grip slightly load the muscles of the back, carrying the load on the biceps. Pulling wide reverse grip allow maximum loading the back muscles, which in the case of refusal to give the load on the biceps.

Pulling reverse grip. types of grips

The workers pulling up the muscles in the

Many newcomers, of course, interested in the question when the reverse grip pull-ups, - "what muscles swing?". They will be pleasantly surprised to know that the list is quite large.

  1. latissimus dorsi. The upper side portion affecting the back half. The wider the grip, the greater the load on the muscles.
  2. Rhomboid muscle. It maximizes the blade in the final position, bringing them closer to the spine.
  3. pectoral muscle. Pulling up the body, and its activity is increased only when approaching the elbows to the torso.
  4. The biceps and triceps. Biceps flexes the elbow joint, which is the endpoint captures the triceps.
  5. Small chest, rostral-shoulder and the subscapularis muscle strengthen the shoulder joint, participating in tightening the torso.

Formulation and implementation of tasks

It turns out, not only for beginners will effectively reverse grip pull-up. Which muscles are involved in the exercise, you understood. It remains to understand what goals the athlete since learned to catch up on the bar. But first you should pay attention to the recommendations of professionals as to what pulling on the bar are not basic exercises for the development of the biceps, accordingly, they should be contained only in the complex, aimed at the development of the back muscles.

At the beginning of training is recommended to pull even with the general grip of the Hands. We need to do 4-5 sets the maximum number of repetitions. Downloading the latissimus dorsi, you can go to exercise, which loads the lower torso - block craving, in a sitting position, for example. Then you can "finish off" the latissimus dorsi by performing reverse grip pull-up with a broad statement of the hands. As reducing the effectiveness of the exercise, an athlete can reduce the width of grip, reducing the load on the focus arm muscles.

Pulling reverse grip. types of grips


Obviously, the reverse grip pull-up is the best exercise for all newcomers, because they solve simultaneously several tasks:

  1. Learn to catch up on the bar. Many beginners do enough to fully explore the art, and after a couple of training gives the impression that the athlete pulls freely from birth.
  2. The development of the biceps. It's no secret that the "banks" on the hands are indicative, ie they can be seen even under clothing. Of course, pay attention to the newcomer will have a month of training.
  3. broad back. It is one thing for which many men and women have to deal with in the sports hall - stand out from the gray mass with huge broadest quite easily.