Salt-free diet: reviews, menus

Why so much attention it is salt-free diet? Feedback from those who practice it from time to time, they say that this is the system that does not require special training, attitude and hunger. You can still fully fed, but the body will be purified and bouncing back. This is one of the dietary options that can greatly improve health. Not putting much effort, you will feel a significant change every day. In some cases, it helps the salt-free diet? Reviews suggest that you can get rid of swelling and cellulite, varicose veins, and hypertension.

Salt-free diet: reviews, menus

The fundamental rule of diet

The very first thing you must realize - is that salt is contained not only in the salt shaker. From it, we already add salt savory. Therefore, salt-free diet (reviews say that it is not the most difficult, but necessary to get used to) needs to forget about all the products, which is composed of a salt. This is the bread and all finished baking, pasta, semi-finished products and many condiments, pickled workpiece, cheese, cured meats and bacon. Ie limitation still exists. But do not forget that this technique is increasingly focused on recovery of the organism. That means you not only get a beautiful figure, but also a great feeling. This radically different and salt-free diet. Reviews of people already have passed it more than once, they say that after the release of diet, even a small amount of salt in dishes perceived very sharply, whereas before hand would reach for the salt shaker.

Salt-free diet: reviews, menus

Effect of diet

Do not forget that salt is essential for our body. Sodium salt and potassium - electrolyte is required which is included in the composition of blood, cells, interstitial fluid and lymph. The day the body needs about 5 g of salt, but modern man consumes about 40, which is fraught with various diseases. Completely abandon it can only be for a short period, for example, if the calculated salt-free diet for 4 days. Reviews of this diet is very good for this time improves the metabolism and internal organs begin to work smoothly. Fully go edema, which contributes to weight-loss. Salt-free diet involves 4-5 meals slowly, this allows the food is better absorbed. In addition, it involves renunciation of semi-finished products, which are often a poor alternative to a healthy diet. So you not only lose weight, but also to get used to eat properly.

The species of salt-free diet

If you have already collected the information, you know that there are different systems, which involve the rejection of salt. The question arises: if salt is needed because the body as possible salt-free diet 14 days? Reviews scattering your doubts. It turns out that natural salt found in natural foods such as meat, fruit and vegetables. If the daily diet contains these foods, so the body will not lack salt. That is, such a diet is natural, because our ancestors ate, when the salt has not yet been harvested.

Salt-free diet: reviews, menus

The first results of

They do not have to wait long, because it is very effective is salt-free diet. Reviews describe before and after something like this. Diet activates the "sleeping" chemical processes, which quickly leads to a decrease in the fluid that accumulates in the normal diet. In the first few days you will notice that the volume decrease sharply. This is due to the fact that the swelling go away. Then, due to the fact that the natural diet consists primarily of protein foods and vegetables, fat-burning process is started.

What can I eat during a diet

Thus decided, and your choice - salt-free diet. Reviews menu among the most benign. You do not need a huge effort of will, just enough to get used to a slightly different taste of food. You can eat meat, it is better if it is chicken breast, turkey, beef. Cooking meat is better for a couple, or simply boiled. Another source of protein serves fish. About marine fish have already said so much that it has almost nothing to add. For garnish you can take almost all vegetables, excluding only the carrots and beets, potatoes, and squash. It is best to eat fresh vegetables, without subjecting to heat treatment. The second embodiment garnishes are various cereals, only exception may be rice, semolina. Cook them in the water you need. For garnish you can use any fruit except bananas and grapes. If it is very difficult to eat unsalted foods, think about the herbs that will help to brighten up life.

Salt-free diet: reviews, menus

The Japanese diet

This is the most popular salt-free diet. Reviews and the results of its impressive and inspire so many people. Absolutely all the dishes are cooked by boiling or steaming. And diet crossed out all fried foods, pastries, sour and spicy food, sugar and cereals, spices and even the sweet fruit. You are invited to eat soups and green vegetables, berries and low-fat varieties of fish. In addition, permitted milk products, eggs and beans. Drinking tea and coffee is allowed. Duration - 14 days, during which time normal metabolism, diet and saturate the body with useful substances.

Salt-free diet: reviews, menus

Japanese diet Menu

Let us analyze in more detail what constitutes a salt-free diet for weight loss. Reviews say that depending on the goals you can withstand the diet 4, 7 or 14 days. Then you want to take a break, and you can repeat the course.

So, the first - the third day, you can indulge in 500 g of boiled chicken without skin. Garnish can choose from the allowed foods.

From day 4 to 6 main dish acts 500g low-fat varieties of fish.

From 7 to 9 days - any porridge, boiled in water.

From 10 to 12 days you eat the vegetables, except potatoes. It can be 1-2 kg per day.

13-14 days, a period of fruit, they can also be 1-2 kg, with the exception of bananas.

Diet allowed to keep a maximum of 14 days. However, if you want to continue to fight obesity, go to the low-salt diet. This is a somewhat lighter version of the same diet in which a small amount of salt allowed. After the meal is already cooked, add a little salt. Surely you are interested in the results, which are given salt-free diet. Reviews before and after are significantly different from each other. Someone has lost 15 kg in two weeks, while others - only five. Every body is different, and metabolism is also very different. So do not be discouraged if at first you could not lose weight too. The next course will be more effective because the metabolism has accelerated considerably.

Salt-free diet: reviews, menus

Diet for 7 or 14 days

Let's look at another version of this diet, which is called China. Its "twist" is boiled rice. Every morning for 30 days, you must start with a portion of soaked rice. If grains of rice soak, some of them washed starch. Krupa becomes hollow inside, and entering the body, it begins to absorb all harmful substances, and then outputs them outside. As a result, you not only lose weight, but also begin to feel the lightness. How to prepare a simple but takes time. To pour 2 tablespoons of rice a glass of water. A day later it washed again pour. This is repeated for 4 days, on the 5th you can eat. Therefore, once the second day put a new batch for the 6th day, the third - for the 7 th.

So breakfast is held on a diet. The rest of the menu is made up of high-quality and healthy products. This fruits and vegetables, dried fruits and berries, lean meat, fish, dairy products. This is a very effective salt-free diet. Reviews, Photos - all this testifies to the fact that over the last month actually lose weight by 10 kg. This is a very good result, especially because it is fixed permanently. Even if you do after the course to break the diet and allow yourself to different delicious products, for a long time your accelerated metabolism can easily handle it. However, for best results, better to add physical activity every day.

Salt-free diet: reviews, menus

Pros and cons of

One of the most effective systems is considered to be salt-free diet for weight loss. Reviews say that it is quite varied and it is easy to carry. It gives very good results quickly, and therefore, will be indispensable for those who decided to lose a few kilos. In addition, if the time is suffering, it is possible to change the system for low-salt. So you get the same results, but over a longer period of time. Minus physicians consider its limitations and stiffness. It can not be used on a regular basis, and you must comply with a break between courses. Not all of it may be appropriate, especially if there is a problem with the stomach (ulcer, gastritis). In any case, you should consult with your doctor.


Typically, this system is well tolerated, besides it is quite gentle. However, there are certain limitations. For example, you can not adhere to a strict salt-free diet, when it's very hot. The man then very strongly sweats, and thus disrupted water-salt balance, and it is possible to restore it with saline. For the same reason it is not recommended salt-free diet to athletes. High loads, they also provoke sweating.

To summarize

If you want to quickly and easily lose a few kilos, then pay attention to salt-free diet. When done correctly, it can achieve good results, parallel solving the problem of edema. You will be able to perfectly cleanse the body and restore the metabolism. Upon completion of the course people celebrate not only significant weight loss, but also a healthy skin color, vivacity and lightness, excellent state of health. Nevertheless, pre-consult with your doctor when it decide to stick with it.