The basic training program on strength

What should be the strength of the training program? What exercises should be included in it? How can you build a workout at home, and not only? All these things will be discussed in this article.

General characteristics of

The basic training program on strength

The training program on force can consist of a complex of a variety of exercises. Generally speaking, it all depends on where you're doing. And by what means for the development of power qualities have. Thus, the strength training program can be designed for training in gyms without special equipment (most often it is martial arts), and for the gyms and fitness clubs, and for practicing at home.

Let's start from the beginning. Let's say that you're doing some kind of martial arts. But often it happens that during the training process, particular attention is paid to working out of the shock, wrestling techniques. But the implementation of other strength exercises focus on, so to speak, of secondary importance. Of course, such exercises in the program are present, but for the most effective set of muscle mass, it is not enough for the development of law enforcement skills.

What to do in this case, what kind of exercise can be included? Currently fighting martial arts clubs and groups are usually equipped with all necessary gear and equipment. But then again it is not all organizations. If such missiles as the horizontal bar and parallel bars, in room available, but still want to perform additional strength exercises (after basic training), the ideal option would be performing, for example, push-ups. Here in the complex, you can add abdominal exercises, back, legs. If anyone is familiar with military power complex, he immediately understand what I mean.

Exercises and tasks

The basic training program on strength

The training program on strength and mass can contain the execution of the power of the army complex. What is it? Let's face it.

As you know, recruits entering the army, must undergo basic training. There they are taught the fundamentals of military science, and also engaged in the development of loosely-power qualities. Often, one of the faces of the young fighter rate becomes the same army the power complex. It includes four exercises, each of which is working intensively specific muscle groups.

The first exercise - push-ups. Starting position - stop lying. Probably explain what is the meaning of push-ups, no one needs. Ordinary grip, shoulder width apart. Are utilized in the performance of the biceps and triceps muscles, shoulder and chest muscles.

The second exercise - stress sitting down - stop lying. Starting position - squatting stress. A sense of accomplishment is the most rapidly dropping down, transition to stop lying, trough to the floor touching her hips, and then return to starting position. Note that the transition between the provisions must be carried out with a jerk. Worked back muscles.

The third exercise - press. all too simply here. Accepted the position of lying on his back, then run rise to the top position, dropping to the bottom. There are twisting to the side, in order to work the obliques.

Concludes the exercise - jumping. Starting position - squatting stress. After this peak is jumping up. The legs should be completely straightened, hands need to drag up. Only if the exercise is done correctly. All exercises should follow one after the other without interruption. Repetition in each - 10 times. The number of sets (circles) is determined by the athlete individually.

How much overhead select

The basic training program on strength

At the present time can be divided cardio and power loads. Kardionagruzki defined by respective simulators that load the respiratory system, or through an ordinary running. Power load is set by means of power stations, rods, dumbbell, horizontal bars, strips and similar projectiles. In general, it is any workouts that are designed to increase physical strength.

Some athletes combine these two types of loads. Or one day engaged in one, the other day - the other, or first run a certain distance, and then perform a set of exercises to force. This is the so-called training program for strength and endurance. If you decide to also combine these options, do not forget to first reduce the load.

For example, before you performed 200 reps total on the uneven bars and horizontal bars. 100 repetitions on a single projectile, 100 - on the other. But now they decided to diversify their training run. So, in this case, the load of each species should be lowered to 50 percent of the volume that you were doing before. Very start is not recommended to anyone.

For beginners in this business will be the best option not run on time, and at a distance. Why is that? Because putting himself within a certain time, the athlete (knowing or not understanding) tries to run a longer distance. If you decide to run a distance of, say, a 3 kilometer without regard to time, you will do it in a natural pace for you, that will be much better for your health. And then you can add strength training, halved from that program, that was before. Over time, of course, it will be possible to build them back.

Horizontal bar

The basic training program on strength

At the present time to go to the gym has become much easier, as they created a lot, and the price of tickets is not so high. In contrast, by the way, from the fitness clubs. Which, nevertheless, are paying off. But keep your body in shape (and excellent) and you can not visit gyms. Make it as simple help shells as horizontal bar and parallel bars, which are now installed in almost every yard.

All that is required from the beginner athlete in this case, it is clearly designed program of training on the horizontal bar on the force, as well as free time, the desire to work on themselves and the ability to wait for the result. Originally built training as follows: Determine how much you are doing pull-ups as possible in one go.

Excellent will if you go out for number 10. In general, the young man of 14-16 years should be able to catch up with the ideal 15 times. Men 18-20 years - respectively, 20 times. If you go out in this age of the number 10, then all is not lost. But even if we do not go out, do not despair. To achieve this result (20 pull-ups on the bar for treatment) it is possible for one or two months. Even if you start from scratch.

Basic training program on the strength of

The basic training program on strength

Different sources offer different athletes and training programs. However, the athlete must realize that no matter how much he did sets and repetitions, progress will be only when it is moving forward and not standing still. Constantly need to overcome yourself. That is, when there is no strength to catch up, to squeeze out one more time, though not by force, but the buildup. Muscles adapt to the loads only when they reach their peak.


So instituted nature: the muscles get the critical load of the cell dies. In their place, the formation of new cells, which are already adapted to the loads that have ruined their "ancestors". Accordingly, over and over again gradually increasing the load, you will make yourself stronger and more resilient. So on grains and obtain all the results of a global plan. So the choice of exercises, number of sets and reps - you. It remains only to wish you good luck in your endeavors. Athletes should be aware of one important thing: do not look at how much remains to be done, and what has already been done.