Homemade face masks of blackheads

The skin is an indicator of health. Clean and Fresh said, of course, that's all right. If it is present rash or irritation, so all is not well in the body, and it serves as a signal to pay attention to the work, especially the digestive tract. The cause of skin imperfections also be a disruption of the endocrine system.

This can be seen in puberty in girls and boys, when hormonal changes. The skin often reacts to it enhanced the secretion of the sebaceous glands. The resulting formed comedones - is solidified in a porous channel sebum zabivsheysya mixed with dust. Black color most often is just the tip of the plug. This occurs during the oxidation of the oxygen portion sebum. Aesthetics in the phenomenon of little danger to health does not cause comedones. Except that after these pores are usually extended.

The causes of

Homemade face masks of blackheads

The reasons in most cases created by the man himself, on the skin which appear black spots. These include the following factors:

  • Improper diet that includes a lot of greasy, spicy, sweet food, coffee and excess alcohol, and carbonated beverages containing dyes and a large amount of sugar;
  • Improper skin care, the lack of a thorough cleansing;
  • The constant stress;
  • environmental pollution, especially in large cities where the air a lot of exhaust fumes and street dust.

The struggle with the problem of

With a theoretical knowledge of the problem, it is time to proceed to the immediate struggle for a clean and beautiful skin. What techniques are most effective? Many think that this is, of course, professional cleaning at beauty parlors and beauty salons. If you have the finances and proven master, then the path will be very productive. If neither one nor the other, only one method - independent work on himself. Firstly, it is necessary to balance the diet. You must enter into the everyday menu of fresh vegetables, fruits fruits, berries, herbs, dairy products, cereals and cereal bread from wheat flour. We should pay particular attention to include in your diet vegetable oils, and roasted seeds and nuts. It is mandatory to drink at least two liters of clean water per day. Secondly, to do regular exercise. The purpose - not only look great, but at least a good sweat. This method is one of the most effective ways to combat skin problems. With abundant perspiration ducts cleaned in a natural way, thus also excreted all accumulated toxins. Third, home skin care procedure Face. After all, nature provides in its products all that is necessary for health and beauty. It should take advantage of it.

gelatin and milk

Face masks of blackheads effectively used in domestic practice. Many girls and women have made a discovery, begin to apply them in the fight against skin problems. The first product that perfectly copes with the task of thorough cleaning of pores - this gelatin. Its beneficial properties have long been known cosmetologists who are studying and doing cooking tools for home care. For this reason, they often use gelatin. Face mask of black dots, in addition to the main component, also contains milk. Taking them in equal amounts (about a tablespoon), the mixture should be slightly warm. Putting the container in a water bath, care should be taken that the gelatin crystals are well inflated. When this happens, you need a lot of stir thoroughly, cool to a comfortable temperature and apply on problem areas with the help of cosmetic brush. Gelatin is better to apply a layer of dense, then the effectiveness of the procedure will take place.

Homemade face masks of blackheads

When the mask for the face of blackheads will harden, and it only takes 10 minutes, it will turn into a film. It needs to be dramatically removed from the surface of the skin that has the contents remained in a gelatin layer. Milk is in this case not only provides gentle exfoliation due to it contains beneficial bacteria and acid, but a great moisturizer. This procedure is best done in the evening, before going to bed. Face mask against the black dots applied no more than 2-3 times a week.

gelatine and activated carbon

Using the prepared gelatin, and the following effective means. This procedure is best done away from prying eyes, as a person acquires an unusual color. A reason for this is activated carbon. As is known, it exhibits excellent absorbent properties. Paired with gelatin perfectly cleanses the skin pores. Black facial mask of black dots prepared using one tablet of activated carbon, teaspoon of dry gelatin, and the same volume of water.

All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. It is much easier to do if the tablet is pre-crushed charcoal. The mixture is then be heated with a water bath. Care should be taken so that it was comfortable temperature for a person, as applied to the mixture should be hot. Be careful not to get burned. Causing the mask to the face, you must pozhdat until it completely hardens. When this happens, the film must be removed, and the skin to rub moisturizing lotion or tonic. Black face mask of black dots applied twice if the skin is related to the type of fat and porous, and once every seven days - if there is dryness.

Eggs and cereals

Homemade face masks of blackheads

Proven and effective tool to combat comedones - fresh eggs. On their basis, preparing unique properties homemade mask for the face of blackheads. According to the recipe, it is necessary to mix the protein with two teaspoons of oat flour or comminuted cereal, and add 1 gram of powder boric acid. After conversion into a homogeneous mass must be imposed on the areas affected by black dots, for half an hour. Then the person is necessary to wash carefully. twice a week is necessary to carry out such a procedure.

With egg and chamomile powder

Homemade face masks of blackheads

Also, to prepare for the face of blackheads masks used and all the eggs completely. It is mixed with two teaspoons of chamomile powder. The mixture is applied to the face and leave for half an hour. Then you need to wash with warm water and apply a moisturizer if needed. This method can be used 3-4 times a week in the absence of allergic reactions to chicken protein or chamomile.

With the yolk

Homemade face masks of blackheads

Face mask of black dots are also prepared on the basis of a single yolk. It should be a very good beat until foaming bubbles. In the resulting mass is necessary to add three grams of soda. You can also rub some baby soap shavings. Then the mask will have a maximum cleaning effect. The mixture should be applied on the skin, a little rub and leave for 15-20 minutes. If a mask is used without soap, its residues can be removed with a cotton pad soaked with cleanser. In another case, the person must be properly wash its warm water.

Homemade face masks of blackheads


Cleansing facial masks of blackheads also prepared with the addition of yeast. They are a powerful natural antiseptic, nourishes and regenerates the skin. Yeast contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals for the body. They are perfectly tighten and tone the skin, and also help to normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands, and cleanse the pores. Face masks of black dots on the basis of yeast prepared very simply. To one of them will need a solution of hydrogen peroxide. To begin to knead 25 grams of fresh yeast. Then add to it a teaspoon of three percent hydrogen peroxide solution and mix well. Next, the resulting mask is applied to problem areas where black dots are formed for about 10 minutes. The tool then be rinsed with cold water. After that, the skin on the face can be calmed down with ice.

Homemade face masks of blackheads


Effective and harmless cause the skin in order to help face mask. Black dots are not only a cosmetic problem, the cause of their occurrence is still necessary to look inside. A balanced diet, an active lifestyle, sports and homemade mask of available products can relieve a person from unsightly comedones forever.