Wedding-dress, advice on choosing

More and more young couples today are solved in the church wedding. Wedding-dress is an integral part of the celebration. The action takes place in the church, respectively, and should be properly outfit. From the usual wedding image wedding dresses are not very different for the church, but it has its own regulatory requirements.


In the history of wedding apparel Middle Ages it was considered too time of bright colors. Each area retained their traditions and customs, but the bride's clothes everywhere was an indicator of status, class and wealth of her family, because it is this thing became a major cause of high material costs.

Wedding-dress, advice on choosing

In each country in Europe had its traditional Orthodox wedding dresses, there was a belief in France that the decoration of purple bride provide a caring, faithful and devoted wife of cardio. In Ireland, the main color was green, he brought happiness to the house, and so on. D. Since the 15th century, the wedding dress for the church already had a light blue or pale pink shades. White clothes to wear only had the right to "bride of Christ" - the girl who took vows as a nun. Over time, the dark and the bright colors are gone from wedding fashion.

Wedding-dress, advice on choosing

In the era of neo-classical light shade in a wedding dress becomes a priority. At this time the public domain became numerous images of Greek art: the white marble sculptures that are found during the excavations at Pompeii and Herculaneum. This discovery has had a great influence on fashion, and marble-white was appointed as the main color for wedding attire. There is another version: Queen Victoria in the middle of the XVII century introduced the fashion of wedding gown of white color. And long before Anne of Austria made a "white boom", which spread to Spain, England, Portugal, France.

The color of the wedding dress

The most important thing - to choose the right shade. Wedding-dress should be white or light color. But white dress symbolizing innocence, has become commonplace.

Wedding-dress, advice on choosing

The last time the bride can be seen in a very unnatural way: in red, purple, green dress. Wedding categorically forbids these colors. Wedding dresses for the church (photo is clearly proven) should not be too dark or bright. The Church allows, in addition to the traditional white dress, put on a beige dress, ivory, light blue, pink, cream. However, there is one exception. Quite often I get married couples who live a few years and have children in wedlock. Priests in this case it is recommended not to choose a white wedding-dress. That's because the snow-white bride's dress conceals her innocence, even if it is not actually. Therefore, the pregnant bride, who has children, or just a long-married in a white dress looks strange by the standards of the church. In this case, any other lighter shade is the best choice.


Another nuance is considered cut. The Church does not accept the neckline, open back and shoulders. Acceptable length is not above the knee. Naturally, there are brides who at the registry office and at the wedding celebration and want to look pretty impressive, but the figure hidden in a closed dress sorry.

Wedding-dress, advice on choosing

And if the street is a hot summer, then doubly inconvenient. From this situation has two options. You can buy two dresses: one for the registrar and the wedding party, and the other - for the church wedding. Only this solution is costly, and have the luxury to allow can not every bride. But there is another way: to cover up in the church all the "indiscretion" cape, bolero, Wraps. You can close the shoulders falling veil. If you open your hands, it is best to pick up along the gloves to the elbow. Material

If we talk about the material of which will be stitched wedding-dress, then there are no restrictions. As for any jewelry, beads, marbles and other iridescent stones, they must be small, and it is better to eliminate completely. But this does not mean that the dress is very simple and unobtrusive. Choose chiffon, satin, lace. Now popular dress on a volume skirt rings, it is permissible, but not always appropriate excessive pomp. In the West, a long train is considered to be a noble attribute of a wedding dress. It's beautiful, of course, but such an accessory to the Orthodox tradition has nothing to do, and more, is appropriate for a wedding in the Catholic Church.


This is a mandatory law, a woman can enter the church exclusively with his head covered. Therefore, during the wedding ceremony have to be a veil on the bride's head, gas scarf or tippet. A hat like a hat is not very suitable, because the crowns over the heads of the church keep the married couple, and a hat will at this moment inconvenience.