"Timur and his team": As the fate of the actors-children who have been the idols of hundreds of thousands of pioneers

• "Timur and his team": As the fate of the actors-children who have been the idols of hundreds of thousands of pioneers

In 1940 saw the release of "Timur and his team", which became a cult for Soviet children. His popularity and influence were very ambitious: in the Soviet Union unfolded Timur whole movement. Pioneers, imitating their idols, help the elderly and the wounded soldiers returning from the front. Few know how to put the fate of children embodied in the ideal of selflessness screen of patriotism and compassion.

Livy Shchipachev in the film * Timur and his team * 1940Ctsenary the film written Arkady Gaidar. Many people mistakenly think that the film was a film adaptation of his novel, but first Gaydar created a script, and on its basis later the story was written. Arkady Gaidar and film director Alexander Reasonable were best friends. They worked on the film for 2 years. Wise son recalls: "The fact that Gaidar was a very handsome man, and stuck to it, not only women, but also children. We were living on Tverskaya, near Mayakovsky Square, and when Gaidar went into the yard from all sides escapes rebyatnya to play with him. One day he came up with a game that all children joyfully accepted. Later, the idea of ​​this game was the basis of the script. " Gaidar protagonists named in honor of his son Timur from his first marriage, and adopted daughter Jenny from the second.

Livy Shchipachev as Timur

On the role of Timur Garayev, the nephew of the commander of the Red Army, tried about 200 children. Libya confirmed Shchipachev, son of the famous at the time of the poet Stepan Shchipachev. It is thus reasonable Gaidar and imagined a model pioneer: the blond, blue-eyed, with a strong chin. Livy was remembered to spectators, but the actor's career did not continue further. He graduated from high school for gifted children, Institute. Surikov class painting, became a member of the Artists' Union. His paintings are exhibited in the Tretyakov Gallery and in foreign collections. Livy Shchipachev not like to remember about the film: "I am an artist, not an actor. Forget about my past, "- he said.

Katya Yekaterina Derevshchikova as Gene 1940

Katya Yekaterina Derevshchikova as Gene 1940

The role of Zhenya got Ekaterina Yekaterina Derevshchikova. This was not her first film works. The fate of the actress was tragic: her father was persecuted, the girl was expelled from the Institute of Cinematography, for unknown reasons, it has long sought a way for some time lived with her husband in Kiev, and served in the Theater of Russian Drama. Lesya Ukrainka. In 1960-ies. She returned to Moscow and got a job at the Puppet Theater Sergei Obraztsov. She had experienced the death of loved ones: her second husband died of cancer, the son died at the age of 35 years. In 1999 she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Nikolai Kutuzov in the film * Timur and his team * 1940

Nikolai Kutuzov role Geikie got: he studied music and played in a balalaika orchestra. There he saw, and was offered a role in the film. In the future, he did not tie their fate with the cinema as his real vocation was music. Kutuzov wrote many works for choir, taught at Gnesinka, led by the Academic Choir of Russian Song of the Central Television and All-Union Radio.

Nikolai Kutuzov in the film * Timur and his team * 1940

Igor Smirnov, who performed the role of Sima Simakov, too, has dedicated his life to music. He became a choreographer, teacher and head of the department of choreography of the Moscow State University of Culture and Art, one of the founders of the Karelian National Ballet.

Igor Smirnov in the film * Timur and his team * 1940

Boris Ash, who played bully Bear Kvakina, was older than the other guys, and after the shooting went to the front. In 1942 he returned to star in the sequel film history "Oath of Timur", and then went back to the front, where the missing. These two films were the only ones in his creative life.

Boris Ash as Bears Kvakina

Victor Seleznev, who inherited the role of Viti - grandson Dr. Kolokolchikova, starred in a movie with 4 years old, but in the future, too, continue to film career did not. He is interested in sports, shooting, he graduated from the school coaches, became Honored coach of shooting.

It is surprising that almost all the children, acted in the movie "Timur and his team", abandoned film career, but have successfully implemented their abilities in other areas. The director managed to find a truly unique and gifted children, worthy role model not only in the film, but also behind the scenes!