The world simulator

• The world simulator

Our world is full of different simulators - it's dummies, and giant sculptures that mimic a variety of items, and space simulators that reproduce faithfully the details of the actual devices. A computer graphics in movies creates a copy of the real and unreal creatures and objects.

In this photo essay presents various simulators, robots, and variety of situations related to them.

The world simulator

This model spacesuit Aouda X, which is planned to be used during the flight to Mars. spacesuit life support system was developed taking into account all the unfavorable conditions in the Martian atmosphere.

The world simulator

These unusual exercises were held at the zoo in Sichuan province: has worked out an emergency escape from the cage of a tiger. Tiger, zoo zakonsperirovanny employee ran to the cells, and the police were using a precise shot to get into the animal sleeping pills and lull him.

The world simulator

The Virginia-patient use of robots for training and future professionals.

The world simulator

The teachings of rescuers in Krasnoyarsk with wooden mannequins, May 15, 2012.

The world simulator

Wax figures or objects of wax sometimes so realistic that it feels like they are alive. National Gallery in Melbourne, February 10, 2010.

The world simulator

This village layout was created by the Israeli army in southern Israel for the exercises, June 19, 2008.

The world simulator

Not many people know that you can provide first aid not only to people but also animals. The veterinarian shows how to do CPR on a dummy cat.

The world simulator

The simulator flight in a fighter plane with a 360-degree, produced by Belgian company Barco.

The world simulator

Many scientists believe that this area of ​​Spain is very similar to the surface of Mars. In the photo: the first test of the rover and spacesuit Aouda X (be talked about above) in the field, in April 2011.

The world simulator

Simulator deer, which is controlled by a computer. Such high-tech bait used in the US state of Utah for catching poachers.

The world simulator

The dolls that mimic those most frequently found in the sex industry. The photo shows one of the stages of production at the factory in Zhejiang Province, China. These dolls are $ 16 and are exported by the company, mainly to Japan, Korea and Turkey.

The world simulator

One of the most popular amusement parks and attractions are the simulators of shooting. In the photo: Vladimir Putin in electronic dash during a visit to the Research Center of Russian Railways in Moscow April 26, 2012. However, it is not clear why the research center of the Russian railways have a shooting range.

The world simulator

A giant mechanical spider-driven French production on the waterfront in Yokohama, Japan, April 19, 2009. This 37-ton spider 12 meters involved in the events dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the opening of the port city Yokogama.0

The world simulator

A realistic wax figure of Michael Jackson from the famous Madame Tussauds.

The world simulator

Interesting simulator weapon - a log. Apparently, in the exercise of soldiers in Uganda (East Africa) weapons are not enough, April 30, 2012.

The world simulator

Interesting simulations dentures were presented at the Hannover Fair in Germany, April 23, 2012.

The world simulator

In the archaeological museums love to put stuffed mammoths and dinosaurs. This robotic dinosaur, met with a lizard in the museum in Sydney, Australia, August 12, 2011.

The world simulator

Accidents happen not only on the roads, but also on the waters. In the photo: Virginia conducted crash tests with dummies boats.

The world simulator

The world famous terrorist, Osama bin Ladan was eliminated by US intelligence agencies in May 2011. However, despite this, his body has not been seen, and must be content with mannequins. In this exhibition in Havana, you can see one of them, 10 May 2012.

The world simulator

September 15, 2011 at the premiere of the play in Palermo for the first time on stage with the actors performing robot actress named Hiroshi Ishiguro.

The world simulator

The exhibition in New Delhi, India, which was dedicated to land and sea defense systems, was represented by a snake robot, April 1, 2012.

The world simulator

The farmer-inventor Wu Yulu and his walking robot on the outskirts of Beijing, January 8, 2009. The inventor is interested in robot-building since 1986.

The world simulator

Prince William, Kate Middleton and "sick" at the Medical University of Calgary, Canada, July 7, 2011.

The world simulator

Simulating movement of the rover Curiosity on the surface of Mars during the exercise, which took place in California, May 10, 2012. This rover Curiosity is currently en route to Mars and is expected to reach Mars August 5, 2012.

The world simulator

This dummy portrayed people killed during the court session, which was judged by Anders Breivik, who was shot in July 2011, 68 people on Utoya island in Norway. Oslo, 4 May 2012.

The world simulator

And these dummies are destined to be "victims" of future accidents, as they are designed for crash test Toyota Company, Tokyo, July 21, 2011.

The world simulator

By the way, dummies - it is an ancient invention of mankind. In the tomb of King Tut found his torso along with a set of clothes, and the Shaolin monks practiced on mannequins techniques of kung fu.

This mannequin - patient simulator, designed to hone skill of the surgeon in Florida, April 19, 2012.

The world simulator

The participants of crowd scenes in movies may not be the only real extras. In California, there is a company that manufactures inflatable dolls specially for the filming of a movie. Now at their disposal are 30,000 "extras" that are involved in more than 90 different American blockbusters.

The world simulator

A giant crane - sculpture on show in Sydney, Australia, November 3, 2011.

The world simulator

Location of the crash or the scenery on the famous Universal Studios in Hollywood?

The world simulator

The British actress Helen Mirren and her wax figure at Madame Tussauds in London, May 11, 2010. One of them is real? This actress is on the right.