Mask for hair "Dimexidum": beauty recipes

"Dimexidum" is known as a drug which is used for inflammation and injury of soft tissue. Recently, however, its application is not limited to medical purposes, because this drug began to be used in cosmetology. Today, well-known hair mask with "Dimexidum", as well as for persons with the addition of the drug.

Mask for hair

What is useful preparation "Dimexidum"

In addition to its traditional properties, namely anti-inflammatory, analgesic, regenerating and anti-microbial, which has long been known and used in the treatment of various diseases, means "Dimexidum" inherent and other valuable qualities. It is an excellent conductor and the solvent causes other substances to step up its action and helps them easily absorbed into the deepest layers of the skin. This attractive and masks for hair "Dimexidum". And with skin problems it is useful disinfecting properties and dries. Therefore, in acne and inflammation is now widely used face masks with "Dimexidum". Masks with "Dimexidum" at home

The drug is available in pharmacies, but remember that it must be handled carefully. Its use alone and must not in pure form, or it is required to mix with other substances or with water. Care should be taken so that the liquid formulation has not got to the mucous membranes. Apply such masks is necessary only on clean skin. In addition, you should not use the drug "Dimexidum" in cosmetology for a long time, and even more so all the time. In addition, there are contraindications to the use of this drug. These include pregnancy, atherosclerosis, cataracts, kidney and liver, cardiovascular disease. Be careful!

Mask for hair


To improve the locks, the state accelerate their growth using a mask for hair "Dimexidum" that it is possible to create and apply at home. This requires the proper preparation "Dimexidum" (1 teaspoon or tablespoon depending on the length of strands), oil burdock, castor oil and olive (one spoonful), oily solutions of vitamins E and A (one spoonful) and lemon essential oil (3 to 6 drops). All products should be mixed thoroughly. All the masks for hair "Dimexidum" before use be heated. Then you need to put a mask on your hair, wrap head with polyethylene and wrapped in a towel. It is necessary to keep the mask no more than one hour and not less than 15 minutes. Subsequently, it should be thoroughly washed first with water, then use shampoo. This mask is recommended to apply on the hair no more than 2 times a week for one month. to face

Mask for hair

Face mask with "Dimexidum" prepared in the following manner. The capacity needed to drop a few drops of the drug and a couple of drops of tea tree oil. All should be mixed and applied to the affected skin. After 2 hours, the mask must be thoroughly washed off. It can be applied no more than twice a week.