Age of consent in different countries

In every country in the world has its own law on the age of consent. It prohibits engage in any sexual activity with a person under a certain age. Violation of the prohibition is punishable - the degree of punishment varies depending on the laws of any country. One should not confuse the age of consent from the majority or age of marriage.

9th place - 20 years

Age of consent in Tunisia is 20 years.

Age of consent in different countries

8th -


In Vanuatu, Vietnam, Haiti, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Egypt, Iraq, Malta, Namibia, Nepal, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Rwanda, Swaziland, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda and Eritrea age of consent is 18 years.

Age of consent in different countries

7th place - 17

In Grenada, Ireland and Cyprus age of consent is 17 years.

Age of consent in different countries

6th place - 16

Azerbaijan, Armenia, Australia, Algeria, Andorra, Antigua, Belize, Belarus, Belgium, Botswana, the United Kingdom, Venezuela, Guyana, Hong Kong, Zimbabwe, Israel, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Canada, Kenya, Lithuania, Latvia , Liberia, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mali, Moldova, Netherlands, New Zealand, New Guinea, Russia, El Salvador, Senegal, Singapore, Suriname, Tajikistan, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Finland, Switzerland, South Africa, and also in the Bahamas Barbados, Bermuda, Guam, Ube, Taiwan, Fiji, Sri Lanka, Jamaica, age of consent is 16 years.

Age of consent in different countries

In the US, age of consent is dependent on the state and ranges from 16 to 18 years.

Age of consent in different countries

5 th place - 15 years

In Gabon, Guadeloupe, Guinea, Greece, Denmark, Iceland, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire, Morocco, Martinique, Macedonia, Monaco, New Caledonia, Poland, Puerto Rico, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tanzania, Thailand, Uruguay, France, Czech Republic, Sweden, Ethiopia ...

Age of consent in different countries

... and also in Mauritius age of consent is 15 years.

Age of consent in different countries

4 place - 14 years

In Austria, Albania, Bulgaria, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, the Vatican, France, Germany, Italy, China, Colombia, Liechtenstein, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Togo, Croatia, Montenegro, Chile, Ecuador, , Estonia ...

Age of consent in different countries

... as well as in Madagascar and the Faroe Islands age of consent is 14 years.

Age of consent in different countries

3 rd place - 13 years

In Argentina, Burkina Faso, Spain, South Korea and Japan's age of consent is 13 years.

Age of consent in different countries

2 nd place - 12

In Angola, Mexico and the Philippines age of consent is 12 years.

Age of consent in different countries

1 st place - 9 years

In Yemen, the age of consent is 9 years. However, any kind of sexual activity outside of marriage is illegal.

Age of consent in different countries