6 modern peoples who ruled matriarchy

When on the fragile shoulders of women bear a heavy load control men ... They are great to deal with it!

6 modern peoples who ruled matriarchy

As you know, in today's world, all run by men - despite the efforts of feminists to reverse the situation, most of the government positions in almost all countries is still occupied by men, more of them in the list of billionaires and the meetings of the boards of directors of the largest corporations in the world. In this case, women seeking an equally (and often more) of outstanding success, as men often feel the exception that proves the rule.

However, there are places on the planet where men historically accustomed not to look at the fairer sex "from the top down." Your attention - six living in our time, people with the matriarchal way of life of society.


6 modern peoples who ruled matriarchy

The small Moso people living on the territory of the Chinese provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan provinces near the border with Tibet - one of the most famous modern societies, in which there are a matriarchy. The Chinese government considers part of Moso Naxi, but these are two completely different ethnic minorities, both in culture and language.

6 modern peoples who ruled matriarchy

Moso live in large families, each of them the main role played by women - pedigree is carried through the female line, the family traditions passed down from the older to the younger representatives of the genus, just inherited the property. All important decisions concerning the life of the family accept only women, they are responsible for the education of children and those at birth are the mother's name, not his father. It should be noted that the policy is mainly a male.

6 modern peoples who ruled matriarchy

The institution of marriage, as such, there is no Moso stead practiced the custom of the speaker called "walking marriages" (can be translated as "the wedding during a walk"). Women are free to choose their sexual partners and do not live with them under one roof. Children always remain in the mother's house, so fathers practically do not participate in their lives, sometimes mothers do not even know from whom it was conceived child. Instead of educating their own offspring men have children belonging to the families of their mothers.


6 modern peoples who ruled matriarchy

Folk Minangkabau inhabiting the Indonesian province of West Sumatra, has about 4 million people - by far the world's largest society with a matriarchal way of life. All family property is transmitted from mother to daughter, as the mother is considered to be the head of the family and plays a major role in the life of every member of this nation. The political and religious institutions occupied mainly by men, but otherwise Minangkabau rule of the fair sex - this separation of public duties allows all feel equal.

6 modern peoples who ruled matriarchy

After marriage women retain the primary role - the couple spend the night together, but in the morning the men usually go home to their mothers. Upon reaching the age of 10 boys leave the maternal home and live for some time in the men's circle, acquiring the necessary skills to representatives of the stronger sex and learning the secrets of religious practices. It should be noted that the head is always kind of a man, but if he ceases to cope with their responsibilities, women have the right to remove him from office and to choose another in his place.

6 modern peoples who ruled matriarchy


6 modern peoples who ruled matriarchy

Ethnicity akany makes up most of the population of the Republic of Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire. Socio-Akan social structure - a typical matriarchal: all in their families, including the names and the property is inherited through the maternal line, women also determine the direction of development of society as a whole. Leadership positions in government traditionally occupied by men, but the right to have passed through female relatives - mothers, sisters and daughters. Often, men take care not only for their families but also about their distant relative.

6 modern peoples who ruled matriarchy 6 modern peoples who ruled matriarchy


6 modern peoples who ruled matriarchy

In the Costa Rican province of Limón lives Bribri Indian tribe, which numbered according to various estimates, ranging from 4 thousand to 13 thousand people. Like many other people with matriarchal way of life of society, based on social order Bribri are tribal communities, as a rule, including a few dozen people at the head of every kind should older woman. Bribri traditionally live in small settlements of two or three houses, with real estate and land ownership inherited through the female line. It is also important that only women have the right to prepare cocoa Bribri which are used in religious rituals.

6 modern peoples who ruled matriarchy 6 modern peoples who ruled matriarchy


6 modern peoples who ruled matriarchy

Garo - one of the main ethnic groups of the Indian state of Meghalaya. Like their neighbors in the region Khasi, Garo society women on the first roles, although completely matriarchal social order can not be named Garo - government agencies govern men, they also dispose of a large property. However, the head of the family is considered to be among the Garo woman, this "office" by right of succession passed to the youngest of the daughters, as well as most of the family property.

6 modern peoples who ruled matriarchy

The family Garo main heiress marries the latest of all the daughters and usually the family to easily find a decent husband, while the elder sisters-Dowry arrange a conjugal life is much more complicated. Grooms often run away from the bride and the families with daughters "marriageable age" have to literally force to drag them back to his house. Future husband sometimes does not one or two shoots, and scores - as long as the bride does not put up with his reluctance to marry, or not achieve his or her consent. Most often it is achieved numerous promises to obey her husband and actually be his servant. After the wedding the couple living in the home of his wife, if the relationship they do not add up, the marriage is dissolved by mutual consent and without condemnation from the public.

6 modern peoples who ruled matriarchy


6 modern peoples who ruled matriarchy

In the southern part of the island of Bougainville, part of Papua - New Guinea lives a tribe nagovisi run women - they make decisions regarding tribal communities, participate in rites and ceremonies, and the rest of the time dedicate processing their land, which passed inherited from mother to daughter, with the right to own land is only for women of the tribe. Anthropologist Jill Nash, who studied the life nagovisi, says when it comes to marriage, the women of the tribe horticultural skills are just as important as appearance and sexuality - skilled bride sought the men's weight in gold. Wedding ceremonies in nagovisi not - if a man and a woman spend much time together, spend the night under the same roof and together handle women-owned land, they are considered legal spouses.