Bream fishing in winter: the ins and outs for novice fishermen

Bream is considered one of the most coveted trophies for any fisherman. Usually on the hook catches prey weighing less than two kilograms and forty centimeters in length. But sometimes some lucky manage to get these giants.


As a rule, most anglers on bream go in the summer. But in the fall, and even winter fishing of this fish can bring indescribable pleasure. Bream floats flocks. His body flatter than the other river inhabitants. It is covered with medium-sized scales having a silvery or golden yellow reflux. The main food of fish from the end of November are organisms living in the soil of the reservoir, as well as the bottom vegetation.

Bream fishing in winter: the ins and outs for novice fishermen

With the onset of cold weather - exciting fishing

Bream fishing in the winter - though interesting, and gambling, but at the same time quite a difficult task.

As well it is possible to catch the float rod or using the jig. Winter fishing of bream on the bait goes well with barely visible fishing line. Motyl he finds the ear or by sight and smell. Generally, in the cold season in the first place in importance beyond and lateral line.

Bream fishing in the winter requires frequent drilling of wells. The body of this fish is quite wide, so it fits the hole with a diameter of up to one hundred and fifty millimeters. Sometimes, however, even from such a big hole hooked weighty individual fisherman has to pull his hands. Catching bream winter lasts three months. Only one or two weeks during gluhozimya there is a complete lack of activity of the fish.

Features winter fishing

Sounds and ambient noise through ice and snow mass dense hardly penetrate into the depth of the reservoir, to the bottom, where bream dwells. And because water covered ice shell, set absolute silence. In such circumstances, the fish have to mainly rely on their hearing and lateral line, which give her a great opportunity to look for the location of the moth by the sounds of the ground motion at the bottom of reservoirs. Waves in such conditions calm down thousands of times slower than in the air, so the production captures the movement of the bait in the ground, even at a great distance.

Bream fishing in winter: the ins and outs for novice fishermen

technique of fishing on the float

Bream fishing in the winter is difficult precisely because of this rare sensitivity. Bait impaled on the hook, already receives a different weight. And if the tackle is set up correctly, this weight is reduced to some extent the lifting force of the float. Bite bream in a calm water - it is a short leap down and immediately smooth rise up. One has only to float to reach the water surface, the bait on the hook finds its true weight plus the weight of the goods.

Bream has swallowed the hook, it immediately feels and begins to experience anxiety. Fish aims as soon as possible to get rid of this bait. And if the angler can not make slicing down until such time as the switch takes the top position, the bream and throws the bait swims away from such a dangerous place.

That is why it is believed that the bream on a float in the winter requires not only the ability to focus, and utmost care, but also fast reaction to a bite, which often lasts no more than a second.

Bream fishing in winter: the ins and outs for novice fishermen

In this representative carp angling on the winter ice, there are three main varieties - stationary, and the migration zone. The first is carried out at a familiar place for the fisherman. It is better to drill several holes through which you need to lure prey. In mid-January, when the ice becomes very thick already, you can start fishing, set up a tent. The depth of this place experienced fishermen know in advance. Well, when the area has a colony of limestone and another benchmark for bream, for example, a large driftwood or large rock.

The band catch characterized in that the wells are drilled at various locations. Anglers with bypass tackle them one by one. Where better is biting and bream - bigger there and made dressing. Migration bream winter fishing on the reservoir causes constantly changing place, drilling new wells and examining a variety of areas. This option brings success most often in the late winter, when production becomes very active, and the wells do not freeze.


For bream in the winter, as a rule, rather monotonous used equipment. Much choice does not exist, because all gear overall design principle. In the role of signaling is either a float or a nod. Here, the first embodiment is more common. Their main feature is the working principle, aimed at convincing the production: the bait - it is nothing like a real food. This is the little trick to set up gear for catching bream in winter.

Bream fishing in winter: the ins and outs for novice fishermen

nod having considerable angle bend sensitivity promotes smooth and fully stabilizes the weight jig, regardless of its magnitude. It also gives a chance to the fisherman quickly and accurately adjust the gear, on the basis of the specific conditions on the pond, have more time for sweeps. Bream fishing in the winter requires indispensable account of the nuances that contribute to the success of fishing.

Fishing rod with a float are used not only in stagnant water, but also in the strong currents. This gear consists of a rod with fishing line, hook and sinker. Float - a mandatory component. Rod can not only buy in the store, but was cut from the hazelnut, dry. An important condition is that the tackle was able to quickly reel fishing line during the transition from one well to the next. Jig fishing for bream in the winter, too, have a sufficient number of species, however, signaling is often a nod. Fishing line diameter should be taken from the 0, 15 to 0, 20 mm.

Fishing places

With the Mid-Autumn bream starts to gather in flocks, looking in the pond very deep holes with silt. This can be a normal hole in the bottom, depression, blurred intensive course, where many later sludge was applied. Such wintering pit at all for a long time and becomes a cold place for bream habitat. Leave her flock makes only anoxia. Fish swim to shallow water, where the oxygen in the water a lot, or are sent to the spring sources and the mouths of rivers and streams that flow into the main body of water.

With the onset of cold weather to catch bream better in the first three weeks after the freeze-up. Especially fortunate case of fishing spring ice immediately after it melts, and streams bring the first melt water. Bream fishing in the winter night, afternoon, evening and even at midday is equally good. However, large items, as experienced anglers know, pecking only early in the morning, long before the sun rises. Catch trophy prey as possible and in the evening before dusk.

Bream fishing in winter: the ins and outs for novice fishermen


Rocker for catching bream in winter makes it possible to catch a trophy specimens. The design of this gear is nothing complicated, so it can be made independently. You will need an ordinary tube of insulation, having a length of about fifteen centimeters. It must compress the lead strip, the amount of which depends on the fishing conditions. Next in line was the tube is passed, and her two sides attach hooks. The ends must act on two or three centimeters.

The resulting rope is attached to the main line by a hinge. Rocker for catching bream in winter you can do different size, and the hooks can have a variety of rooms. This allows you to successfully catch not only the bream, but also other fish. For fishing float rocker is needed. Its size is directly related to the degree of ogruzki tackle. Caught on the rocker not only in winter with ice, but also in summer on the open water. This gear is very common in the Urals. catching principle everywhere the same, and in some regions on the beam even go fishing from boats in the open sea.

Bream fishing in winter: the ins and outs for novice fishermen

In the course of

Bream fishing on the river in winter especially difficult question: "Where to look for prey?" At this season of the fish often choose those areas where tihovode and fast water border. At the same time keeps bream, where he is most comfortable - in the silence and looking for food on the ground and waiting when the fast current will bring him food. Typically, these sites are located at great depths or in the pits, where the fish rolls, when adverse weather conditions begin for her.

During activity leschovye schools, swimming out of the pits, looking for food, moving on the riverbed edge, especially at its bends, where the food is often delayed, demolished over. Sometimes they are directly under the very steep banks near the calm stretches, or shoals. Often, especially in the short thaw leschovye flocks come in the calm waters of a deep bay.

Bream fishing in the winter on the course is lucky and pneumatic jets. Since under the ice such places may be difficult to identify, experienced fishermen take them to the note since summer. When all the snow is hiding, they focused on the free-standing shrubs or trees of unusual coastal relief, and so on. D.

Bream fishing in the winter on the course has its own characteristics. Few fishermen at risk of fishing on such rivers. However, those who know certain routes, which are called "leschovymi paths", never returned home empty-handed.

In the "line"

For a successful outcome to the bream fishing, as in every other class, you need to have certain skills and knowledge. Do not look for a good catch in the first days of winter. The best period is the settled freezing.

At this time, it is quite thick and strong. Since alertness bream is known to all fishermen, we can assume that it will scare the crackling thin ice under the feet of men.

Bream fishing in winter: the ins and outs for novice fishermen

Among the fishermen often allowed bream fishing in the winter on the course and no attachments. It is held on such a device, which is called "hell." Catching bream tackle this planned in advance. Anglers buy or create a "devil" with his own hands. However, not every store you can buy this device for fishing, so its design is for the experienced hunter commonplace.

Of course, careful bream understands that this tip - artificial. He sometimes do not even swim in it. "Damn," comes to the aid only in areas with heavy currents, where they can play. To do this, hold fast to the rod with his right hand and the left hand to hold it in the area of ​​the brush. In this case, the bait will prodelyvat smooth uniform motion.

Bream fishing in the winter on "feature" allows you to use any fishing rod with a reel and fishing line length of up to thirty meters.

Most responsible is the first wiring. "Little devils" sinks to the bottom of the pond. After that you need to knock lightly a few times the bait on the bottom to form a hazy cloud. After a brief pause, "the devil" rises smoothly, albeit with slight fluctuations, non-stop. Movement angler must continue towards the top continuously. After each posting sweeps necessary because the fish bite is trudnozametnoy. If the bite is not, you can use a different type of game "devil": it is necessary to gradually rise upward without any movements. This process should not be more than fifteen seconds. After the end of recovery to do a small pause, and then cutting.

Bream fishing in winter: the ins and outs for novice fishermen

In general, winter fishing of bream in the "hell" - meticulous work. The angler must be careful not to rush, but at the same time it is impossible to delay the landing of catch prey. Otherwise he can flush out the whole pack or provoking breakage with fishing line.

The bait and bait

Winter bream - it's not just fishing, it is also a pleasant pastime in the fresh air. For many fans of ice fishing, she has long been turned into a kind of philosophy of unity with nature, winter, many hours of waiting bites, fight strong and cunning fish and, of course, the joy of small bream or trophy specimens catch. The bait for bream are most often friable mixture. With self-cooking uses only simple components, which are always at hand: breadcrumbs, sunflower seeds and millet groats.

After angler drilled wells, it lure them through the feeder-truck, waits approximately thirty minutes to bait attracted extraction, and starts catching. When angling on the float rod baited two or three tackles he puts in its area of ​​visibility. From time to time you need to tackle "wiggle", picking up the bait from the bottom five centimeters, making several oscillatory movements, such mormyshke, and then lower them to the bottom.

Bream of the game - it is quite an active activity in which the angler for the day in search of prey is necessary to fish up to several dozen wells. As the representative of carp in the winter for the most part is a passive lifestyle, mormyshkas game must be slow, with short two or three second pause. Well proven at catching bream and a reception, which is called the "knock the bottom" when the bait is necessary several times raised and lowered to the bottom. This is done to form at the point of falling prey attracts clouds of haze.