How to narrow pores on the face at home. Treatment and reviews

Most often, the problems of advanced and greasy yet to face the owner of oily skin type. Even if itself looks bright and blooming, acne, blackheads, small pimples and inflammation spoil the whole picture. Now we look at how narrow pores on the face at home, and what methods should be used regularly to further such a problem is not too plagued you.

The basic rules for the care

To start to define so, what should be the regular care of a fat skin. It includes both traditional recipes to combat acne and excessive greasiness and cosmetic professional products. To the large pores on the face gradually became less visible, clean the skin twice a day. This can be done by simply washing up with soap and water, do not just use the standard toilet, and tar. You can buy it at a pharmacy. After that, apply on the face lotion, milk or cream, which will be to dry skin, remove her shine. Three or four times a week, should be carried out major cleaning person professional scrub. You can select a product with a warming effect, you can use regular exfoliating emulsion. Oh, and do not forget to visit the beauty salon once a month - in-depth cleaning of the face at the cosmetician.

How to narrow pores on the face at home. Treatment and reviews

Natural clay and its healing properties

Tips on how to narrow pores on the face at home, very much, and the most popular of the many considered to be a recipe based on white clay. This material can be purchased at a pharmacy, or even in some supermarkets in dry form. You only need to dilute the clay with water to make a thick porridge, then apply the mask on face and neck. After applying this recipe pores on facial skin immediately become much narrower, but the effect is not long lasting. To start the clay to bring you a significant advantage, it must be applied regularly. Making masks every other day, you will be able to for a couple of weeks to achieve a matte effect on your face, and acne will be an order of magnitude less. By the way, in some cases, if the skin is very sensitive, in addition to being a fat, white clay can be replaced by the blue.

How to narrow pores on the face at home. Treatment and reviews

This blow to acne

Very effective to remove the enlarged pores on the face will help products based on egg whites. Because now we consider two basic recipe to suit each owner to oily skin. First, mix the juice of one lemon with one egg white, mix well and put on face. Keep the mask need as long as its main part is absorbed and what is left on the skin starts to dry out. Then wash off and treat the face tonic. The second recipe: egg whites, beat the sugar, but not with a mixer, and a fork, to avoid foam. Now this mixture is applied to the face pat, gradually, not immediately. Over time, your fingers will stick to the face, and you will already be difficult to take in hand. This sticky consistency is pulling all the dirt from the pores, and they gradually narrowed. Also become less visible pimples and acne.

How to narrow pores on the face at home. Treatment and reviews

Again, white clay

This natural substance, such as kaolin, or just white clay, is very useful in the treatment of oily and acne-prone skin. Here and now we will look at another popular recipe that shows us how narrow pores on the face in the home quickly and efficiently. So, take one teaspoon of kaolin, mix with a tablespoon of fennel and add here a few drops of glycerin. Thereafter, the mixture must be diluted with mineral water, thoroughly mixed and applied to the problem areas. Wash off after 15 minutes it is necessary to warm water and apply to the skin light cream. The mask can be done in a day or two to the effect was long-lasting.

How to narrow pores on the face at home. Treatment and reviews

Traditional recipes for continuous use

Now we will look at how to clean the pores on the face, using the most simple means, which will be home for everyone. Easy to cook lemon tonic that should be applied two to three times a day. For this purpose, pure water you need to add a little lemon juice, stir and let stand. You can also prepare a decoction of rose petals, cool it and wipe them face twice a day. At the pharmacy you can buy dry or gel fresh-water sponge, which is diluted with water and applied to the skin. After such therapy wide pores on your face become much narrower, only slight redness appears. Because bodyagi is best applied to the face during the night. After cleansing your face - global or regular home - it is recommended to wipe the face with ice cubes. Efficiency will be, if you freeze the herbal decoction - chamomile, mint, calendula, or just green tea.

How to narrow pores on the face at home. Treatment and reviews

Oil procedure

The use of oils on oily skin of the face - it is very subtle and dangerous. In any case it is impossible to overdo it, otherwise the effect will be counterproductive. In this case, we suggest to familiarize with the easiest way, which shows us how narrow pores on the face at home. For this purpose, the pharmacy purchase rosemary, peppermint, and any citrus (lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit) essential oil. Then we take a base oil - jojoba, olive or hazelnut. Add to the mixture of the essential consistency and we put a cotton pad to the face. The procedure will be more effective if you wrap the skin with cling film, leaving only holes for eyes and nose. Under the influence of the greenhouse effect has come out all the dirt, which you then wash away with water, after which the pores become much narrower.

How to narrow pores on the face at home. Treatment and reviews

Summer - the best time to deal with enlarged pores

On summer days, when the heat causes the skin to perspire and excrete fat in even greater numbers than usual, to the aid of the fruit just ripe in gardens. Any red berry - is an effective tool that provides one hundred percent narrowing of pores on the face. Reviews of this therapy the women all over the world left for centuries, because they are found not only in today's blogs and diaries in the most ancient beauty. All that is required of you - mash strawberries, currants, raspberries, cranberry, peaches, apricots or cranberries to a state of pulp. If there is a big bone (in peach, for example), and throw them mush smeared in the face and neck. The skin becomes soft, the shine is removed immediately, and the pores are quite noticeable.

How to narrow pores on the face at home. Treatment and reviews

Dry skin and large pores - the problem is not an easy

If you have a skin dry and sensitive, while the pores it's still too wide, the aid will come first thing in the blue clay. Its just like the white, to be diluted in water and applied to the face to dry completely. In order to avoid unnecessary injury and redness, it is recommended before applying clay to lubricate the face cream light. Fight with enlarged pores can use rosehip. Boil the fruit and let it cool, then rub a decoction of the face twice a day. Similarly wipe problem zones can decoction of burdock and nettles. Also, all these natural products can boil thoroughly and add to the bathroom, if you have large pores are found not only on the face.

Radical methods of dealing with enlarged pores

Many people, for various reasons do not trust the domestic medicine. Someone do not have time to cook multiple solutions, constantly keep up to put masks and scrubs. Some people do not all work, or there are additional issues that give rise to enlarged pores on the face. Treatment in such cases - the most effective method of dealing with this problem. There are several types of cosmetic treatment, which allows for a long period to forget about skin problems. Below we describe several techniques that exist in modern medicine. You can select one of them and after its application to be content with the result.

Laser treatments

That laser perforation can quickly and effectively remove acne scars from youth themselves blackheads and enlarged pores on the face. Treatment takes place in several stages, the difference between which is about two weeks. Before the procedure can not be two weeks sunbathing and treat the skin with various chemical agents. Once the desired effect is achieved, the results support the need, visiting these treatments about twice a year. However, this frequency depends on your skin type. If the pores are beginning to grow again, it is necessary more frequently to influence them with a laser.

Fruit acids

Above we have described the beneficial effects of natural fruit skin. Now we are offering undergo peeling fruit acids. The essence of the treatment is that the upper skin layer is completely removed, due to the fact that the acid corrodes the fat cells. As a result, pores become cleaner and less visible to the eye. The more often you visit the beauty treatments, the greater the effect will achieve.

Innovative technique

This type of facial cleaning as microdermabrasion, is quite popular in modern cosmetology. It lies in the fact that to exfoliate dead skin cells use microcrystals, which painlessly rid your skin of all unnecessary, including the dust and debris. Note that in the course of the procedure do not apply chemicals because of allergies in a patient can not be just.