We treat acne scars

Flawlessly - it is a myth?

Many people, unfortunately, it is in adolescence become owners of problematic skin. Numerous pimples and acne do not always have consequences. Most often on the skin are scars and acne scars. With proper care, they are barely noticeable, but in some cases for the recovery of the skin is necessary to carry out a very expensive procedure. Most often, acne scars remain on his face. This is due to increased sensitivity of the skin in this area of ​​the body. Naturally, immediately raises the question: "How to get rid of scars on your face?"

We treat acne scars

The roots of the problem

To begin, let's deal with those taken from the acne itself. The main reason for their occurrence is our own body. By and large, pimple - it's the same inflammation, only much smaller. But the scars that remain after it - this is the whole tragedy, because getting rid of them is difficult enough, but still it can be done. Firstly, it is necessary to tune in to a positive wave and realize that in order to achieve the desired effect will take a lot of time and effort. Cosmetic industry has developed in the modern world offers a lot of options on how to remove acne scars. Among the means that are used in the home, can be called lightening creams and ointments, which in each drugstore proposed huge amount. The most effective means of steel, which include hydroquinone element (it is the soft component of promoting skin whitening and absolutely no side effects after the application). Output is in light of such defects can be hidden by means of tonal resources - cream and powder.

We treat acne scars

We select the ointment

Choosing such a cream, you must pay attention to the content of hydroquinone. The concentrate of this component allows you to neutralize the acne scars, but it can do much harm. This question is desirable to align with a dermatologist. For example, if the scarring remaining from the former inflammation strongly allocated, you need to find means, wherein the active component will be at least 4 percent. But a similar ointment for scars can be bought only in the presence of a prescription. Therefore, before going to the pharmacy necessarily need to go for a consultation with a specialist.

At the reception at the beautician

A sure way to cleanse your skin - expensive cosmetic procedures that include both LED therapy, and surgery. It is worth noting that in such specialized areas can be not only "correct the mistakes" on his face, but also to prevent them. It's enough to make an cleaning of the skin, produced in various ways, then will only have to choose the most suitable for you. One of the best practices of this procedure is ultrasound. Due to fluctuations in waves that affect the skin, open pores and cleaned. This method has a lot to do with the micro massage the face. By the way, if done regularly ultrasonic cleaning, the acne scars will never bother you, because with this method, your skin is not exposed to mechanical damage (as opposed to manual cleaning when a beautician to steam your face, and after all the excess squeezes).

We treat acne scars

Grandma's advice

It is worth noting that cause your skin in order, you can, without resorting to expensive salon treatments. Our probabushki developed in the past century is not one folk remedy for facial cleaning. Each of them has its pros and cons, so you can only choose the most suitable option. For example, a perfect way to whiten is cucumber juice. It perfectly cleans the face of acne scars. This kind of procedure requires an individual approach, because one helps ointments and other skin cleansing. Therefore, the best solution in this situation would be consultation with a specialist.