Why silver turns black on the body: Truth and Fiction

Silver - noble metal. Unlike gold, which is designed to "mad", silver - light, almost holy alloy. Not surprisingly, at baptism often use crosses, icons and chains made it out of him. Another reason for the high popularity of silver jewelry - have affordable cost. But there is one unpleasant feature - often on the silver turns black man with long wearing. The situation is rather unpleasant, but reparable.

Why silver turns black on the body: Truth and Fiction

The first version, the fictional

And why silver turns black on the body? Try to understand together. Many people naively believe delusion, which concerns precisely the fact that silver is a sacred metal and is very sensitive to changes in the human spirit. For example, if the silver turns black on the body - this is a sure sign that you have a lot of detractors, and some of them are clearly brought to you damage. Most often, according to the explanation are superstitious or very religious people. It is not necessary to believe in this delusion and panic, because then we can safely say that the "spoiled" is almost everyone who wears silverware.

Why silver turns black on the body: Truth and Fiction

Version of scientists

Why silver turns black on the body really is? The fact that the jewelry is not made of pure metal, but with the addition of certain impurities, which in one way or another just needed to get the desired shape, color and consistency. In the interaction with the human body there is a reaction of oxidation. The majority of scholars "accused" in this situation, copper - that it gives an unpleasant decoration dark color by oxidation. In such cases, experts advise to give a silver product for examination to detect the presence of extraneous matter, because if it is 999-th test, the foreign metals should not be so aggressive and actively express themselves.

Why silver turns black on the body: Truth and Fiction

A few assumptions

Another version of the answer to the question "why silver turns black on the body" - the reaction of the oxidation of the metal, which is still nothing more than a chemical compound. Under the influence of external factors (moisture, temperature extremes) on the decoration film is formed from silver sulphide, which increases with time and gives the product a dark color. It should refute and another error, which often can be heard as a response to the question "why silver turns black on the body" - health problems. It is believed that the decoration begins to change color when the wearer appear kidney or liver disease. This is a false statement, so no need to get depressed and start to drink the medicine. To make sure, contact the experts and see what happens, and kidney, liver and you are functioning normally. And it all is the product itself, or rather, in the metal. All of the judgment - it's just version, which to some extent are without some justification. But to date, neither the scientists nor the ordinary people can not accurately answer the question, so around this phenomenon appears so improbable explanation.