We treat dark spots on the body together

We treat dark spots on the body together

Brown spots appear on the body for many reasons. Experts strongly recommend not to engage in their own removal. First we need to understand in relation to the presence of disease in the body, hormonal disruption and only after you make sure that there are no serious reasons, you can go to a specialized clinic.

Determine the types of

Experts say that age spots are divided into certain types in the body. Some have brown-brown, uneven surface and clear boundaries. They are called chloasma. They appear due to hormonal imbalance during pregnancy or in the failure of the liver. After removing the cause, they are disappearing. Those spots on the body, which are black-brown or brown, circular and slightly raised above the skin surface are called lentigines. They can be seen in children or in the elderly. There are white spots. They are called vitiligo. May appear in early childhood and in old age. Similar disease called autoimmune. human immunity itself destroys melanocytes - cells responsible for pigment production. On the manifestation of this disease can affect UV radiation, stress, frequent injuries of the skin, nervous shock and other causes. Light-skinned people with red hair, freckles often have in the open field. There are other spots on the body, which in any case can not be independently trying to remove. Only for the treatment of freckles, you can use folk remedies, and the rest need to be examined carefully.

We treat dark spots on the body together

is taken for treatment

Few people concerned about the freckles, but there are markings, which can distort the appearance of the person. Folk remedies for age spots will be ineffective, but modern medicine is fully capable to assist. Just making sure that you have freckles, you can try to get rid of them at home. There need special tinctures and ointments that will lighten your skin. Perfectly help composition of teaspoon hydrogen peroxide and spoon white soap.

We treat dark spots on the body together

In such a mixture is not superfluous to add a couple of drops of ammonia and apply on the darkened space. Fifteen minutes later, the skin should be thoroughly rinsed. Also, instead of soap you can add cheese. Bleaching properties are lemon, parsley, starch, banana, cucumber juice sauerkraut, kefir. To dark spots on the body were lighter, you can use lovage, dandelion and celandine. Of these herbs need to cook gruel and apply it as a mask. Infusions of herbs can be frozen and prepared ice just wipe the place darkening. Such procedures need to perform every day for 15 minutes. Only in this way we can achieve a certain result. And do not forget to hide their skin from the sun. Be careful with the choice of cosmetics and perfumes. Brown spots in the child are also subject to scrutiny. Let a specialist will appoint him special complexes of vitamins and dietary supplements for the skin. Try to ration your baby so that there was enough of vitamins A, C and B.