The world through the eyes of a cat

• World cat eyes

Artist Nicholas Lamm has created an interesting art project, showing how the same picture of a man and a cat sees. For this, he consulted with experienced ophthalmologists, and veterinarians - look at what happened in the end.

The world through the eyes of a cat

It turns out that the cat can not see distant objects, and are unable to distinguish between colors so well, as humans do. But at night our pets well oriented in space - a person just slightly different structure of the eye.

The world through the eyes of a cat

On top of that, it sees people. At the bottom - as a cat sees

In the eyes (and feline and human), there are two types of special sensory cells, rods and cones. The first help visually impaired to be precise and clear, while the latter are necessary for vision in the dark.

The world through the eyes of a cat

Note the black bars on the sides of the upper image. In the cat visual field wider than our

The man sticks scattered throughout the retina, and in cats, they form a kind of microlens by which cats can see even the faintest light.

The world through the eyes of a cat

The same wand helps the cat to follow the rapid movements. But people better see those objects that move slowly.

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