Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

• Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

Valkumey - ghost village half an hour from the Chukchi Pevek. In fact, it is 10 kilometers from the northern city of Russia, but given the quality of roads and local transport, the path to it is not so soon.

The settlement leaves a painful impression. When we arrived, it was the setting sun, and it is embellished picture. However, if we abstract from it - is sad and gloomy. In its best years Valkumey numbered 4,000 inhabitants and certainly someone in the passport birthplace was listed this village. What is now to understand that your hometown is gone - just left the designation on the map and lifeless walls of destroyed houses ...

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

On the Chukchi standards rather big village. When I was on a plane, I mistook him for Pevek

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

The entrance to the Valkumey. On the road, there are pillars: apparently before there was some vigorous Communist inscription with a greeting, but now nothing left. Guessed the word "glory" and "Soviet":

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

The central street:

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

parked cars and went for a walk:

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

There was some sort of a wooden house, which, as we see, literally collapsed into dust:

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

Urban Infrastructure:

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

Cafe "Butterfly":

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

House of Culture:

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

The windows on all the houses smashed just like in Kolyma:

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

Valkumey, strictly speaking, not so lifeless. Today, he is captured and populated by hares. They hordes running through the ruins of buildings. Look closely at the photos and get an oblique:

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

Boiler vane with a ram-witch the central pipe:

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

Hammer and Sickle:

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

Ivan tea. The wind picks up pollen from the plant looks very beautiful backlit:

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

The road to the school:

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

All the long-rotten, attack should be carefully

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

Playground with rings, tied in a knot:

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

Let's go to school:

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

The corridors of the institution are covered with open books:

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

It is very strange, not to say terrifying sight:

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey


Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

When I showed canned school on Svalbard, some readers began finding fault that the building is dirty and no one was watching him. Here, look it looks like the room behind which really should not be:

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey


Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

School board:

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

Those who are older remember that township schools were popular such toilets - without doors and toilets:

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey


Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

The rear patio. Lazelki also reminiscent of the Soviet past and unfamiliar to modern youth abbreviation "NVP":

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

Someone broke meticulously every railing of the stairs:

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

While walking around the school, the sun finally went down:

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey

Looking ahead, we want to warn you that a lot ahead of us "zabroshki". At the moment, Chukotka is replete with such places. In the next posts I will show how people were leaving that left and took with them, and so on. D.

And, of course, see the beautiful nature of the Chukchi. Stay Tuned!

Abandoned Chukchi village Valkumey