Ayurvedic cosmetics: what is it?

Ayurveda is translated from an Indian means "teaching to the prolongation of human life." For the first time the healing properties of plants have been described in the Vedic literature. This teaching is reflected in the medicine of the Arab countries and Europe. Unfortunately, the place came Ayurveda European medicine, and themselves recipes have been forgotten. Scientists have again become interested in them only in the 90s. XX century. institutes and medical centers have been established for the study of Ayurveda. There, students are trained for five years and then leave for India for the practical work. What is it - Ayurvedic cosmetics - and real consumer reviews after its use will be discussed in today's article. We also describe the main benefits of natural products.

The effect on the body

Ayurvedic cosmetics - a natural products created by the ancient teachings on the basis of medicinal herbs. It slows down the aging process, improves overall health. These cosmetics contain many essential oils, which are able to smooth out wrinkles, soothe the nervous system, the skin tone. The basis for such means act minerals, herbal teas, essential oils and impurities from the noble metals. All the plants used to produce cosmetics, grown in natural conditions, not subjected to chemical treatment and collected manually.

A distinctive feature of Ayurvedic cosmetics - the absence in the parabens, synthetic preservatives and fragrances. This makes it all the more popular among women who want to preserve youth and health for a long time. Studies have shown that more than 70% of women choose funds that are based on natural ingredients.

Ayurvedic cosmetics: what is it?

natural products

Ayurvedic cosmetics from India, in the opinion of women, ideal for self-care. None of the funds is not available synthetic oils, animal proteins, propylene glycol and glycerol. How do manage to create such cosmetics?

It contains only vegetable oils. Ayurvedic products are composed of natural ingredients. Foaming they add soap nut and coconut winner. If the composition of soda and sulphates appear, then in front of you a real fake.

Many companies are added to the makeup of these components for the foaming. If they are present in the shampoo, the hair after washing becomes dull, brittle and unruly. Sulfates added to scrub or soap, affect the skin styagivayusche can cause the appearance of redness and itching.

Ayurvedic cosmetics: what is it?

zero parabens

Many will ask how it is possible to extend the shelf life without the use of parabens and preservatives. After all, these substances keep it fresh. Ayurvedic cosmetics do not use those, but still quite durable. The secret lies in the fact that a part of the grass already have on the nature of such ingredients that can prevent the emergence and propagation of pathogenic bacteria. Microflora makeup is healthy as long as possible due to the natural protection.


Each person is important to have a home agent with a pleasant aroma. It will cheer up, invigorates and soothes. In modern cosmetology uses synthetic fragrances, this is unacceptable for Ayurveda for a pleasant smell. The cosmetics are added only esters, which can affect the sense of smell and on human nerve receptors. The components are divided into groups, each with its purpose. For example, the means for the morning toilet tone the body, and used in the daytime to help focus on current affairs. There are such options that are only for evening use. They allow you to relax your muscles and body as a whole. In addition, ayurvedic cosmetics devoid of any artificial coloring. Color means determine components included in its composition.

Ayurvedic cosmetics: what is it?

Herbal Complex

Each created under the laws of Ayurveda means incorporates plant complex, numbering about 150 plants. Western scientists for preparation of the cosmetics use only 70. Recently, a technique has been developed, thanks to which is now "useful" component molecules can quickly get into the upper layers of the skin (hypodermis). As a result, the effect becomes noticeable after a short time, and the result is stored permanently.

Ayurvedic cosmetics does not contain hormones and is not addictive. Its action is aimed at the preservation of youth, emphasizing the natural beauty. All funds recipes have been recreated from ancient Indian scriptures healers.

Ayurvedic cosmetics: what is it?

The principles of creation of

By Ayurveda products are able to not only take care of the physical body, but also affect the fine lines of the body. Indian philosophers wrote that it is useless to treat and recover the body if the energy channels are closed. All the components that make up the described makeup, going by the rules, which in any case can not be ignored:

  • Plant Collection is made depending on the lunar cycle.
  • The herbs are treated in a very special time, which subsequently will affect their action. For example, the components of evening collection suitable for soothing and of morning - for vigor.
  • Tools range for men and women, can not break the power. However, Phyto always drawn up in such a way that all components complement each other.

Before collecting herbs, men and women of many pray, fast. They ask forgiveness from nature, every blade of grass explaining its purpose. In this way it is possible to save the energy of medicinal plants. Now we propose to consider the range of Ayurvedic cosmetics.

Ayurvedic cosmetics: what is it?


By Ayurveda means correspond to different principles. Some creams focus on hydration, recovery and nourishment of the skin, others - to fight the defects treatment. Means successfully fighting with dermatological diseases, psoriasis, acne and allergic reactions of the skin. The creams are components that prevent itching. After properly use the skin becomes more healthy, silky and soft.


These products are designed for the care of hair, nails, scalp eliminate stretch marks. Oils allow overcome seborrhea, remove the section and brittle hair and nails. Also oils are recommended for use during the massage. Their use contributes to the removal of slag and relaxation.

After shampooing your hair, many are beginning to grow faster. They practically do not whipped, and do not break, gradually acquiring the health and shine. Dental sticks and pastes, created in accordance with the requirements of Ayurveda, protect teeth and gums from various ailments, struggling with pre-existing conditions.

Ayurvedic cosmetics: what is it?

Ayurvedic cosmetics: reviews

This cosmetic use by both men and women. However, most of the comments about her action belongs to a fine half. Write that after applying Ayurvedic remedies markedly improves not only the appearance, but also overall health. Many unpleasant symptoms disappear, restored life balance.

What is it - ayurvedic cosmetics, which adhere to the principles in its manufacture - the answers to these questions can be found in this publication. It has established itself positively from all sides. The only thing that confuses many - is the price of money. Sometimes for the usual cream it is necessary to give a thousand rubles.