Hair mask from the eggs and honey: features and reviews

Is there a woman in the world who would not want to have a luxurious head of hair? If the facial features, height, leg shape or size of the breast change is very difficult - that nature has given in order and has to live, then look hairstyle almost entirely depends on us. The thick, lush and shiny hair can grow on their own, using only a variety of masks on the basis of natural flower honey and eggs, or rather, their yolks.

Hair mask from the eggs and honey: features and reviews

In this article, we will publish a few tried and proven recipes, united by the name ^ "Egg and honey for hair beauty." Regular use of masks as described below, or, as they can still be called, body wraps, will turn even the most running in the mop head gleaming, flowing curls.

Important rules of wraps

  • For best results, the mask must be freshly prepared.
  • to the composition of products should not be boiled. They can only heat up no more than 40 degrees.
  • Apply a hair mask of eggs and honey for one or two quarters of an hour before washing hair, unless otherwise specifically mentioned.
  • head with applied mask should cover the plastic cap and a woolen cap and keep it to rinse. The heat increases the effectiveness of the mixture. Hair mask from the eggs and honey: features and reviews
  • hair mask from the eggs and honey should not dry out or solidify on the hair. It should be moist and warm.
  • To see the improvement of the hair, you should regularly. Hair mask from honey and eggs with different additives can be used before each washing hair, as well as act as a detergent - it all depends on the ingredients. When the hair will become thick, shiny and silky, the number of procedures can be reduced to one per decade.
  • hair mask from the eggs and honey are well washed away any shampoo.

Strengthening and power

Wrapping a mask on the basis of egg yolks and honey activates new hair growth, awakening dormant bulbs out, aligns structure has regrown hair, gluing exfoliating scales, tones and rejuvenates the scalp. However, to achieve the best result, not enough to simply smear the hair. Mixture is desirable to massage the head. This procedure greatly improves blood flow, enhanced metabolism, vitamins and trace elements penetrate into the epithelium. In various individual problems in the conventional mask (egg and honey) is recommended to introduce additional components. Next, we describe in detail about some of them.

Brandy wrap for brunettes with greasy hair

With increased sebum secretion and rapid contamination of the scalp is very good hair mask "Egg and honey." Cognac, added to the mixture, more precisely only shown for oily hair. However, this formulation can be used on dry scalp with gray hair. In this case, the mixture should be good to add a small amount of crude oil.

For single use only one yolk, dessert spoons honey and the same amount of brandy. All you need to mix well. Mask with honey, egg and brandy should not be too liquid. Dark liquor gives hair more intense and bright shade. To enhance the effect of the coloring added to the mixture of strong coffee. For this reason, blondes, if they want to maintain their color, to Brandy wrap hair should not be attempted. For them, we recommend the mustard mixture.

Oil Mask - luxurious mane secret

Mask of eggs, honey and burdock oil for dry hair. It is well known from time immemorial. Burdock oil still in the last century, used to strengthen the roots and smoothing perezhzhonnyh tongs, over-dried and exfoliated hair ends. Any oil hair mask "Honey and egg" (reviews confirm it) always returns curls a beautiful shine.

Hair mask from the eggs and honey: features and reviews

In addition burdock, you can take and other oils such as argan, coconut, cocoa, grape and apricot kernel, almond, walnut and pine nuts, black cumin and so on. D. To maintain healthy hair, it is better to wash oil masks solid soap which is suitable for washing the head and has in its composition of natural shea butter, lemongrass, cinnamon, fir and so on.

From the mustard powder

Mustard is not worse cognac awakens the dormant bulbs, but it causes a burning sensation. It is enough to keep on my head ten or fifteen minutes, not longer. Hair mask "Honey and egg" + mustard improves the color of blond hair, giving it a golden hue. The famous singer Anna German, luxurious hair is admired all over the world, constantly used mustard powder.

One wrap is taken egg teaspoon dry mustard and 35 grams of honey. The mixture should be slightly rubbed into the head, to distribute on hair and wrap the first film, and then insulate material. A shampoo after this mask is not necessary to wash the hair, as she perfectly clean. Head sufficiently rinsed with pure water and pour into water diluted apple vinegar. This procedure is the first time improves the appearance of curls, as a mask of honey and eggs with mustard not only cleans and gives the hair shine and splendor, but also removes dandruff.

Honey-egg composition dandruff

From the most persistent dandruff relieve mask containing honey, egg and table salt. We need to take one egg yolk, 35 g of honey and 90 grams of salt. The mixture should stir in a circular motion and vmassirovat in the head, and then leave for a few minutes and then rinse with clean water. For the best brushing the last rinsing is recommended to pour a little water in natural fruit vinegar - three tablespoons per liter of water.

At the same mask, you can add 30 grams of burdock oil. Apply the composition needed in the same way as mentioned above. Only have to wash off with shampoo or soap.

Improvement using agave and garlic

Weak and thinned hair can be restored, if within one and a half months before washing rub into their composition, containing fresh agave pulp or aloe juice and garlic. Hair mask "Honey and egg + aloe vera and garlic" is as follows: you need to squeeze the juice out of five cloves of garlic, scrape the pulp of aloe leaves (one teaspoon) and combine all this with one egg yolk and a little honey. The mixture should be well grind and vmassirovat in the head, then put termoshapochku, stand for half an hour and wash off with shampoo. For a guaranteed result must be not less than five consecutive treatments.

Hair mask from the eggs and honey: features and reviews

It should be noted that garlic comes in many hair masks with egg. For the growth of follicles, as well as for the prevention of lice it is simply irreplaceable. Garlic destroys microscopic parasites and fungal spores - anything that causes dandruff.

Wrapping for oily hair

To improve the condition of hair help mask of honey, eggs and pulp quince or red ash. To prepare the composition need fruit cut into pieces and cooked in a little water, then stretch tolkushkoy and connect with one egg and 20 g honey. This mixture is recommended to lubricate the hair, leave for a few minutes and rinse with clean water. Rowan need to use the same, that is, boil, mash and combine with honey and egg. This product at regular application fully cures fatty seborrhea.

gelatin and lemon for blondes

Mask of honey and eggs with gelatin and lemon juice will make your hair loose frequent lightening, dense and lush.

10 grams of gelatin to pour boiling water (1/3 cup) and hold in a water bath until dissolved. The liquid is then necessary to cool to a temperature of 30-40 degrees, add 30 grams of lemon juice, the same amount of honey and one egg. Mask to stir the blender until smooth, warm to the hair, without affecting the roots stretch over the entire length, to put the cellophane and a good warm hat head hairdryer. After that, roll up stands warm scarf or wear a felt hat and leave it for three quarters of an hour. Wash off the mask, you can not shampoo, and then you need to rinse your hair with lemon juice rather weak.

The mask of honey, eggs and lemon gelatin requires much time to prepare, but it is enough to use once a month. The effect is similar to expensive lamination, which is done in beauty salons.

with soap nut

Consider another composition, suitable to all types of hair. This is a very effective mask for hair growth. Honey and egg nourish the hair and hair follicles, and Indian soap nut cleanses the scalp. 55-70 grams of powder from the soap nuts (depending on hair length) to be mixed with one whole egg and a tablespoon of honey. With the help of the blender should be whipped mass and a half to the hair. Ten minutes later, the mask to wash off. Then, the second part of the oil the head, a little massaging, leave for a few minutes and wash off immediately. For better combing hair is recommended to rinse with water, podkislonnoy vinegar or lemon juice.

Hair mask from the eggs and honey: features and reviews

If you use this part of the time, after a few treatments there is no need to keep this mask on the hair for more than two minutes. This way you can wash your hair every day.

Kefir wrap

Sour milk remarkably restores healthy looking curls. Hair Mask "The egg, yogurt and honey" slightly brightens my hair, so owners of dyed gray hair it is better not to apply. It is good for the head of hair blonde, restoring their elasticity and fluffiness. In one egg yolk should take 80 ml of yogurt and half the honey. Mask to keep the hair warming cap for 15 minutes and then wash off with shampoo.

Kefir formulations normalize the microflora of the epithelium, so they can safely recommend to owners and quickly salted hair. Regular massage of the head with a mixture of yogurt, honey and yolk increase hair growth and totally cure dandruff.

Yeast wrap

Hair mask with eggs for growth, nutrition and strengthening the good to do with the yeast. As a substrate for activation can take water, milk, or yogurt. For one treatment is sufficient desyatigrammovy yeast package pour warm yogurt with honey and wait for the bacteria will start to operate. The appearance of the foam is the willingness of the product. The resulting emulsion is necessary to drive an egg, stir and rub into the hair, do not forget about the roots and scalp. Withstand the mask should be a quarter of an hour, wrapped head warm cap, then rinse with shampoo and rinse with water and vinegar or lemon juice.

After the yeast mask stops the formation of dandruff, and begin to grow new hair.

Wrapping for strong and shiny curls

Oil Mask "Honey and egg + burdock oil and mustard" great effect on hair growth and is suitable for both dry and oily types. We need to take one egg and 35 grams of honey, butter and mustard powder. All ingredients should be mixed to a state of homogeneous emulsion to swell mustard for a quarter of an hour, and rub into the hair along the entire length and into the scalp at the roots. Next, cover the head shower cap and leave for 15-20 minutes.

Hair mask from the eggs and honey: features and reviews

A slight burning sensation should not scare. This is normal. Mask to wash off the shampoo, then it is recommended to pour water hair, softened with vinegar.

Strengthening the roots and prevent hair loss using a unique blend of natural ingredients

This mask is considered to be the most expensive on the composition, but it is, literally, revitalizes hair. To prepare emulsions require one egg yolk, 35 grams of honey, the same amount of argan oil, 5 grams of dry yeast and agar-agar and one teaspoon of brandy. All the ingredients you need to lay down in a non-metallic bowl, stir and let stand in a warm place for about 15 minutes Further, the mask should be applied to the scalp to stretch across the length of hair, comb hair comb with a few teeth, wrap the head with a polyethylene film and put on to warm woolen scarf or cap . Keep the mask is recommended to forty minutes on the hair can be a little longer. Wash it better with water and shampoo, then rinse hair infusion should hops or fruit with a weak solution of vinegar.

Return gloss

Dyed hair quickly lose their shine and beautiful color after several uses shampoo. Hairstyle does not look so impressive, both in its first week. To hair remains attractive to the next visit to the hairdresser, we recommend to use the following method: Take 30 grams of avocado pulp and banana, one whole egg, 35 g of honey and the same amount of burdock oil.

Hair mask from the eggs and honey: features and reviews

All the ingredients mix blender, turning into a homogeneous emulsion. A little warm up it and apply on the hair along the entire length. Wrap the head warming cap and leave on for twenty minutes. Rinse with shampoo and rinse heavily diluted vinegar, or use the air conditioner. every time before washing hair, you can use this mask. Hair will look healthy and well-groomed.

Beer wrap guarantees a soft and lush hair

The mask of egg yolk, honey, beer and cheese acts on hair miraculously. Lactic acid and yeast, and malt infusion dissolved salts that accumulate in the hair scales. The properties of the lecithin egg yolk and honey we have told above - the first strengthens and aligns each hair, and the second feeds the roots and epithelium. It is necessary to mix grated cheese through a sieve, beer, honey and egg (all components in equal parts), vmassirovat head and rub into the hair. Mask should stand for 15-20 minutes and wash off with shampoo.

Cottage cheese emulsion is recommended for young women who have hair quickly salted and do not grow. If after washing lubricate the ends of a light oil, such as cocoa, then after a few treatments split ends will disappear.

Daily care according to the method of our grandmothers

Shampoo - the invention is not such a distant past. Before his appearance hair wash lye. The water was cleaner and softer. No worse liquor cope with messy hair black bread soaked in water. Try to improve your hair in the following way: first apply on the head of a mixture of egg yolk and honey in equal proportions, turn around warming cap and wait fifteen minutes. After this time, rinse hair with boiled water, instead of using soap soaked bread crumb and crust.

Hair mask from the eggs and honey: features and reviews

At first, this may seem inconvenient, but adapting, you during this month to restore their hair and see what happens over the entire surface of the head went to the new growth. You can not even use conditioner. After the eggs, honey, black bread and boiled water, they are very easy to comb.

Beautiful hair - it's easy!

Hair and scalp suffer from very poor hard water, ultraviolet radiation, dry air, lacquers, corrosive pigments and substandard shampoos containing cheap synthetic parabens and sulfates. To get a beautiful mane, you need to give up not only by artificial means of caring, but also adjust the power to include in their menu foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Wash your hair can be cleaning compositions based on the mask "Egg and Honey", adding to them the clay, mustard powder, Indian soap nut, salt, rye bread, soda or activated charcoal. Water it is better to use boiled. After each wash is recommended to rinse the head with water, acidified with lemon juice or vinegar, as well as decoctions hop, nettle, camomile, burdock root, and so on.