Recipe from time immemorial - kefir hair mask

Hair Mask kefir relevant at all times

Older people remember as a child in the mother's hair is not washed them with soap, the shampoo is no longer - if it did not exist - and sour milk or yogurt. Rinse water softening a drop of melted butter, and the hair easy to comb and bright. That's all cosmetics. Is it any wonder that the hair of women in the old days were the envy of the healthy and shiny. Today we call the old tradition differently: kefir hair mask. Traditional medicine and cosmetology has millennium, and this can not be ignored. Indeed, the effect of it is obvious that one can not always say about a variety of professional products for hair care.

Recipe from time immemorial - kefir hair mask

How to make kefir mask

When our grandmothers used milk products for hair care, they are not likely to do masks, they are just slightly warmed in a basin of sour milk, wash your hair in it, and thoroughly washed with pure water. Why not use the same method in our time? Kefir has excellent cleansing and bactericidal action. However, for our hair today require more effort: due to constant exposure to synthetic care products and an unfavorable environment. kefir hair mask - the same hair washing, with the only difference being that it must be maintained on hair for at least an hour. Simply apply fresh yogurt on your hair, good rub into the scalp - that's the whole procedure. If you add a cup of yogurt a handful of table or sea salt, and then this composition to massage the head, rubbing the salty yogurt in the roots of the hair - the effect is stunning. It will be peeling and massage, and nutrition at the same time, after a number of such masks is stimulated by the rapid growth of hair. The mask of yogurt with salt keeps on hair no more than half an hour, to avoid skin irritation.

Recipe from time immemorial - kefir hair mask

Kefir mask in combination with other products

Hair Mask kefir can combine virtually any foods: cottage cheese, vegetable oil, the juice of berries, fruit puree, honey, oatmeal, eggs and so on. Here are some simple recipes for masks on kefir. So, a few spoonfuls of yogurt can be mixed with two egg yolks with a teaspoon of castor oil, mix well and apply on hair. The longer the hair, this hair mask, kefir with accompanying additives, the better. After such power hair looks simply luxurious, they regain a healthy glow and natural splendor. It can be combined with yogurt yeast, and you get a very useful tool and soft. Many liking hair mask of rye bread and yogurt. Pounded into mush weight is applied to the hair and roots, above - film and cap. Hair follicles are a powerful food, with vitamins, are mitigated. Split ends after a course of such masks will not be disturbed. I must say that rye bread (the remains, of course) is one of the most effective means of nutrient for hair and skin of the face and the entire body. The same kefir hair mask with rye bread with success can be a mask for the face. The skin after it becomes soft and velvety.

Recipe from time immemorial - kefir hair mask

In a word, from kefir harm not only benefit, we accept it by mouth or applied to the hair or face. Although the one and only "but" is: yogurt has the ability to lighten hair, so after staining use kefir mask need moderation. And the rest - use on health.