Hairstyles with false locks (wedding, evening)

Not every bride has the wedding day to chic hair, long hair. Even if the strands will be long enough, their pomp and volume may not be such as would be desirable. But even in such situations, the beautiful half of humanity has access. Hairdressers, trying to embody the idea of ​​each client, even found a way out of this situation - they have created a false locks. The structure and color, you can choose those that are fully consistent with natural hair, and they can not be distinguished. If false hair - this is the only way out, it is necessary to consider what options hairstyles you can do with them to a special celebration or wedding.

Hair strands with patch

If we talk about some global differences between conventional packings only from natural hair and hairstyles with false hair, they simply do not find. Any hair style today can be done even with artificial inserts, so the bride can not worry: none of the guests do not even suspect that you have artificial strands. The main thing in this case - the right mask clips, which will provide the strands on the head mount.

Hairstyles with false locks (wedding, evening)

In addition, it is worth noting one detail. Today, high-quality overhead locks have strong jaws, and, in principle, they are suitable even for the hair when the hair is completely dissolved. But if the most important point I want to make it look great, that no camera is not in the presence of captured clips, you must use the collected hair hairstyles: in braids, bunches, curls and so on. In this case, hide the base of artificial hair is very simple.

Popular types of hairstyles for girls in the celebrations

Hairstyles with false locks do not cause much discomfort, if the locks are secured properly. Before you purchase artificial hair, you need to decide what type and form of the future will be laying, as this will depend on the shape and overhead strands (or continuous beams). Hairstyles with false locks barrette divided into several groups:

  1. Kosopletenie.
  2. Tufts.
  3. Tails.
  4. The volume greased back hair.
  5. The combination of several techniques (kosopletenie + fleece or beam kosopletenie + + fleece).
Hairstyles with false locks (wedding, evening)

Features all types of hair with artificial hair,

Each of these options has a number of benefits and advantages, and done well with false locks. So, kosopletenie and beams - it's the perfect option for pilings with false hair. By making these hairstyles, you can be sure that the artificial strands are securely fastened and masked. Tails and volume greased back hair - also a very interesting option, but here are just the complexity that secure the strands need as "deeper". It is convenient when creating fleece, because the artificial hair can not take care of them and do an incredible amount. A combination of several techniques allows to realize the most unexpected and interesting ideas, because this version of the most popular for use hairpieces.


Hairstyles with patch locks with pigtails - one of the most interesting options for styling and the most practical. It does it quickly, and therefore very popular among the girls who are going on some special occasions. Very stylish haircut can be considered "cross plait". How to do it with false hair? Easily!

Hairstyles with false locks (wedding, evening)

Clear instructions on how to create:

  1. thoroughly washed and combed her hair to curl in curls.
  2. Attach to the back of the head (if it is one long fasteners) strand and around the perimeter (if small strands) and also tighten them using curlers or curling irons.
  3. Gather all the hair on one side (or back, or on any one side).
  4. Then, choosing one provide designated on each side (left and right sides of the hair), it is necessary to fix each of them on the parallel side. Where you need stealth and clips.
  5. Since the length of the strand, was killed in the parallel direction, there will be less than the total length of the hair, then you need to fill the remainder of the tail forward, but no further use in weaving.
  6. Kos is not that pronounced on it is impossible to discern individual strands, because they have to be in a loose state and maintain its crispy texture.
  7. The end of a spit mounted only invisible and copious amounts of hairspray.

These hairstyles with false locks are made with fleece often at the roots to give hair an even larger amount. If this installation uses the bride, it is complemented with all sorts of decorations (flowers, pearls and so on).

The beams

Wedding hairstyle with false locks are often made in the shape of the beam. It's really very convenient and practical option hairstyles, and the result is usually very, very voluminous. Overhead strands in this case is very easy to hide and, depending on the shape of the beam, mounted in a variety of places. Sami beams come in several forms:

Hairstyles with false locks (wedding, evening)
  • Smooth tight.
  • Volumetric smooth.
  • "Controlled Chaos" with curls.
  • The beams surround fleece on top of the head.

All of these options look great on brides hairstyles, because look at the most popular version of the bride beam: smooth with volume fleece.

Mixed media: bundle of fleece +

To create the false hair attached substantially at the base of the forehead, as it is artificial hair made the biggest bouffant (these hairs simply do not mind). Doing evening hair strands with patch in the shape of the beam, all of the hair is divided into two parts, making a horizontal parting line on the ear, the hair is divided into upper and lower. In this case, the upper also divided, but into three parts: the fixed side and removed on the "next". The middle panel is voluminous bouffant locks along the entire length, which is then corrected in the remaining hair. After this, all the lower hair gathered in a bundle: its form may be any (twisted bundle the ball, and so on).

Hairstyles with false locks (wedding, evening)

Then, the upper lateral strands produced and tucked into a bun. Their form is to form a smooth hanging line. beam base top is decorated by some accessory. Hairstyle looks very stylish and beautiful.

Can I make false locks on short natural hair?

Hairstyles with patch locks on short hair, too, have a place to be, and most often these hairstyles are the tail. All short hair to the maximum collected in a ponytail at the crown, fixed band. On top of this little tail attached continuous long strand of artificial hair. The clips have not seen one piece of hair from the tail employ as a gum: Screw along the base of the tail to hide all the clips. In this case, the tail should be as smooth as all collected hair on his head. If you want to add some fun to the long tail, then it is possible to make fleece, kosopletenie and everything your heart desires. Options for hairstyles such weight.

Hairstyles with false locks (wedding, evening)

I want to be a queen at the ceremony? Stylish hairstyle - this is a great chance to stand out in the gray mass of

Only when it is determined by the shape of the future styling, you can buy the false hair. The selected form can be very different, but in any case, only the master must do hair strands with patch. Photos successful examples never will see a clip or visible artificial hair. Professionals cleverly disguise such hair pieces even on visible places.

To give volume to the hair, it is necessary to choose hairstyles with false locks. Photo brides who have previously used this technique enables us to understand how important styling make such celebrations and how stylish and beautiful they will look.