Five signs that a man cheating on you

Let's agree from the outset that this is a bad text, because we will have to initially admit - yes, they change us. To a greater or lesser extent, more or less frequently, once in my life or in my thoughts every hour, but they change us. Here, on this basis, we will continue. And the heavenly creatures, Kojima was lucky enough to marry a prince on a white horse, well, or just to put on a white coat, and did not notice anything the unpleasant, and anyone applying for their unclouded happiness, you can go to the next article. So, let's begin.

Five signs that a man cheating on you

We always know everything

Five signs that a man cheating on you

It can be called as anything - the subconscious, the inner voice, the memory of ancestors, good eyesight, in the end, and they do not call it, it is something always knows when we change. Here, for example, if he did not put a password on your mobile phone, then began to take with him a shower and sleeping in an embrace, hide it in the most unexpected places, and this is not to mention the urgent need to whisper to him in the toilet - it a clear sign of number one. Yes, it may very well be that your man - boss, or he has a very busy boss, and all these manipulations associated with the work, but as practice shows - all of the above for a total of, at least, the presence of no connection with you interest on the side alas.

"Hen grain by grain ..."

Five signs that a man cheating on you

That is, information is collected on small facts, and seed number two on our list - it's the sudden love you "only" to the fact that before it almost did not care. For example, it began to excite the color of socks, and if before he calmly walked in his socks with funny bunnies and moved by your choice, now he angrily demands "real men" and the tone of the suit (all the same applies to the underpants, ties, scarves, , gloves and so on). Yes, we have not discovered America, and did not say anything new, but if your man, before that lived on the principle "if only convenient," and indifferent to the choice of perfume, cowards, "configuration" haircut and the presence of cat hair on his trousers, suddenly became exhibit all the signs of the metrosexual, you may prepare an alternate aerodrome is still not worth it, but the alert should accurately.

"Darling, I'm so tired ..."

Five signs that a man cheating on you

One of the sad signs of even more unfortunate and possibly occurring for your event back is the fact that you suddenly discover that yesterday had been married to the alpha male if not exorbitant, at least moderate sexual appetites, and today - for the tired "semi-corpses", especially when it comes to execution of marital debt. By the way, if some of the others to this day hateful debts, such as late walking the dog, the evening is taking out the trash and going to the store for one hundredth loaf, he suddenly and passionately loved, despite the chronic fatigue, the event obviously can develop unpleasant for you direction.

"Talk to me, Mom" ​​

Five signs that a man cheating on you

This is one of the most productive features, if you have the strength to believe in him. Yes, in some cases, anecdotal statement "Mom is always right" in this case works for 99, 9 percent. Because from the outside, and the truth, I know better. If something is not palatable to the word "treason" in the middle of a sentence, says you do not envious colleague at work, ex-girlfriend of your current man or a "driveway MarVanna", we would be in your place is not repeated to himself that reality becomes exactly what you believe and you believe in loyalty to her husband, and listened to her mother or a friend. They love you, they love - true, because it is disinterested, and, if so, they began to say, that can hurt you, do not be offended by them, and even more so to ignore heard.

"Honey, which" floats "our family budget?"

Five signs that a man cheating on you

But this feature worth writing at number one. For what would be flying in the dizzying heights feechkoy you did not consider themselves not to notice that the money in your family suddenly became smaller, you can not, even if you really want to. It's like "not notice" accidentally found in the pocket of her husband's panties or not your size, and does not know that the offensive, velvet box with an adorable ring that does not fit you for a single finger ... and on foot too.

Naiveté, as we know, is not a vice, in some cases. We would say that this dignity - is naive not to notice all of the above we have signs, but we would advise, if a man is dear to you, as it were, without noticing all this, the same imperceptible way to take action in order to save your beloved from the suddenly formed in his "shortage" in the form of a complete stranger woman. But how to do it, we will tell the next time.