Hand mask at home. Hand care

Every day we make a huge amount of action with his own hands: cook, wash, clean, bathe children, etc. In the process of restoring order in the apartment, many women use various cleaners that have a negative effect on the skin... As a result, it becomes dry and starts to peel off. To avoid this, it is necessary to carry out a correct and timely hand care. It is not necessary to resort to professional help - and can take care of the comfort of your home for your hands.

Hand mask at home. Hand care

The cold time of the year

The first thing to remind you that nothing happens by itself, and your hard-working pen in need of care and nutrition. Therefore, hand mask in the home should be conducted on an ongoing basis. In most cases it is enough to do it twice in seven days. In particular, such a schedule is relevant for the cold season, when our skin is particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of the environment.

Exclude allergies

The first thing you need to be sure - is that you are not allergic to any ingredients that contain home hand mask, or other restrictions. For example, applying a hot mask is contraindicated for people on whose hands are scratches and other damage. In addition, this procedure can not be done if there is fungus on the nails, or you suffer from eczema and rashes.

Hand mask at home. Hand care

Proper preparation

In order to end up with a mask for the hands at home brought the desired result, data should always be properly prepared. Before you cover the hand mask, you need to wash them with soap and water and make a gentle massage. The first nutritional composition is coated fingertips. Movement thus should be circular. The second layer is necessary to completely cover the area you want to energize. In the case where the hands need special care, they are covered with a mask and are wrapped with a film of polyethylene. In this state, the hand must be at least three hours. Although, of course, extremely difficult to imagine that the hostess was able to devote to such a procedure, so much time. Therefore, the dwell period for at least 30 minutes. It is also very important that the film was well secured to the wrist. This prevents the penetration of colder air and provide reliable care for your hands. In the process of washing in no case do not use soap. Rinse your hands with plain water or a decoction of herbs. For three hours after the procedure does not allow contact of hands with detergents and cleaning agents.


home Hand Mask helps to solve problems such as dryness, peeling, redness and the appearance of t. d. After applying you will immediately notice the effect. The skin becomes more elastic and pleasant to the touch. In addition to these procedures, you must do the bath and use a special cream, which is selected based on the type of skin.

Hand mask at home. Hand care

Oil Mask

The mask for hands and nails - is the ideal tool for the recovery of the skin and nail plates. Make it a snap. To prepare this wonderful recipe you will need: 15 grams of honey, 1 egg yolk, 4 drops of lemon juice and 25 ml of olive oil or almond. Mix all of these ingredients. Mask must be applied on the skin of hands and nails, followed by wear cotton gloves. Leave your hands in this condition for about 1, 5-2 hours. Even better, if the mask will have an effect on your hands throughout the night.

Honey recipes

The mask for the hands and nails can be prepared from a variety of components. Take the yolk, add to it a tablespoon of oatmeal, milled into flour and one tablespoon of honey. The resulting mass is necessary to rub into the skin, then the wear of the fabric gloves. Leave the mask on all night and in the morning, wash your hands with plain water. Then you will see that your nails have acquired a healthy color, and your skin become softer and more elastic. Hand mask, moisturizing the skin - a great tool in the fight against dryness and tightness of the skin. Composition: 1 tablespoon of honey and flax oil, one egg yolk, lemon juice 7 drops. Before we cover the hands of the mixture, you need to steam them properly. For this purpose, suitable washing of warm broth of potato tubers. This hand mask can be applied on all night.

Hand mask at home. Hand care


Hand is an excellent tool for easing, increasing the elasticity of the skin and smoothing existing wrinkles. necessary to carry out this procedure at least once every seven days in order to get the maximum effect. For this purpose, you need to buy at the pharmacy wax for cosmetic procedures. It is necessary to melt the paraffin by waterbath. Be sure to wash your hands and make a massage with a scrub. It is very important how to dry your hands. If you do not, you can easily get burned. Dip the brush into the container with paraffin, the fingers at the same time should not be bent. On your hand within a few seconds from the paraffin glove is formed. Once this happens, put the first glove cellophane, and then from the wool. This procedure is necessary to carry out and the second brush. Keep the mask needed for fifteen minutes. After this time, the wax is removed and smeared hand cream.

parsley juice to moisten the

If you recently suffer from dry skin, then you certainly will help the cream-mask for hands. Take fresh parsley and chop it with a grinder. To make this recipe you will need the juice of greens. Next, take three teaspoons of cottage cheese, add to it a teaspoon of parsley juice and cod liver oil in the same amount. The resulting mixture was put on a hand for about 15 minutes. Once the time is up, rinse with lukewarm water. If this hand mask in the home will be applied consistently, then you can forget about the fact that such dry skin.

Hand mask at home. Hand care

Whitening Mask

In order to whiten the skin on the hands and make it softer, you can cook at home the following mask: take a crumb of white bread and put it in milk. Then apply the resulting paste on the hands and leave for 30 minutes. Incidentally, this is the perfect recipe for combating pigment spots.

Rejuvenating Mask

If you want to return to their former youth hands, in this case you will certainly help melon. Mash the pulp of the melon and add to it a teaspoon of starch and lemon juice in the same amount. This formulation should stay for at least twenty minutes on his hands. After you rinse your hands, they necessarily need to moisten by nourishing cream.

Hand mask at home. Hand care

How do I use a simple potato

In winter, restore the skin of hands to help mask made from potatoes. Boil two potatoes without peeling the rind. After that, clean them, chop and add 100 ml of green tea. As a result, you should get a mixture of uniform consistency. It will be just fine if you are able to use natural tea without dyes and in the process of preparing a mask brew it stronger.

Another mask recipe potato will help to soften the skin of your hands. To prepare, take one tuber, and rub it on a grater. Add to this mass teaspoon of honey and one hour. L. lemon juice or cabbage. In addition, the mask can add any fruit juice from the citrus family. Further, the composition is applied to the hands and retained in that position for approximately half an hour. Once the potatoes on hand starts to get dark, the mask should be washed off with warm water, without using soap. If you want to make an effective mask for the hands and leave it for the night, in this issue you will also help the potatoes. Its ceiling and add thereto about 6 tablespoons of milk. The resulting composition is put on hand for half an hour before the time you go to bed. In order to fix the mask, it is necessary to wrap the arms film of polyethylene or wear of the same material gloves. As soon as you wake up, the mask can be washed off. For these purposes, you need a little warm water or an infusion of herbs.

Hand mask at home. Hand care

Cheese Recipe

It's no news would be that cottage cheese, home-cooked, can work wonders. This fact also applies to your hands. To restore it, you will need 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese and a teaspoon of olive oil or grapefruit. These components should be mixed and applied to the hands of a single layer. After 30 minutes, the mask can be washed off. As an alternative, the curd can be used with high-fat mayonnaise or whey from milk. We should also say that the curd mask may be left in the hands and for a longer time. To save it on your hands put on cotton gloves.


How did you make sure to take care of your hands and can be at home, without the help of professionals. Plus there are two: First, you can save money on salon treatments, secondly, all are part of the ingredients of the mask will help restore your hands and make them even better. Also worth noting is the fact that nearly all masks are part of the ingredients are always there at your fingertips. Watch your hands and take care of their healthy appearance.