Care for your skin properly: facial mask of strawberry and other beauty secrets

Facial mask of strawberry, as well as other homemade remedies made from natural fruits and berries, have a huge advantage over their store counterparts. After all, they include no different chemical additives, preservatives and other ingredients that may harm your health. Plus, you get great products for skin care products with minimal cash outlay. Now, in the midst of "strawberry" season, the best option - facial mask of strawberry. Of course, you can do it at any time, but greenhouse berries never give the same effect as natural.

Care for your skin properly: facial mask of strawberry and other beauty secrets

The classic strawberry mask

This facial mask of strawberry includes a fairly modest list of ingredients. However, its effectiveness is almost undeniable. To prepare this mask, you will need to cook gruel of half a cup of ripe strawberries and a quarter cup (about 50 ml) cornstarch. As part of the strawberry is present salicylic acid, which allows it to effectively clean the face of the dead skin cells. That is why the moisture contained in the mask is absorbed much more efficiently. In addition, a face mask of strawberries has the property to whiten the skin. The prepared mixture should be applied to the face for half an hour, then rinse with warm waters.

Care for your skin properly: facial mask of strawberry and other beauty secrets

Lemon mask

This juicy sour fruits contain large amounts of vitamin C, citric acid and other ingredients that allow skin to acquire a healthy (one might even say - shining) type. Lemon is rich in acid, which helps to narrow pores, as well as helping in the fight against acne, pigmentation and freckles. To prepare the mask, you will need lemon juice, egg white and a tablespoon of flour. All products should be mixed to the consistency of mashed potatoes, then apply to face and neck and wash off with warm water after 20 minutes. After using the mask necessarily apply to the face moisturizer.

Peach mask

Fruit facial masks are very popular among young girls and women of all ages. Very very popular peach mask. Make it too simply. The flesh of the peach should be turned into a kind of gruel, and then add it to oatmeal. It is necessary to comply with these proportions: 1 part peach necessary to take 1/2 of the oatmeal. Gruel, who received us in the end, you need to put on the face. Strengthening and healing effect masks based on peach felt from the first seconds.

Care for your skin properly: facial mask of strawberry and other beauty secrets

The mask of kiwi

This is perhaps the best anti-aging face mask based on natural products. Indeed, in the composition includes a vitamin kiwi bouquet (in t. H. Vitamins A, C, E, etc.), Citric acid and other useful and nutrients. All this contributes to the rejuvenation of the skin, eliminating oily sheen and narrow pores. Recipe mask is also very simple: with each other to mix 1 egg yolk and 1st. l. olive oil and kiwi juice. Keep the mask to 15 min., And then shoot with the help of a tissue (not water!).

Banana mask

Great for cleansing your skin. The present composition banana B vitamins, vitamin A, E and C. In addition, many bananas contain potassium. 1/2 ripe banana part to mix with 4 tbsp. l. sour cream and 2 tbsp. l. honey. If you - the owner of oily skin type, mix banana necessary with 2 tbsp. l. sour cream and the same amount of orange or lemon juice. Apply such a composition to the person you need no more than 15 min., Then rinse with plenty of warm water.