Peeling scalp at home

Dreaming to be beautiful, many women are doing everything possible to improve the color and condition of the skin, remove dark circles under the eyes. However, they completely forget about the scalp, which is the same as other parts of the body in need of deep cleansing, removing dead skin cells, improving blood circulation. For this and carried out the peeling with the use of effective scrubs and masks, which can be easily made at home.

Indications for peeling

Exfoliation is one of the most useful procedures for the skin, helps to remove the stratum corneum, deep cleansing, opening of pores, increased blood circulation, hair growth and improve their appearance. The traditional means of caring, such as shampoos, masks, balms and conditioners for hair, do not contribute to cleaning, and sometimes only worsen the situation.

Peeling scalp at home

Peeling scalp involves the use of special scrubs, both professional and home-made. The frequency of the cleaning procedure depends on the type of hair: to fatty - 2 times a week for dry - 1 time in 14 days for normal - 1 time in 7 days.

Indications for peeling scalp are:

  • hyperkeratosis;
  • dandruff and seborrhea;
  • hair loss;
  • enhanced production of sebum;
  • itching on the skin.

Peeling is not recommended immediately after hair coloring, as skrabiruyuschie tools can remove paint.

Recommendations for the

Peeling scalp at home

This cosmetic procedure as peeling, requires adherence to certain rules that allows you to quickly achieve the desired result:

  1. In order to prevent hair entanglement, scrub before applying them should be divided into small clumps.
  2. If the hair has recently been subjected to chemical attack (perming, coloring, laminating), skin peeling head is better to postpone at least a week.
  3. Removal of the horny layer of the epidermis - the first step comprehensive care. Perform the following procedure to wash hair with shampoo followed by application of hair conditioner.
  4. Any scrub should only be applied on wet scalp.
  5. When preparing skrabiruyuschih funds should only be used carefully chopped ingredients to avoid injury to the scalp.
  6. The procedure should be carried out regularly. At observance of this rule will be able to regulate the production of sebum, the hair will stay longer clean and fresh in appearance, disappear discomfort, itching, and discomfort on the skin.


Peeling has certain contraindications for:

  • wounds and microcracks on the head;
  • sensitive or very dry skin;
  • thin, fragile and weakened hair;
  • with hair loss;
  • in case of allergy to one of the components of the scrub.

scalp Peeling salt

Salt, especially sea, is an excellent natural scrub that gently cleanses the skin, opening pores and allowing it to breathe. To prepare an effective means for cleaning hair mix sufficiently shallow marine salt (3 tbsp. Spoons) with same amount of water for 10 minutes to rub into the skin massaging fingers. After that, leave the scrub on the head for another 5 minutes and wash off with plain water and shampoo.

Peeling scalp at home

Salt peeling scalp, in the opinion of most people, with regular use makes the hair less oily, more lively and obedient. Repeat the procedure in the home should not be less than 2 times in 7 days.

The use of clay peeling

Clay has long been considered an ideal means of skin care products for its ability to smooth out the bumps and absorb excess fat. These unique properties are used for cleansing the scalp of dead cells and to reduce the fat content of hair.

Peeling scalp at home

In order to prepare the mask a certain number of blue clay (4 tbsp. Spoons) mixed with a small amount of water to obtain a homogeneous paste. With the help of massage movements of fingers mask is applied to the skin. Applied directly to the hair means it is not necessary, otherwise you can injure and dry up hair. Peeling of the scalp will be more effective if you create the desired thermal effect, shook her hair with a towel for 15 minutes. It washed off the mask with a standard shampoo (preferably natural).

Aromatic scrub of coffee beans

For sensitive skin, where there is inflammation or acne, perfect scrub based on the crushed coffee beans. To prepare an effective cleanser natural ground coffee is mixed with the same amount of shampoo or hair mask. Scrub massage movements rub into the scalp, and after 10 minutes, washed off under warm running water.

Peeling scalp at home

Peeling scalp at home will provide the maximum effect of the procedure, if you add yourself prepared scrub 2-3 drops of essential oil. For example, grapefruit or cedar oil contributes to the regulation of the sebaceous glands, lavender has a regenerative effect, and tea tree and eucalyptus relieve dandruff.

Peeling for oily scalp

Peeling scalp at home

Oily skin is particularly in need of purification, the timely removal of horny scales and dandruff. To get rid of these problems quickly, inexpensively and safely help the following home remedies:

  1. Soda. Hot food supplement, which is widely used in cooking as a disintegrant, is applied to the wet skin head (4 tbsp. Spoons) massaged for one minute, after which the home scrub can leave for another 2 minutes. Next you need to wash your hair with regular shampoo.
  2. Lemon. Peeling for the hair and scalp using lemon juice can be carried out at least every day to reduce the fat content. To prepare an effective means for cleansing the hair need to squeeze the juice of 1 lemon (saving 1 tablespoon). Apply the juice on the skin for 2 minutes, then wash your hair in the usual way. Saved a spoonful of lemon juice mixed with a glass of warm water and use as a rinse hair after shampooing. This will give the curls silky and shiny.
  3. Apple juice. Acid apple juice will make the skin less oily scalp. In turn, the enzymes contained in the apple will help remove dead skin cells. To perform peeling apple juice (2 tbsp. Spoons) is mixed with warm water and applied to the hair for 20 minutes. Then wash the hair with regular shampoo.
  4. Aloe Vera. plant juice effectively clears dead skin cells and restores damaged skin, has an antibacterial and antifungal effect. Aloe Vera is applied to the scalp at night, or at least one hour before bathing. After this mask simply washed off with plain water and shampoo.

Recipe egg mask-peeling for hair

Prepare a cleansing mask easy. It suffices to mix with a fork egg yolk, salt (2 tbsp. Spoons), half a lemon juice and 2 drops of lavender oil. After this the mask is applied to the scalp for 10 minutes and washed in a conventional manner using shampoo.

Peeling scalp at home

The mask-peeling for scalp helps cleanse the dermis of dandruff and flaking. Due to increased blood circulation hair becomes stronger, vibrant and silky.

The regenerating peeling skin Nioxin head

For cleaning and recovery of the scalp in the home can be used not only natural ingredients, but also professional tools, one of which is Nioxin scrub. Elimination of itching, peeling, removing dead cells and cosmetic residues, getting rid of peeling and strengthening hair - these are the main advantages of a professional agent. Gentle emulsion with a pleasant mint aroma is applied to the skin similar to home remedies, namely massaging fingers for one minute. Means on the head should be left for 10 minutes and then wash it off with a hair in the usual way. Such scalp peeling held 1 time per month. However, the bottle volume is enough only for a single operation. By this means, the hair can be restored very quickly.