How to tighten oval face at home? Tighten facial contours: exercise, masks

Unfortunately, age puts its mark on all, without exception. One look into the mirror, we find that the skin has lost the old tone, her wrinkles appeared, and oval face has ceased to be the ideal. But is it worth to panic and flee for help to a plastic surgeon? No no and one more time no! How to tighten oval face at home and without the operation, we will look at in this article.

Facial Treatments

Modern women should learn from their grandmothers and great-grandmothers, who managed to maintain youth and beauty without the use of modern achievements of cosmetic science. Their secret was just to use the gifts of nature in their natural form. Components such as clay, food and herbs can perform a miracle, they often leave behind their "chemical" competitors. However, the use of public money requires some effort, waste of time and regularity of procedures.

How to tighten oval face at home? Tighten facial contours: exercise, masks

Face masks

It should not be assumed that the pull-up masks and creams are a panacea for aging skin. But they should be an integral element in the complex procedures for rejuvenation of the skin and its moisture. In addition, at the first sign of wilting Masks are base means for facial skin care.

Honey mask

This procedure is able to surprise any woman that wants to tighten facial contours. So, we need: two spoonfuls of quality of liquid honey, one spoon juice of any citrus fruit and a spoonful of dry clay. If the clay was not at hand, it can be replaced and the usual meal, which is at any housewife. Juice is not necessary to buy in the store, it will be much more useful to overcome the liquid from the fresh fruit. Before testing the mask, do not be amiss to make sure there are no allergies to honey - for this you need only to put it in the crook of the elbow and leave for a few minutes. If everything is in order, you can proceed to the preparation of masks: a clay powder or flour should be pre-diluted in a little water until the consistency of liquid text. The resulting mass is put together with the honey and the juice spoon (available lemon, orange or grapefruit juice). Mix the resulting solution until uniform and applied to the skin. Treatment time - about 15 minutes. After this, you will wash and apply to the skin moisturizer. Another useful product of which are pull-face masks - gelatin. Inherently Gelatin is a proteinaceous product as it is produced from animal connective tissues (cartilage, tendons, skin and bones). And it is the protein responsible for skin firmness and elasticity. Gelatin, which is rich in collagen split, able to whiten the skin, tighten it, and even smooth dark spots. In order to properly dissolve the gelatin should be guided by the instructions written on the package. Only then it can be blended with other ingredients necessary for the preparation of a mask.

The gelatin mask

Ideal for aging, and what could be honest, sagging skin, and cooked very simply. One teaspoon of powder is diluted with a little water, and then sent to be heated in a water bath. To the melted mass is added a spoonful of mashed fruit. If the facial skin is prone to dryness, the mask can be supplemented pulp persimmon, apricot, melon, avocado and mandarin. For oily skin is perfect grapefruit, pear, cherry, red currant and cranberry. If the skin is combination or normal, fresh ingredients will be a peach, kiwi or grapes. We return to the nutritive mixture preparation. After mixing the components have to mask cool. Then, the resulting product can be put on the face and leave it to soak for 20-25 minutes. After this time, do not forget to wash off the mask swab moist and apply a cream.

The mask of potato

Tighten facial contours in the home will also help ordinary mashed potatoes. The only thing that is important to remember - preparing it without salt, pepper and other seasonings. Cooled down to a comfortable temperature, the mass must be applied on the face and neck. After 20 minutes, puree can be removed with your fingers and wash with water.

How to tighten oval face at home? Tighten facial contours: exercise, masks


The term "lifting" more related to professional medical procedures. However, to refresh the skin and tighten facial contours can be folk remedies, and the result of their application can not be worse. The first assistant in this difficult matter for us to get a simple egg white and firming cream. After applying to the face of any loved one on top of the cream evenly applied raw egg white. The mask can be held only until the first signs of drying, and after their appearance should immediately wash it off with water.

Correction of an oval face is also carried out with the help of a medical dirt, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy nearby. Grown it with water or milk until the state of a liquid paste. The milk used in the recipe, if the skin is prone to dryness. The resulting mass is applied to clean skin for 15-20 minutes. After this time the mixture was washed with water. Although even after a single application of the mask you can see the effect should not be limited to a single procedure. In the important regularity. And in this case, this assertion is justified.

Tighten facial contours without surgery, a simple cosmetic clay. To prepare an effective means enough to dissolve the powder with water and add a few drops of natural essential oils. Of course, as always, the mixture is applied only on the face and around the eyes and lips remained intact. Care should be taken to mask all the time remained wet, otherwise it will cease to act nutrients. That is why a person must be constantly wet with water at room temperature for 20 minutes. The procedure should be repeated a few months in a row twice a week.


Modeling the face mask - is not the only means of preserving youth and beauty. There are other ways of how tighten oval face at home. The most effective of these is feysbilding. In English language the term sounds like "construction of the person." Sonorous name is quite justified, because thanks to this system, every woman can effortlessly pull the oval of the face. The exercises are not too complex, but to get the result required diligence and regularity.

Experts recommend doing feysbildingom all ladies over 40 years old. However, this does not mean that everything else you need to sit back and wait until the cherished date. Prevention - the best way to tighten the face and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

What results can be achieved?

First of all, a face lift gets rid of nasolabial folds. This defect arises from the tension of the facial muscles, but not every woman is able to control their emotional state without regular training. In this case, feysbilding help 100%.

Following result - a healthy complexion. As with any massage, this system provides a rush of blood to the face, and therefore rejuvenates the skin. Among other things, the skin takes on its former elasticity and gets rid of sagging.

Facelift using feysbildinga

  1. Place the fingers of both hands on his forehead, so that the ring finger touch the eyebrows. Now you need to raise an eyebrow, encountering resistance. Repeat several times. How to tighten oval face at home? Tighten facial contours: exercise, masks
  2. tightly with lids, and then open your eyes in such a way as if they get out of their orbits. Repeat. How to tighten oval face at home? Tighten facial contours: exercise, masks
  3. The next exercise - for cheeks. Put your fingers on the cheeks closer to the corners of the mouth and try to smile (again through resistance). How to tighten oval face at home? Tighten facial contours: exercise, masks
  4. Exercise for the skin around the eyes - press your fingers to the outer corners of his eyelids and tighten your lower eyelids. Repeat one more time. How to tighten oval face at home? Tighten facial contours: exercise, masks
  5. The index and middle finger are placed on the corners of the eyes. This should be done carefully so that instead of a positive effect not get back. Then the eyes need to pick up, while pushing on the skin. How to tighten oval face at home? Tighten facial contours: exercise, masks

Correction of facial contours will be more effective if applied after gymnastics firming cream.

Useful tips for those wishing to permanently preserve the freshness and youthfulness of the skin

  1. Stop smoking. Women who are thinking about how to tighten oval face at home, often forget about their bad habits. They spend a fortune to cosmetologists and pull-up funds, while for a significant change is required only to give up cigarettes. Think about it.
  2. Walk for at least one hour per day. The benefits of fresh air, you will feel in a few days and a fine figure in a month will be for you a bonus to a smooth complexion.
  3. Facelift Snack happen if carefully monitor the cleanliness of the skin. Pamper and moisturize your skin, do not forget about the weekly home peels and masks.
  4. How do I tighten oval face at home and save the result for a long time? Change the habit! Get comfortable pillow for sleeping better cooling effect. Watch for facial expressions, so as not to provoke the appearance of new wrinkles. And stop frowning - life is beautiful at any age, so enjoy it to the fullest!